

身怀爱警之心,善谋爱警之策。多做爱警之事,自然是离招财处开设24小时食堂,为民警提供全天候的就餐服务。大家都知道咱们中医民警工作中的话节奏快,平时经常会因为忙于手头的事务而错过了用餐时间。而最近相信很多人已经发现了无论您什么时候来到食堂,都可以吃到热腾腾的饭菜。近日,市局机关的民警在食堂就餐时,会发现墙上先出现了24小时餐厅5个红。 这个大字,就是市局中才数深入践行紧密主导正规外景推动2名工作人员的一项新举措从民警最关心最直接最现实的最方面的入手,自6月30日起,在机关食堂全面实行24小时共餐制度。为了保证24小时共餐制度的顺利实施,市局宣传处客户时间表业务中招工难等问题进行电汇食堂工作人员卡安排优秀厨师和24小时电销岗位,全力保证非正餐时段的饮食质量。 差不多风华对完了,只是说升级到13秒,然后沟通作用呢,非常重视啊,正好是王亲自带队准备工作,然后在2天的时间内就完成主要投资失衡的建立工作,机关食堂精度也是一名24小时。餐厅运行平稳,平均每天计价110人次操非正交实验就餐全面做好。军事民警在加班后或错时就餐过程中的木箱保障。与此同时,石头蚂蚁身上的酱菜和周到的服务赢得了广大民警的认可。 因为我们这个班坐班。 有点不可能,全来也只能是倒着来。这样还是小型的极大程度。 一夜间,机关食堂可以给民警提供重要的服务。食堂的厨师实行两班倒位值班制度,确保从晚上19时至次日七时随时有除非是热饭菜,现在是晚上9点,我们看看食堂里现在有民警个人用餐,咱们一起来看一下这夜宵质量怎么样。虽然你家就像没有流入较少,但是机关食堂却一点也没有降低饭菜的质量。食堂那边加班的民警提供了7到8种不同的菜品,还准备有面条水饺馒头午饭。 主持人。另外,食堂专门购置了保温工程放饭菜,保证民警随时来随时可以吃到热腾腾的饭菜。 你想吃什么点? 咱们这个伙食怎么样啊?今天消您觉得挺好的。 起码得有口热饭吃了就你没有那口味怎么样?合您口吗? 我选择了俄罗斯也是概念。从领导要下来,除了挣钱以外有别的编导或者出去工作回来以后我市场我们,呃,最起码有那个服务和市场,在各种情况下都是都是特种兵在24小时餐厅的组件,使广大民警在工作岗位上也感受到了一份香,很温暖。

The cafeteria of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau provides 24-hour dining services for the police

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With a heart of loving the police, he is good at planning strategies to love the police. To do more things to love the police, it is natural to open a 24-hour canteen at the Licai Office to provide all-weather dining services for the police. We all know that our TCM police work in a fast-paced way, and we often miss the meal time because we are busy with the affairs at hand. Recently, I believe that many people have discovered that no matter when you come to the cafeteria, you can have hot meals. Recently, when the policemen of the Municipal Bureau were eating in the cafeteria, they would find that 5 red signs of the 24-hour restaurant first appeared on the wall. This big character is a new measure of the Municipal Bureau’s in-depth practice and close leadership of the regular location to promote two staff members. Starting from the most concerned, most direct, most realistic and most aspects of the police, starting from June 30, in the office cafeteria Fully implement the 24-hour shared meal system. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the 24-hour shared meal system, the Publicity Department of the Municipal Bureau has implemented problems such as the difficulty of recruiting workers in the customer schedule business, and has arranged for outstanding chefs and 24-hour telemarketing posts by wire transfer canteen staff cards, so as to ensure the quality of meals during non-dinner hours. Fenghua is almost finished, just said to upgrade to 13 seconds, and then the communication function is very important. It happened that Wang personally led the preparation work, and then completed the establishment of the main investment imbalance within 2 days. The accuracy of the canteen is also One 24 hours. The restaurant is running smoothly, with an average of 110 person-times per day, and the non-orthogonal experiment dining is fully completed. Wooden crate protection for military and civilian police during overtime or during meals at the wrong time. At the same time, the pickles and thoughtful service on the stone ants have won the recognition of the majority of the police. Because our class sits in class. It’s a bit impossible, and it can only be done backwards. This is still very small. Overnight, the office canteen can provide important services to the police. The chefs in the cafeteria implement a two-shift duty system to ensure that there are always meals from 19:00 p.m. How is the quality of this supper. Although your home does not seem to have less influx, the quality of food in the office cafeteria has not been reduced at all. The overtime policemen in the cafeteria provided 7 to 8 different dishes, and also prepared noodles, dumplings and steamed buns for lunch. host. In addition, the cafeteria has specially purchased heat preservation projects to store meals to ensure that the police can eat hot meals at any time. What would you like to eat? How is our food? You feel pretty good today. At least you have to have a mouthful of hot food, how about you don’t have that taste? Do you like it? I chose Russia is also a concept. From the leadership, there are other choreographers and directors besides earning money, or after I go out to work, I will market us, uh, at least there will be services and markets. The majority of policemen also feel a sense of fragrance and warmth in their workplaces.