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Evaluating Jiang Zemin is not as good as evaluating Deng Xiaoping, because Jiang Huxi, even Baozi, has not yet escaped Deng Xiaoping’s reform and opening up framework.

1. How long is the historical dimension to evaluate Jiang Zemin, 20 years or 200 years?

2. Jiang Zemin’s self-evaluation -> political legacy, failure to break tenure

3. Laid-off and entry into WTO

4. Family planning

5. Falun Gong and Live Organ Harvesting

6. Corruption

1. How long is the historical dimension to evaluate Jiang Zemin, 20 years or 200 years?

From the perspective of 20 years, the reform and opening up is correct.

The 200-year dimension is wrong.

Fukuzawa Yukichi talked about people’s hearts, systems, and utensils. The correct sequence corresponding to Chinese history should be the New Culture Movement, the Revolution of 1911, and the Westernization Movement. But Chinese history is the other way around. For the Enlightenment scar literature after the Cultural Revolution, He Shang is equivalent to the New Culture Movement, and June Fourth is equivalent to the Revolution of 1911 but failed. As a result, Deng Xiaoping launched the Westernization Movement again, that is, reform and opening up. ruined the future of China. Poverty is socialism. If a rich socialism is built, it is a freak, and wealth is destined to be wiped out. The richer China is, the more it will fail, and the more it will run wildly on the road to the cliff. Clearing/real estate bubble/being beaten up by the U.S. military is the end of the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War. The richer you are, the more you feel that China’s garbage culture is good, and the less you can embrace the real civilized values. Westernization Movement >> Revolution of 1911 >> New Culture Movement. He Shang>>June 4th>>reopened. China has gone through an endless loop twice without any progress.

In fact, Wen Jiabao probably had the same idea. He said that without political reform, the results of economic reform would also be lost.

If China does not start with the New Culture Movement or the Enlightenment Movement, there will be no change in people’s hearts.

It is wrong to carry out reform and opening up. China has become rich, and without the guarantee of the system, the wealth will eventually be wiped out.

Xi Jinping has only more or less accelerated this process. The essence of socialism is poverty, and Baozi wants to return to this fundamental socialist state.

Therefore, we must first determine how many years to use to evaluate Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, and Jiang Zemin.

Let’s see how Mao Dengjiang evaluates himself

2. Jiang Zemin’s self-evaluation -> political legacy, failure to break tenure

Mao Zedong’s self-assessment is that I have done two things in my life. One is to fight against Chiang Kai-shek for so many decades and drive him to so many islands. Another thing you all know is to launch the ‘Cultural Revolution’.

In Deng Xiaoping’s self-evaluation, several items admitted that the anti-rightist movement was wrong, which is an account of history. Regarding the future, in the summer of 1993, Deng Xiaoping specifically mentioned about the publication of the third volume of “Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping”: “What we have been doing all along cannot be shaken. We must persist and cannot change this line.”

Compared with Mao Deng, it is easy to evaluate Jiang Zemin. After Deng Xiaoping, after Jiang, Hu, and Xi, the reform and opening up began to go bankrupt, and it has not yet completely gone bankrupt. If Baozi’s third re-election is regarded as Deng Xiaoping’s most important political legacy, breaking the life tenure of the supreme leader fails. After Deng Xiaoping died in 1997, it will be 25 years until 2022.

If we take a 25-year dimension, Deng Xiaoping’s political line lasted for 25 years, and Mao Zedong died on September 9, 1976. On October 6, the Gang of Four was arrested, and Mao Zedong’s political legacy lasted less than a month.

What about Jiang Zemin?

Jiang Zemin’s own summary is: “When I arrived in Beijing, I have done nothing else for more than ten years. There are about three things. One is to establish a socialist market economy. The second is to include Deng Xiaoping Theory in the party constitution. The third , is the “Three Represents”. If there is still a little achievement, the army is not allowed to do business. I have served as the chairman of the Military Commission for 15 years. The 1998 flood fight is also very important. But these are secondary, and my main focus is on three things.” (Talk during inspection of China United Engineering Corporation, April 23, 2009 , Hangzhou)

Just look at the timeline according to the three things he said

On September 19, 2004, Jiang Zemin resigned as chairman of the Military Commission.

On November 11, 2021, Baozi tried to get rid of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the Three Representatives at the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee and failed.

On October 3, 2022, Jiang Zemin released his birthday photos.

On October 22, 2022, Hu Jintao was dragged away from the 20th Congress by Baozi.

On November 30, 2022, Jiang Zemin died.

The moment Hu Jintao was dragged away by Baozi, it was equivalent to the political legacy of Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin being dragged away.

Deng, Jiang, and Hu all retired, but Baozi did not. Isn’t Jiang Zemin’s retirement a joke?

One month before Jiang Zemin died, his political legacy went bankrupt. Might as well die 3 months sooner.

Out of sight out of mind. For nothing to support these three months, it is better to say that Jiang Zemin was extubated by Baozi, rather than saying that he was mad at him to death by Baozi.


Mao Zedong’s political legacy: the Cultural Revolution, lasted less than a month after his death.

From September 9, 1976, when Ba Rou died to October 6, when the Gang of Four was arrested.

Deng Xiaoping’s Legacy: Reform and Opening Up and the Breaking of the Supreme Leader’s Lifetime Tenure. It lasts for 25 years after death.

He died on February 19, 1997, and on October 22, 2022, Hu Jintao was dragged away from the 20th Congress by Baozi.

Jiang Zemin’s political legacy: Breaking the life tenure of the supreme leader, which was defeated one month before his death.

On October 22, 2022, Hu Jintao was dragged away from the 20th Congress by Baozi. On November 30, 2022, Jiang Zemin died.

In fact, this article can end here. Are the other few questions important?

3. Laid-off and entry into WTO

4. Family planning

5. Falun Gong and Live Organ Harvesting

6. Corruption

3. Laid-off and entry into WTO

Regarding the issue of laid-off workers, public ownership is the root of all evil. The only thing Jiang Zemin and Zhu Rongji did wrong was that not enough workers were laid off, and the elimination of state-owned enterprises was not thorough enough. Eliminating all state-owned enterprises is tantamount to eliminating the Communist Party. The current state-owned enterprises have once again become a tool for the blood-sucking Chinese to give blood to the Communist Party. Back then, Zhu Rongji retained some state-owned enterprises. Even if he wanted to continue blood transfusions to the Communist Party in the future, he was powerless at the time.

After joining the WTO, China’s economy took off. If it did not join the WTO, China’s GDP may only be one-fifth of what it is now. Now that Baozi has been re-elected for the third time, if a supply and marketing cooperative is established in the future, Deng Jianghu’s status in party history will be removed. Not only the bankruptcy of Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin’s market economy, reform and opening up, but also the bankruptcy of the US Democratic Party’s China policy. It is hoped that China’s economic development will move towards democratization, a complete failure, wishful thinking, or an insincere lie.

Therefore, reform and opening up is correct in the historical dimension of 20 years, but completely wrong in the historical dimension of 200 years. It is a detour in history. Instead of engaging in the New Culture Movement, what kind of Westernization Movement? If we don’t engage in political reforms or democratization reforms, what kind of economic reforms should we engage in? According to Wen Jiabao, the final results of economic reform cannot be kept. It is inevitable that the clearing of steamed stuffed buns will collapse the Chinese economy today. Of course, some people say that it is not cleared, but the aging population and financial bubbles have brought down the Chinese economy.

China likes to talk about Japan, talking about Japan’s aging and economic stagnation, and saying that it gets old before it gets rich. What qualifications does China have to compare with Japan? Even the richest man like Ma Yun is like a bereaved dog, hiding in Tokyo. Japan has democracy and the rule of law, but China has a fart?

China has built its economic building on the foundation of sand, and now when the countercurrent of Baozi comes, it will be washed away.

Another thing is to touch porcelain in Latin America, saying that China is Latin America, and Latin America is a democratic country, okay?

China can’t even guarantee the basic wealth and life of the richest man, and they still touch porcelain everywhere.

4. Family planning

5. Falun Gong and Live Organ Harvesting

I have a piece of criminal evidence on this matter. I will slowly organize and publish. This evidence is not live organ harvesting, but a case of large-scale involvement of the military in organ trading. After all, organ transplantation is not an operation that can be performed in a small workshop, but requires a large hospital. Among the evidence are the names of the donors and recipients, and a list of doctors who were operated on by the military involved in the organ trade.

The key is not Jiang Zemin’s period, but the period when Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping were the leaders of the Military Commission.

Live harvesting started with Jiang Zemin, but Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping did not stop.

There are many things to figure out the cause and effect relationship.

Don’t use the result to explain the reason. Without Falun Gong, China would not have a democratic system, a system ruled by law, and organ trafficking and corruption would still exist.

6. Corruption

Corruption is not a problem at all. To say that corruption started to become serious during the Jiang Zemin period is a bit of an explanation of the cause with the result. It’s just because China’s economy just started to develop during Jiang Zemin’s period. It is reasonable to say that Baozi Qingling’s three years should make some people sober. Corruption is nothing more than a form of taxation. Less successful democracies in Latin America also have corruption, which should be governed by law.

So why is China touching Latin American countries? At least the richest man doesn’t have to run away. The safety of the richest man cannot be guaranteed, so how can we talk about ordinary people?

Baozi’s selective anti-corruption campaign against political opponents is used as a tool of centralization. Relying on Wang Qishan’s anti-corruption momentum, Sun Zhengcai was taken down, and he was re-elected for the last three times. Clearing up makes you lose your job and eat. Which is the greater evil, zeroing or corruption?

Guo Wengui broke the news and let Wang Qishan’s corruption come to light. The buns themselves are also very corrupt.

It’s stupid to talk about corruption.

Corruption or non-corruption cannot determine the future and destiny of a country or a nation. In other words, corruption is only a result, a phenomenon, not a cause.