

《北京犯罪報告10: 丰台》



























2012 年1 月20 日13 时许,分局接徐德利(男,57 岁,北京市丰台区张郭庄人,太子峪村治保主任)110报警称:他于12 时许,在张郭庄太子峪路巡视。杨家坟村村民徐晓明(男,48 岁)向他反映,3天前在杨家坟村山坡上发现一具半埋在土内的尸体。接报后,姜良栋副局长指挥市局刑侦总队、情报信息中心、十二总队会同丰台分局成立项目组开展工作。

经勘查,死者为女性,死因系机械性窒息死亡。死亡时间最长可达一个月以上。法医鉴定显示该女子生前有与男子发生性关系的迹象。初步认定此案系一起故意杀人案,该现场系抛尸现场。经项目组论证,抛尸现场超过一个月才被发现,周边人迹罕至、交通不便,外来人员如要抛尸需要穿过杨家坟村,因此犯罪嫌疑人的落脚点极可能就在现场附近。据此,项目组决定从现场勘查、查找尸源、调查访问、调取监控等方面开展侦查工作。主要是以现场为中心,以杨家坟村内(杨家坟村共有住户119户,常住人口共400人,其中男性204人。共有出租房22户,其中男性暂住人口53人)具备独居条件适龄男性为重点,逐户进行摸排。专案组先后在杨家坟村及周边太子峪陵园及枣园排查304人,并逐人抽血送检。2 月14 日,项目组接市局法医中心回馈:该案送检血样及DNA 样本经鉴定与一名叫李万龙(男,39 岁,中国新疆石河子市人)的男子血样DNA 认定同一。该男子现暂住张郭庄杨家坟73 号出租房,系在京上访人员。接此线索后,项目组于14 日16 时在李万龙的暂住地将他抓获。

在前期审查中,李万龙拒不供认犯罪事实。在刑事拘留手续入所后,通过两个小时审查,嫌疑人李万龙最终供述:他于2011 年9 月,在北京南站附近认识一李姓上访女子(40余岁,具体姓名不详,东北人),并帮该女子写上访材料。2011 年11 月,该女子再次请李万龙为其撰写上访材料,并于当日15 时许到李万龙位于杨家坟村73 号的暂住地,与李万龙发生了性关系。其后,该女子向李万龙索要钱财,并威胁如果不给钱就报警告其强奸。李万龙心生怨恨,遂将该女子双手反绑,并掐其颈部致她死亡。后于当日夜间将尸体抛至杨家坟村北山坡上小树林,简单掩埋后离去。该人于2011年11月案发几天后离开杨家坟村回原籍,于2012年2月5日回到我市原暂住地。










Fengtai Sub-bureau’s report on the detection of a series of cases involving the intentional murder of petitioning women

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Case number: A1101151404002011050266

1. Work on the “1.20” unnamed female corpse case in Taiziyu, Zhangguozhuang, Fengtai District

At about 13:00 on January 20, 2012, the sub-bureau received a report from Xu Deli (male, 57 years old, from Zhangguozhuang, Fengtai District, Beijing, director of public security of Taiziyu Village) 110, saying that at 12:00, he had Valley Road inspection. Xu Xiaoming (male, 48 years old), a villager in Yangjiafen Village, reported to him that a half-buried body was found on the hillside of Yangjiafen Village three days ago. After receiving the report, Deputy Director Jiang Liangdong commanded the Criminal Investigation Corps of the City Bureau, the Intelligence Information Center, and the 12th Corps to form a project team with the Fengtai Branch to carry out the work.

After investigation, the deceased was a female, and the cause of death was mechanical asphyxiation. The longest time of death can be more than one month. Forensic identification showed that the woman had signs of sexual relations with the man before her death. It was preliminarily determined that the case was an intentional homicide, and the scene was the scene of the corpse dumping. According to the project team’s demonstration, the corpse dumping site was discovered more than a month ago. The surrounding area is inaccessible and the transportation is inconvenient. If outsiders want to dump the corpse, they need to pass through Yangjiafen Village. Therefore, the suspect’s foothold is likely to be near the scene. Based on this, the project team decided to carry out investigation work from the aspects of on-site investigation, finding the source of corpses, investigation and visits, and monitoring. Mainly centered on the site, in Yangjiafen Village (there are 119 households in Yangjiafen Village, with a total of 400 permanent residents, including 204 males. There are 22 rental houses, including 53 male temporary residents). Men of the right age are the focus, and the survey is carried out door-to-door. The task force successively investigated 304 people in Yangjiafen Village and the surrounding Taiziyu Cemetery and Zaoyuan, and took blood from each person for inspection. On February 14, the project team received feedback from the Forensic Medicine Center of the Municipal Bureau: The blood samples and DNA samples sent for testing in this case were identified as identical to the DNA of a man named Li Wanlong (male, 39 years old, from Shihezi City, Xinjiang, China). The man is currently living in a rented house at No. 73, Yangjiafen, Zhangguozhuang, and is a petitioner in Beijing. After receiving this clue, the project team captured Li Wanlong at his temporary residence at 16:00 on the 14th.

In the preliminary review, Li Wanlong refused to confess the facts of the crime. After the criminal detention formalities entered the facility, after a two-hour review, the suspect Li Wanlong finally confessed: In September 2011, he met a petitioner woman surnamed Li (over 40 years old, whose name is unknown, from Northeast China) near Beijing South Railway Station. And help the woman write petition materials. In November 2011, the woman again asked Li Wanlong to write petition materials for her, and went to Li Wanlong’s temporary residence at No. 73 Yangjiafen Village at 15:00 on the same day, and had sex with Li Wanlong. Afterwards, the woman demanded money from Li Wanlong, and threatened to report and warn her of rape if she did not give the money. Li Wanlong felt resentful, so he tied the woman’s hands behind his back and strangled her neck, causing her to die. Later that night, the body was thrown into a grove on the north hillside of Yangjiafen Village, briefly buried and then left. The person left Yangjiafen Village to return to his hometown a few days after the incident in November 2011, and returned to his original temporary residence in our city on February 5, 2012.

2. Work on the “5.13” unnamed female corpse case in Laosanyu Village, Xihongmen Town, Daxing District

After the case was cracked, the sub-bureau listened to the work report of the project team and conducted an in-depth analysis of the suspect Li Wanlong. Li Wanlong, male, Han nationality, was born on January 28, 1973. He had two previous convictions. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison for rape in Shihezi, Xinjiang in 1992, and was released early in 2002. In 2004, he was sentenced to 5 years in prison in Urumqi, Xinjiang for robbery, and was released in 2008. The person claimed that after he was released after serving his sentence, he began to petition because the local government did not provide housing and did not provide small loans. After coming to Beijing to appeal at the end of 2009, he stayed in Beijing for a long time. He lived temporarily in Beijing South Railway Station, Lu Village, and Yangjiafen Village successively, writing petitions for petitioners for a living.

Judging from the above situation, the person has two previous convictions for serious violent crimes. He had strong anti-investigation capabilities in the initial review, but he was under great psychological pressure and was likely to be responsible for other crimes. Therefore, the branch leaders requested that the Criminal Investigation Detachment, the Pre-trial Brigade and the Detention Center organize special classes to further intensify the review, and strive to dig deeper into the remaining crimes on the basis of solidifying the evidence of the first case. Two weeks after the person entered the prison, under the continuous and powerful offensive of the investigation and prison departments, he reported a clue to the detention center on February 28: Battelle, a man from Inner Mongolia he knew, claimed to have died in May 2011 after drinking. Killed a woman in Shoubaozhuang Village, Daxing District, in March. Later, the body was buried in a grove near a school in the village.

After receiving the clues, the project team attached great importance to them and quickly searched through the crime information system. Discovery On May 13, 2011, an unknown female body was found in Laosanyu Village, Xihongmen Town, Daxing District. The Daxing Sub-bureau has filed a case for investigation, but the case has not been solved. The project team further obtained the case site investigation materials, and discussed with the leading police officers of the Criminal Investigation Team who were present at the scene at that time. It was found that the “5.13” unnamed female corpse case in Daxing District and the “1.20” unnamed female corpse case in Fengtai District have many similarities: First, the corpses were buried in small woods near relatively remote villages, and the degree of burial was relatively shallow. The second is that both hands of the corpse were tied, and the binding materials used were all shoelaces. Third, there are petitioners from other places temporarily staying in the villages near the site.

For this reason, the project team carried out verification around the criminal suspect Battelle provided by Li Wanlong (but no qualified personnel were found yet), while working on Li Wanlong as the key suspect. In the “5.13” unnamed female corpse case in Daxing District, the technical department of the Daxing Sub-bureau once extracted a suspicious left-hand ring finger fingerprint on the plastic bag containing the corpse. The project team compared this fingerprint with Li Wanlong’s fingerprint at the same position. On the evening of March 1, the same was identified.

After interrogation, Li Wanlong confessed: Around April 2011, Li took a petitioning woman surnamed Liu (from Weifang, Shandong) to his temporary residence in Laosanyu Village, Xihongmen Town, Daxing District (verified as Lao Sanyu) Room 002, District 1, Luhong Courtyard, Sanyu Village). One day, Li Wanlong had a quarrel with Liu because a woman surnamed Liu forced Li Wanlong to divorce. After the two sides fought, Li strangled Liu to death in the rented room in a hurry. And the knife was cut from Liu’s buttocks all the way to the root of the thigh, but the thigh was not completely removed. Li folded Liu’s body in half from the base of his thighs, put the body into a plastic belt, and put the plastic belt into a trolley case. At about 23:00 that night, Li took the suitcase to a small forest not far from Laosanyu Village, took the body out of the trolley suitcase, buried it in an original tree pit, and left. The identity verification of the deceased and other related work are in progress.

So far, the case has been solved.

Fengtai Criminal Investigation Detachment Serious Case Team Three

                           March 3, 2012