


日前,海淀分局组织分局民警的子女走向了警营。 我宣布,2011年首届夏令营开营。  开营仪式后,小云暖暖参观了蜂群,全是训练馆,感受了自己父母工作的海淀分局60多年来成立发展壮大的光辉历程,了解了爸爸妈妈和维护一方平安所做的贡献。 够了,够了,不能车巡逻车就回到案发现场,那么要扁平化指挥,就是他以最快的速度让街面的巡逻车能够到达,受伤害的是主的旁边。随后,小营员们又来到了分局指挥中心大厅,在这里他们了解了110报警的处置流程,小英文们认真听讲和记录,还不时提出问题及指挥处的民警叔叔逐一给予耐心的解答。此次举办的夏令营是分局开展的真情服务员井陉爱情主题系列活动的重要组成部分。 随后还将推出更多爱警活动。

According to the city bureau’s description of Jingning’s 20 million plus 2 minus rule deployment. A few days ago, the Haidian branch organized the children of the branch police to go to police. Home summer camp lectures. After the camp opening ceremony, Xiaoyun Nuannuan visited the bee colony, which was all training halls, felt the glorious history of the establishment and development of the Haidian branch where her parents worked for more than 60 years, and learned about the contributions made by her parents and maintaining the safety of one party. Enough, enough, if the patrol car cannot be used to return to the scene of the crime, then the command should be flattened, that is, he will allow the patrol cars on the street to arrive at the fastest speed, and the injured person is next to the Lord. Afterwards, the campers came to the lobby of the branch command center, where they learned about the handling process of the 110 alarm. The English students listened and recorded carefully, and asked questions from time to time, and the uncles of the police at the command office gave patient answers one by one. The summer camp held this time is an important part of the love-themed series of activities of the true love waiter Jingxing carried out by the branch. More love police activities will follow.