




















贵州省公安厅指挥中心编               15























12日,符义勇(男,24岁,绥阳县郑场镇人)、王义娜(女,33岁,绥阳县旺草镇人)到张元均(男,38岁,汇川区团泽镇人)位于红花岗区沙河小区出租房内购买海洛因。36时许, 2人认为海洛因分量不足与张元均理论。符义勇持刀将张元均杀伤后逃离现场,张元均因伤重死亡。目前,犯罪嫌疑人符义勇、王义娜已被刑拘。

















2.安龙县发生一起交通事故 3人死亡




3.遵义县发生一起交通事故 2人死亡 2人受伤






















编辑:吴全勇   审核:陈庆红   签发:熊文灿








 Guizhou Public Security Excerpt [2012] No. 5

Security Digest [2012] Issue 5



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“Guizhou Public Security Excerpt January 2012”

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  Guizhou Public Security Excerpt [2012] No. 5

  Guizhou Public Security Excerpt [2012] No. 6




Security Digest [2012] Issue 5



Law and order summary

[2012] Issue 5

Edited by the Command Center of Guizhou Provincial Public Security Department January 5


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mass incident


1. Some villagers in Dingxin Township, Guanling County went to the provincial government to appeal

At 14:14 on the 5th, more than 30 residents of Dingxin Village, Guanling County, appealed to the provincial government due to land disputes. After work, all the petitioners left at 17:40.


2. Some migrant workers from the No. 7 and No. 9 construction companies in the province petitioned for wages

At 11:10 on the 5th, more than 50 migrant workers from the Provincial Seventh Construction Company and the Ninth Construction Company to build the Yu’an New Village relocation area project gathered in Dongshan Park due to wage arrears. At 11:26, the gathered migrant workers unfurled banners and marched in the direction of the provincial government. At 11:56, the police persuaded the migrant workers to return at the fountain “Gome”. At present, the company has reached an agreement with the migrant workers to pay the wages of the migrant workers on the 6th.


3. Some migrant workers who built Jinrui Huating in Nanming District gathered due to wage issues

At 10:45 on the 5th, more than 40 migrant workers who built the “Jinrui Huating” (located in the Memorial Tower) gathered at the passageway of the “Jinrui Huating” because their wages were owed. After work, at about 20:00, all the migrant workers gathered left.


Criminal case


  1. A murder occurred in Zhuzang Town, Zhijin County

At about 22:00 on January 4, Xu Shaoquan (male, 67 years old), a villager in Qunfeng Village, Zhuzang Town, Zhijin County, was stabbed to the head by his eldest son Xu Guangsheng (male, 42 years old) and died. After understanding, Xu Guangsheng’s family members and neighbors reported that Xu Guangsheng is a mental patient. Currently, Xu Guangsheng has been successfully controlled and is under observation at Kangning Psychiatric Hospital in Zhijin County.


2. The Honghuagang District Bureau cracked a murder case

On January 2, Fu Yiyong (male, 24 years old, from Zhengchang Town, Suiyang County) and Wang Yina (female, 33 years old, from Wangcao Town, Suiyang County) went to Zhang Yuanjun (male, 38 years old, from Tuanze, Huichuan District) town people) bought heroin in a rented house in Shahe Community, Honghuagang District. At 6 o’clock on the 3rd, the two people believed that the heroin was not enough and Zhang Yuanjun’s theory. Fu Yiyong killed Zhang Yuanjun with a knife and fled the scene. Zhang Yuanjun died of his injuries. At present, the suspects Fu Yiyong and Wang Yina have been detained.


3. The Kaili Municipal Bureau detected a murder case in time

At 16:00 on January 3, Yang Xiaokai (male, 45 years old), a villager in Silian Village, Yatang Street, Kaili City, hosted a banquet for villagers Long Ziming (male, 71 years old) and Long Tongjun, who helped him build a house, to drink. At about 18:00, Yang Xiaokai and Long Ziming clashed after drinking, and Yang Xiaokai injured Long Ziming to death. At present, the suspect Yang Xiaokai has been detained, and the case trial is in progress.


4. A burglary case occurred in Dalong Development Zone

At around 3 a.m. on January 5, Luo Shixun (male, 40 years old, from Wanshan District, Tongren City), a shareholder of Longteng Wood Industry Co., Ltd. in Dalong Economic Development Zone, was sleeping in the guard room of the company when three masked men kicked the door with knives. The intruder snatched more than 13,000 yuan (NT$56,000) in cash and bank cards from his clothes, and stabbed Luo Shixun in the leg. Currently, case investigation is in progress.


5. The Honghuagang District Bureau smashed a technical lock-picking and theft criminal gang

On January 3, the police from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Honghuagang District Bureau destroyed a criminal gang that had technically unlocked and burgled a house, and arrested 6 suspects. After investigation, the gang has committed more than 50 burglaries in Honghuagang District, Huichuan District, Zunyi County, Tongzi County and other places since December last year. Currently, the trial of the case is in progress.


security incident


1. A bus from Anhui overturned and fell to the Yumin Bridge of Guixin Expressway while driving to the Yumin Bridge (continued report)

At 18:30 on January 4, when a bus with the plate number Anhui J06318 reached the 176KM+500M point of Guixin Expressway, it rushed down a 15-meter-high bridge, killing 16 people. As of 10:30 on the 5th, two more injured died after rescue efforts failed, bringing the death toll to 18.

(For details, see “Guizhou Public Security Special Report” No. 3)


2. A traffic accident in Anlong County killed 3 people

At 19:30 on January 4th, Lu Sheng (male, 41 years old, from Puping Town, Anlong County) drove the No. Gui E96596 light ordinary truck to the 129km+950m of Line 210, and the No. Gui EU2302 ordinary two-wheeled motorcycle The collision resulted in the death of three motorcycle owners and passengers.

(See “Guizhou Public Security Information Express” No. 5 for details)


3. A traffic accident occurred in Zunyi County, resulting in 2 deaths and 2 injuries

At about 5:30 on January 5, Liu Tao (male, 25 years old, from Shengjie Village, Luban Town, Renhuai City) drove a medium-sized van No. Gui A86223 to the 381km+700m point of G326 line (small place name: Yaxi Lizhi New Village ), collided with Li Jun (male, 25 years old, from Zunyi County), No. Gui A53622 heavy tank truck, Liu Tao and his passenger Liu Zongliang (male, 47 years old, from Shengjie Village, Luban Town, Renhuai City) were on the spot died, and Li Jun and passenger Zhao Mingfa were injured (non-life-threatening). At present, the bodies of the two deceased have been sent to the funeral home in Zunyi County for autopsy, and the investigation and aftermath work is underway.


4. 19 people were slightly injured in a traffic accident on Guiyang Ring Expressway

At 1:5 a.m. on the 5th, a commercial bus collided with a vehicle traveling in the same direction on the Guiyang Ring Expressway, causing 19 minor injuries. At present, all the injured have been sent to the hospital for treatment, and the traffic police department is conducting further investigation into the cause of the accident. After the provincial department received the report, Comrades Yadong, Zehong, and Bisheng all made safety arrangements for the matter.



intelligence information


Immigrants from the Xiangxikou Reservoir in Chishui City entered the province to appeal

On January 4, Chen Wanfeng and Chen Pei, five immigrants from the Xiangxikou Reservoir in Lianghekou Township, Chishui City, went to Guiyang to appeal because they were dissatisfied with the immigration policy, demanding that compensation be paid in accordance with the current compensation standards for land acquisition and that their children be employed. Chen Wanfeng and others claimed to go to the provincial government for a sit-in petition, and to carry out radical behaviors such as “jumping off a building” at the provincial power supply bureau. It is understood that the above-mentioned personnel had gone to the province to petition many times before. After work, on the evening of the 5th, the above-mentioned personnel were persuaded to return by the relevant departments of Chishui City.



1. Comrade Cui Yadong presided over the emergency video conference on strengthening road safety management in the province. Requirements: learn lessons, learn from one example, strengthen measures, and put all police on the road to resolutely curb the momentum of frequent occurrence of major traffic accidents

On the morning of the 5th, Comrade Cui Yadong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Director of the Public Security Department hosted an emergency video conference on strengthening road safety management in the province at the Provincial Public Security Department, conveying and implementing the Provincial Party Committee Secretary Li Zhanshu, Governor Zhao Kezhi, and the Ministry of Public Security Huang Deputy Minister Ming and other leading comrades issued instructions and instructions on the “1.4” serious traffic accident in Guiding County, and reported the recent serious traffic accidents in the whole province, and strengthened the management of road traffic safety. To ensure the smooth flow of road traffic, resolutely curb the occurrence of major traffic accidents, and carry out emergency mobilization and deployment.

(For details, please refer to the fourth issue of “Guizhou Public Security Special Report”)


2. Weather and road traffic conditions in the province

According to the forecast of the Provincial Meteorological Bureau, on January 5, the snowfall trend in our province has weakened. There will be sporadic light rain at night on cloudy days in the western and southern parts of the province. On the 6th, the strength of the cold air weakened during the day, the temperature in various places gradually rose, and the range of snow condensation was significantly reduced.

According to feedback from local and traffic police departments, on the 5th, all expressways and major roads in the province were running normally, and no serious traffic accidents occurred.

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Editor: Wu Quanyong Audit: Chen Qinghong Issued by: Xiong Wencan