

开创性的推行民警驻线制工作模式。2011年3月份开始,铁路工程公安局在辖区铁路轨道交通线路施工现场,推行责任民警驻线制。着力提高施工现场的见警率和管事率,推行民警驻线制以来,铁路工程公安局在各施工现场设有警务工作室,每条施工线路区名一至两名驻线民警和一名专职协警,24小时驻守施工地。开展群众工作,掌握社情民意,化解社会矛盾,监督检查和指导辖区单位做好治安防范等警务活动。另外,为方便群众查找驻线警务工作室,各派出所在施工工地及周边地区公布了出现民警照片和报警求助电话。并在显着位置悬挂驻线民警为您服务灯箱。截止目前铁路工程公安局驻线民警通过与辖区单位内保部门紧密合作,共计核查外来务工人员两万余人,处置各类群体性事件二十五起,处理各类违法案件四十六起,处理违法犯罪嫌疑人8人。 铁路工程公安局民警驻线工作模式保工地平安

Railway Engineering Public Security Bureau’s police stationed on the line work mode to ensure the safety of the construction site related video Pioneering implementation of the work mode of the police station system. Beginning in March 2011, the Railway Engineering Public Security Bureau implemented a system of responsible police stationed at the construction sites of railway rail transit lines in the jurisdiction. Efforts have been made to improve the rate of police presence and management at construction sites. Since the implementation of the police station system, the Railway Engineering Public Security Bureau has set up police offices at each construction site. Each construction line area has one to two police officers and a full-time policeman. Cooperative police stationed at the construction site 24 hours a day. Carry out mass work, grasp social conditions and public opinion, resolve social conflicts, supervise, inspect and guide units in the jurisdiction to do a good job in police activities such as public security and prevention. In addition, in order to facilitate the public to find the stationed police studios, the police stations at the construction site and surrounding areas announced the photos of the police and the call for help. And hang the police station to serve you light box in a prominent position. Up to now, the police stationed by the Railway Engineering Public Security Bureau have worked closely with the internal security departments of the units under their jurisdiction to check a total of more than 20,000 migrant workers, deal with 25 various mass incidents, and deal with 46 various illegal cases. Deal with 8 criminal suspects. Railway Engineering Public Security Bureau’s police stationed on the line work mode to ensure the safety of the construction site