

《四川成都双流文件1: 十八大不稳定因素》









属地       姓名及      基本信息     诱因及主要诉求   诱因    类型       过激的言行          或主要活动   责任落实情况

华阳所河池社区   刘琼仙,女,身份证号码:,现住址:华阳河池社区5组。                  法轮功顽固分子   已落实稳控人员4名(社区书记、主任、治保主任、5组组长)

华阳所河池社区   赖桂英,女,身份证号码:;现住址:华阳桂花园小区                 法轮功顽固分子   已落实稳控人员4名(社区书记、主任、治保主任、民调主任)

华阳所二江寺社区      罗开文,男,身份证号码:;现住址:华阳牧华路三段2359号16栋1单元15楼7号     该人1958年因有反动言论被重庆机械学校开除,1964年被成都市人民法院判刑3年。现要求为其评反。             有严重的反动政治行为和违法思想。       已落实稳控人员5名(社区书记、主任、治保主任、社区民警)

华阳所三江社区   张琼华,女,身份证号码:,户籍地:华阳三江村1社。现住址:西航港街办空港四期63栋2单元2号                   法轮功顽固分子   已落实稳控人员4名(社区书记、主任、治保主任、社区民警)

华阳所三江社区   朱锡强,男,身份证号码:;户籍地:华阳三江村1社。现住址:西航港街办空港四期63栋2单元2号。电话:13980831393.                    法轮功顽固分子   已落实稳控人员4名(社区书记、主任、治保主任、社区民警)

Statistical table of the investigation and action of high-risk personnel involved in stability in the city during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of Huayang Police Station (individuals)

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During the 18th National Congress of the Dalin Institute, the city’s large-scale investigation of high-risk personnel involved in stability (individuals)

Statistical table of Gongxing police station’s large-scale investigation of unstable factors during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (sample form 1)

Statistical table of Gongxing police station’s large-scale investigation of unstable factors during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (sample form 1)

Statistical table of the large-scale investigation of unstable factors in the city during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China at the Airport Police Station (group)

During the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China at the Airport Police Station, the city’s large-scale investigation of high-risk personnel involved in stability (individuals)

Statistical table of the investigation and action of high-risk personnel involved in stability in the city during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of Huayang Police Station (individuals)

Statistical table of Huayang police station’s large-scale investigation of unstable factors during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (group)

Territory Name and basic information Incentives and main appeals Incentives Type Radical words and deeds or main activities Responsibility implementation

Huayangsuo Hechi Community Liu Qiongxian, female, ID number: , current address: Group 5, Huayang Hechi Community. Falun Gong diehards have implemented 4 stability control personnel (community secretary, director, security director, 5 team leaders)

Huayangsuo Hechi Community Lai Guiying, female, ID number:; current address: Huayang Guiyuan Community, Falun Gong diehard, has implemented 4 stability control personnel (community secretary, director, public security director, polling director)

Luo Kaiwen, Erjiangsi Community, Huayang Institute, male, ID number:; current address: No. 7, 15th Floor, Unit 1, Building 16, No. 2359, Section 3, Muhua Road, Huayang. In 1964, he was sentenced to 3 years in prison by the Chengdu Municipal People’s Court. It is now required to comment on it. There are serious reactionary political behaviors and illegal thoughts. 5 stability control personnel have been implemented (community secretary, director, security director, community police)

Zhang Qionghua, female, Sanjiang Community, Huayang Institute, ID number: , household registration place: Community 1, Sanjiang Village, Huayang. Current address: No. 2, Unit 2, Building 63, Airport 4th Phase, Xihanggang Sub-district Office Falun Gong diehards 4 security personnel have been implemented (community secretary, director, public security director, community police)

Huayangsuo Sanjiang Community Zhu Xiqiang, male, ID number:; Household Registration: No. 1 Community, Sanjiang Village, Huayang. Current address: No. 2, Unit 2, Building 63, Airport Phase IV, Xihanggang Street Office. Tel: 13980831393. Falun Gong diehards have implemented 4 stability control personnel (community secretary, director, security director, community police)