

《北京犯罪報告10: 丰台》












































“2007.08.07” Report on the murder of Yang Hongfen in Dahongmen, Fengtai District

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Case number: A1101064100002007080035

At about 22:17 on August 7, 2007, a man dialed 110 by telephone (13681559031) to report to the police that a woman fell to the ground at No. 63 Dahongmen Xiqian Street, Fengtai District, Beijing, covered in blood. The police from the Dahongmen Police Station in Fengtai District dispatched the police after receiving the call. They found a female body at the scene with a head injury. After the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Fengtai Branch received the report, Zhao Leiping, the deputy director of our bureau, and Pan Fusheng, the head of the Criminal Investigation Detachment, led our technical team Captain Li Hai, Gu Xiaojun forensic doctor, and investigators of the serious crime team to the scene. Under the on-site guidance of the chief criminal technician and forensic doctor of the Municipal Criminal Investigation Corps, Shi Zhanping, the deputy detachment leader, and Liu Zengxu, the captain, carried out the investigation and visit work.

1. On-site investigation

The scene is located between No. 60 and No. 61, Dahongmen Xiqian Street, Fengtai District, Beijing. A female body was found at the scene, lying on her back with her head north and her feet south. Blood was spattered on both sides of the body. No signs of disturbance were found at the temporary residence of the deceased. Five Hongmei brand cigarette butts were extracted next to the deceased. After work, the same male DNA was extracted from the two cigarette butts.

The wounds of the deceased were mainly concentrated on the head and face, and the murder weapon tended to be smooth, easy to swing and blunt.

2. The identity of the deceased

According to the identity-related items found in No. 60, Dahongmen Xiqian Street, Fengtai District, Beijing, the temporary residence of the deceased, the investigators of the Second Serious Case Team of our country contacted the Niejiahe Town Police Station in Yidu City, Hubei Province, China by phone. It was verified that the deceased was Yang Hongfen, nicknamed “Little Budian”, female, born on September 2, 1969, and registered in the second group of Zhafangwan Village, Niejiahe Town, Yidu City, Hubei Province, China.

     3. Visits and investigations

(1) Wang Siqiang (male, 51 years old, from Chaoyang District, Beijing, 13681559031) and Liu Fengan (male, 65 years old, from Chongwen District, Beijing, currently residing at No. 63 Dahongmen Xiqian Street, Fengtai District, Beijing, 13366035316), At about 21:00 on August 7, Wang Siqiang went to the home of his friend Liu Fengan. At about 21:50, after Wang Siqiang left, he found that he had left the cigarette and lighter at Liu Fengan’s house. Then he went back to Liu’s house from another alley to get things. When passing by the north-south alley in front of Liu’s house, I felt that my feet stepped on something. It was later discovered that it was a woman lying on the ground with blood on her face. Wang Siqiang touched the woman’s neck and felt that she had died. After Wang went to Liu’s house and told Liu about the situation, Liu used Wang’s mobile phone to call 110 to call the police.

(2) Landlord of the deceased’s temporary residence: Zhao Guangde (male, 45 years old, from Dongcheng District, Beijing, 13671079790) reported that his house at No. 60 Dahongmen Xiqian Street has been rented to a man named Yang since the beginning of 2005. woman. The woman is in her 30s, about 150 centimeters tall, of medium build, and is either from Hunan or Hubei. The monthly rent is 120 yuan, and I usually live alone. Claiming to open a canteen nearby, but I haven’t seen it opened anywhere. I usually have a good relationship with a man with a Beijing accent. He is about 47 or 8 years old, about 172 cm tall, with a medium build and a square face. He lives not far from the scene. Because I often see this man walking in pajamas to find a woman surnamed Yang. In 2006 and early this year, the man’s wife came to the residence of the woman surnamed Yang and quarreled with the woman surnamed Yang, saying that the woman surnamed Yang was a “slut”.

(3) Sun Lianyi (male, 54 years old, Beijinger), owner of No. 59 Dahongmen Xiqian Street, reflected: (1) At about 21:30 on August 7, Sun Zai was 20 to 30 meters west of the north entrance of the alley where the scene was located. Chat with the man surnamed Tian at the canteen. At about 21:40, Sun saw the deceased walking past the canteen from west to east, followed by a man six or seven meters behind him, and they turned back and forth into the alley where the scene was located. At about 22:00, Sun heard from others that a woman fell to the ground with blood on her head in the alley where Sun’s family lived, and then Sun went home. The man behind the deceased was about 30 years old, about 160 cm tall, thin, wearing a white T-shirt and blue trousers, with a long oval face, crew cut, and empty hands. Sun had never seen this man before. (2) From 17:30 to 21:30 on August 7, Sun was squatting in front of his house. During this time, Sun did not notice that the deceased or the suspicious person entered or exited the gate of the deceased’s courtyard, during which he entered the house for about 10 minutes at 19:30. At about 20:30, Sun saw a man riding a motorcycle appearing at the south end of the alley at the scene, coming from east to west, and parked the motorcycle at the northwest corner of the alley entrance. Afterwards, the man went directly to the door of the deceased, knocked on the door and shouted “open the door”, but there was no response from the house. The man waited at the door for more than 20 minutes, then left on a motorcycle to the west. The name of the man knocking on the door is unknown, 40-50 years old, about 170 cm tall, fat, square face, crew cut, dark complexion, small eyes, wearing a dark blue short-sleeved shirt and dark blue trousers, empty-handed. He was driving a disabled motorcycle with a green hood, a red body, and a yellow license plate, but he didn’t see the license plate number. He might be from the vicinity of Shazikou, Beijing. I used to ride three-wheeled manpower at the Shazikou Stationery Market, but in the past three years I drove motorcycles at the Jingwen Market in Muxiyuan and at the gate of Dahongmen Commercial City. I have been to the deceased’s house several times before, and sometimes take the deceased out for dinner. (3) The deceased lived at No. 60 Dahongmen Xiqian Street since the fall of 2004. Usually engaged in prostitution activities, the frequency of picking up customers is relatively high. Most of the guests are drivers of nearby motorcycles, cart pullers, etc. Since 2004, there has been a “Pang Jianer”, surnamed Zhao, about 54 years old, about 170 cm tall, thin, with a small square face. I usually drive motorcycles near the Jingwen Market, and live in the tower building of the Dongli community in Nursery. There should be a wife and a daughter at home.

(4) Li Dangwei (male, 27 years old, from Ruzhou City, Henan Province, China, 13241864163), who rents at No. 59 Dahongmen Xiqian Street, reported that at about 20:00 on August 7, Li returned to his temporary residence. At about 20:40, I stayed at the door after eating. At this time, I saw a man walking south along the alley in front of the door, stood at the door of No. 60 for a few seconds and looked into the door. After walking to the south end of the alley and turning west, Li went back to his room to sleep. At about 21:00, Li heard the sound of someone urinating outside the window. He went out and saw the man just now urinating under the window of No. 60 resident, and looked into No. 60 window from time to time. The man walked south after urinating. At about 21:40, Li saw a man smoking a cigarette sitting on the steps at the south end of the alley. At about 22:00, a man was heard shouting “open the door” to the door of No. 60. A woman’s voice in the room said “sleeping”, “my husband will be back in a while”, and then there was no sound. The man peeing, in his 40s, about 160 cm tall, short hair, round face, pointed chin, overweight, wearing a light-colored half-sleeve top and dark-colored trousers, swayed from side to side when walking, and slanted his back from right to left satchel.

(5) Xiao Meijuan (female, 27 years old, female, 27 years old, from Ji’an County, Jiangxi Province, China, temporarily living in a rented house at No. 42 Xiqian Street, 67253697), the owner of the small shop, reported that a man went to his small shop between 20:00 and 22:00 on August 7 Bought a box of red plum cigarettes. I once saw a man driving a motorcycle from the commissary and heading west. The man driving the car looked like a man buying cigarettes. The man is about 50 years old, about 170 cm tall, overweight, and has never seen this man before.

(6) The owner of No. 68 Dahongmen Xiqian Street, Chen Baoxiang (male, 59 years old, from Fengtai District, Beijing, 13551246220), reported that at about 19:30 on August 7, he went outside the gate of No. 68 courtyard, which is Xiao Meijuan’s Enjoy the shade on the northwest side of the canteen. At this time, I saw an east-west alley opposite, and a motorcycle (green car roof, eighth-floor new) was parked by the north wall more than 30 meters east, with its head facing west. At about 20 o’clock, a man was found walking from Dongyan Hutong and stepped on a puddle with one foot. Afterwards, the man bought a pack of cigarettes at the canteen and returned east along the alley. At this time, he saw that the man’s right foot was a little lame, and when he walked near the motorcycle, the man sat down on the steps near the south wall. Facing north and facing a north-south alley (that is, the alley where the scene is located), he started to smoke, and the man shined a flashlight on the parked motorcycle for about 10 minutes. At this time, the deceased walked eastward from the west side of the alley, followed by a man pushing a 28 bicycle. Four or five minutes before the deceased, the smoking man got up and entered the north-south alley. Walking back and forth three or four times lasted for about 10 minutes, and then continued to sit on the steps and smoke. Chen Baoxiang felt that the smoking man was suspicious, so he walked eastward and passed in front of the smoking man. Turned around and came back to find that the man was still sitting on the steps smoking. At about 21:15, when Chen Baoxiang went home to sleep, the man still did not leave the steps. A man who buys cigarettes, about 50 years old, about 173 cm tall, slightly fat, short cut, black hair, round face, dark skin, wearing a dark coat, dark trousers and a pair of slippers (probably blue), with a slight right leg Lame, with a black bag slung across his back from left shoulder to right. Never seen the man before.

4. Detection situation

In November 2011, the relevant technical department notified our team that the DNA of Wang Jianzhong, who was dealt with in a public security case in 2008, was found to be the same as the DNA extracted from the cigarette butt at the scene of the crime on August 7, 2007. The investigators of our team immediately started working on Wang Jianzhong. However, after investigating Wang Jianzhong’s identity and fingerprints, Wang Jianzhong’s suspicion of committing the crime was ruled out. However, it was discovered at work that a man who drove a “Heymore” had been using Wang Jianzhong’s identity for a long time. It was determined through work that the real identity of the man was Li Yanming (male, Han nationality, born on January 1, 1969, from Shenzhou City, Hebei Province, China). The person has been operating “Heimo’s” around Dahongmen Jingwen Market for a long time. After work, Li Yanming was arrested at 13:00 on February 13, 2012 in front of Dahongmen Jingwen Market. After interrogation, the suspect Li Yanming hit the head of the “little boy” (the deceased) with a hammer on August 7, 2007 in Xiqian Street, Dahongmen, Fengtai District, causing the deceased to die of severe craniocerebral injury.

  So far, the case has been solved.

Serious Case Second Squad, Criminal Investigation Detachment, Fengtai Branch

February 14, 2012