














 来 源:赣州市赣县公安局 发表时间:2012-10-19 10:13:31 关键词:   总阅读:xx次







该局坚持内外联动、协同作战,全面整合条块资源,充分发挥合力优势,提升安全隐患排查整治质效。一是治安打防漏洞排查整治。按照市局 “破案会战”等专项斗争部署要求,该局建立机关部门与派出所捆绑作战、捆绑考核机制,条线部门充分发挥专业优势,会同各派出所全面梳理在手案件及人员线索,为精确打击提供助力。二是交通安全隐患排查整治。加强与交运、农机、城管等部门协作,建立联勤整治机制。同时,整合治安警、交巡警资源,同步开展交通安全隐患排查与治安检查。三是消防安全隐患排查整治。全面整合省厅安全隐患大排查大整治、党的十八大消防安全保卫战、百日集中打防行动等专项行动,整合消防大队和派出所力量,全面加强消防安全监管。在强化隐患排查整改的同时,同步开展消防安全宣传,巩固整治成果。



 Gan County Public Security Bureau comprehensively promotes the “four investigations” to escort the security of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

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Gan County Public Security Bureau comprehensively promotes the “four investigations” to escort the security of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

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  Source: Public Security Bureau of Ganxian County, Ganzhou City Publication time: 2012-10-19 10:13:31 Key words: Total reading: xx times

The Ganxian Public Security Bureau closely combines its own work reality, takes the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as the main line, adheres to local conditions, adapts measures to local conditions, finds out the combination of superior deployment and Liuhe reality, strengthens organizational leadership, mobilizes deployment at all levels, and unifies the overall thinking , Pay close attention to the promotion and implementation, all the police are involved, all the police are involved, and all the police are advancing, comprehensively investigate and rectify outstanding problems that affect social security and stability, and create a safe and harmonious social environment to welcome the victory of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

1. Highlight the key points, clarify the center of gravity, and comprehensively sort out and resolve hidden dangers related to stability. In accordance with the principle of “related to stability, related to development, related to public security”, the Gan County Public Security Bureau comprehensively sorted out, conducted in-depth investigations, and made every effort to resolve various hidden dangers of social conflicts involving the interests of the general public and the risk of instability. The first is to clarify the focus of the investigation. Focusing on serving the overall situation of leapfrog development, scientific development, and striving to be the first to develop, comprehensively sort out and investigate the hidden dangers of instability in prominent social problems such as land acquisition and demolition, enterprise restructuring, and environmental pollution, and closely grasp the core issues reported by the masses and outstanding conflicts of interest focus to ensure the investigation Work vertically to the bottom, horizontally to the side, leaving no dead ends. The second is to scientifically promote the stability assessment. For the hidden dangers of conflicts and disputes identified by sorting out, the bureau will take the lead in reviewing with the County Stability Maintenance Office. For hidden dangers that may indeed cause unstable incidents, invite responsible persons with strong policy professionalism from government departments and industry units involved in specific conflicts and disputes People work together to carry out stability assessment work, predict conflicts and risk points, and study stability control and resolution measures. The third is to make every effort to resolve contradictions. With deep feelings for the masses, the bureau tried its best to solve the reasonable, reasonable, and legal demands put forward by them; it did a good job of explaining and comforting the patience that was difficult to resolve for a while, and actively created conditions to solve them step by step; For the small number of people who tried to make troubles and fish in troubled waters, we insisted on strictly investigating and punishing them in accordance with the law, and played a prestige to deter and disintegrate a group of similar people.

2. Implementing policies according to the individual and controlling by category, comprehensively identifying key personnel for stability control. In the dynamic control and investigation of key personnel, the bureau centered on the goal of “clear background and clear situation”, actively connected with township party committees and governments, comprehensive management forces, and community village group cadres, comprehensively sorted out and investigated key personnel involved in stability, and the spirit of causing accidents Patients, and public security risk elements, jointly implement stabilization and control measures. The first is to stabilize the personnel involved. The bureau organized the national security, legal system, and supervision offices to carry out a comprehensive investigation in conjunction with the police stations according to the division of responsibilities. Through measures such as establishing ledgers and improving basic information, various mechanisms were improved to firmly control various key personnel. The second is the management and control of mental patients. Reorganize the severe mental patients above the third level in the county, and carry out a comprehensive risk assessment for each case of mental patients found in the investigation that may cause accidents, determine the risk level, and implement one person, one policy. For the mentally ill with better family conditions, we provide medical rehabilitation services; for those with difficult family conditions, the local police come to the door every day to grasp the ideological dynamics and actual performance, supervise the use of therapeutic drugs, and actively communicate with the local township party committee, government, and civil affairs , medical care, disabled people’s federation and other departments to coordinate and strive for social assistance. The third is the prevention and control of dangerous elements of public security. For the identified public security risk elements, specific prevention and control measures shall be formulated one by one according to their risk type, degree of risk, and target of the risk. For those who threaten to cause trouble and retaliate against the society due to general conflicts and lose control of their emotions, patiently publicize laws and regulations, the cost of violations and crimes, and strive to eliminate risks through education and counseling; Relevant government departments jointly implement prevention and control measures, and implement special forces to watch the death.

3. Internal and external linkage and coordinated operations to comprehensively investigate and rectify potential safety hazards. The bureau adheres to internal and external linkage and coordinated operations, comprehensively integrates resources, gives full play to the advantages of synergy, and improves the quality and efficiency of safety hazard investigation and rectification. The first is to investigate and rectify security loopholes. In accordance with the special struggle deployment requirements of the Municipal Bureau’s “Battle to Solve Cases”, the bureau has established a bundled operation and assessment mechanism between government departments and police stations. Provide assistance. The second is the investigation and rectification of traffic safety hazards. Strengthen cooperation with transportation, agricultural machinery, urban management and other departments, and establish a joint logistics management mechanism. At the same time, the resources of security police and traffic patrol police are integrated, and traffic safety hidden danger investigation and public security inspection are carried out simultaneously. The third is to investigate and rectify fire safety hazards. Comprehensively integrate special actions such as the major investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards at the provincial and departmental departments, the fire safety defense battle at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the 100-day concentrated anti-prevention action, integrate the strength of the fire brigade and the police station, and comprehensively strengthen fire safety supervision. While strengthening the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers, we will simultaneously carry out fire safety publicity to consolidate the results of the rectification.

4. Promote training with battle, practice internal skills hard, and comprehensively improve the ability to deal with emergencies. The public security organs are the standing army of the party and the government in peaceful times. The bureau has always attached great importance to the construction of emergency response capabilities to ensure that they can “pull out and win” at critical moments, and “go up and withstand” in times of crisis, and bravely challenge It is an important task to maintain social security and stability and protect the safety of people’s lives and property. On the one hand, make a precise plan. Focusing on the deployment requirements of the Municipal Bureau, the Bureau, together with the County Stability Maintenance Office, organized relevant functional departments to further revise and improve various Emergency response plans and programs, including 15 special emergency sub-plans in 5 categories including mass incidents, accidents and disasters, natural disasters, and traffic accidents. On the other hand, strengthen actual combat drills. On the basis of perfecting and perfecting plans and plans, the Bureau pays more attention to accumulating experience and improving capabilities through actual combat exercises, so as to demonstrate the combat effectiveness of public security “good at fighting tough battles and winning tough battles”.