


今年以来,按照中央公安部以及市委市政府胸社会管理创新工作的要求,我局积极开展人口服务管理全覆盖体系建设,强化基层基础工作,不断满足社区居民对社会治安公共服务的新期待和新要求。9月20日,市局召开实有人口服务管理全覆盖体系建设试点工作部署会议,标志着此项工作在全市范围进入实际建设阶段。市局局长傅政华出席会议并讲话,实有人口服务管理全覆盖体系。 是按照居住地管理的原则,充分发挥社区户籍人口流动人口和境外人员的积极性,参与社区的基础管理工作,共同推进和谐社区建设。即日起,我军将用3个月的时间,在昌平分局所有派出所和其他分县局的19个派出所完成星期试点工作,期间将对辖区建筑物居住社区人员进行信息采集摸底,同时对无门牌号的房屋。 编制粘贴临时排行会上,傅政华局长指出,实有人口服务管理工作是全部工作的第一基础,也是社会管理的核心任务。今后一段时期,要将此项工作作为以警务创新推动社会管理创新的基础工程,着力解决不适应形势发展的瓶颈性问题,在人口服务管理的体制机制手段方法等各个方面实现突破。市局副局长高出席了会议。

The pilot work of building a full-coverage system for population service management in Beijing has been fully launched

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Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Jinlu, Population, Liu Tao, Household Registration, Community, Changping, West Chang’an Street Police Station, Fu Zhenghua, Gao Yu

Since the beginning of this year, in accordance with the requirements of the Central Ministry of Public Security and the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government’s social management innovation work, our bureau has actively carried out the construction of a full-coverage system for population service management, strengthened the basic work at the grassroots level, and continuously met the new expectations and new expectations of community residents for social security public services. Require. On September 20, the Municipal Bureau held a deployment meeting for the pilot work of the construction of a full-coverage system of actual population service management, marking that this work has entered the actual construction stage within the city. Fu Zhenghua, Director of the Municipal Bureau, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. There is indeed a full-coverage population service management system. According to the principle of residence management, give full play to the enthusiasm of floating population and overseas personnel in the community, participate in the basic management of the community, and jointly promote the construction of a harmonious community. From now on, our army will use three months to complete the weekly pilot work in all police stations of the Changping Sub-bureau and 19 police stations of other sub-county bureaus. house number. At the meeting for preparing and pasting the temporary rankings, Director Fu Zhenghua pointed out that the management of real population services is the first foundation of all work and the core task of social management. For a period of time to come, this work will be taken as a basic project to promote innovation in social management through police innovation, focus on solving bottleneck problems that do not adapt to the development of the situation, and achieve breakthroughs in various aspects such as the system, mechanism, means and methods of population service management. Gao Yu, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau, attended the meeting.