姜叶马 是不是一个防疫爱好者啊?

给姜叶马 的话,不知道他能不能看到这段文章,我隔空回复一下他





1、姜叶马 有个一岁的儿子,疫情三年了,你还敢生孩子?



这种减速的人是最讨厌的。也许是姜叶马 可能有一些社会资源,

这个“社区孙老师”还想和姜叶马 交个朋友,中国毕竟是个人情社会。


来解释一下我看了姜叶马 文章的感想:为什么 中国人的苦难都是自找的。



姜叶马 是不是一个防疫爱好者啊?














答:中国这个独裁政府什么时候不是连哄带骗的?你姜叶马 第一天知道吗?装外宾?




















总结,这个姜叶马 和普通中国人差不多,






For Jiang Yema, I don’t know if he can read this article, I will reply to him in the air

Let me start with my conclusion. The suffering of the Chinese people is self-inflicted.

I read the article “When did you despair of Zhengzhou” on the WeChat public account “Dad Island” and “Jiang Yema”

My first question is:

1. Jiang Yema has a one-year-old son. After three years of the epidemic, you still dare to have children?

You love China so much, don’t you deserve an iron fist?

2. This “Community Teacher Sun” is a very annoying character and has been easing conflicts.

People who slow down like this are the most annoying. Maybe Ginger Yema may have some social resources,

This “Community Teacher Sun” also wanted to make friends with Jiang Yema. After all, China is a human society.

Then, on behalf of the Zhengzhou Municipal Government, I will answer Jiang Yema’s 9 questions.

Let me explain what I felt after reading Jiang Yema’s article: why the suffering of the Chinese people is self-inflicted.

1. Why was the confirmed case not transferred in time, so that half of the people in a building seemed to be infected?

A: You need money for transshipment. Where does the money come from? This disease is supposed to infect all people, how can herd immunity not be infected?

Is Jiang Yema an anti-epidemic enthusiast?

2. Why is the diagnosis not announced, and the citizens have no idea about the information related to their own life and health, and can only be at the mercy of them?

A: It was not a democratically elected government. You didn’t even have votes. Wasn’t it at the mercy of the Chinese dictatorial government?

3. Why is it so difficult to reunite children with their parents? My needs are too specific?

A: Your needs are indeed very special. Not everyone has children, and even fewer dare to have children during the epidemic.

The Chinese have the illusion that the government is omnipotent. Do you need money for shelters or hotel isolation?

Where does the government’s money come from? Isn’t it just a matter of stealing taxpayers’ money?

The more you pursue a big government that can address your needs, the more powerful the government will be without vote constraints.

Who are you not hammering?

4. Why is the nucleic acid test result inaccurate feedback? Until now, I can’t see a positive record in Zheng Hao Office. Is the health code still a green code?

A: Epidemic prevention enthusiasts almost got it. If the end result is herd immunity, nucleic acid testing is a joke.

It shouldn’t have been tested in the first place. Didn’t you find that all the crux was in the nucleic acid test?

If there is no nucleic acid test, you are infected, and it is not enough to hide at home, and now there is not much to hide.

5. Why are you coaxing and deceiving the public? How should you trust you?

A: When did the Chinese dictatorship not coax and deceive? Did you know Jiang Yema on the first day? Pretend to be a foreigner?

6. Why does it take an hour to get through 12345 just to give feedback to the relevant unit and then leave it alone? Who is the relevant unit?

A: The operation of the government requires money, a lot of money, does it not need money to hire operators?

The Chinese government is already rotten, and you still expect him to do things? What’s the logic of this?

The more you count on the government, the more inflated, inefficient and ineffective the government becomes.

You should call to cancel 12345

7. If the anti-epidemic headquarters is a relevant department, why can the phone number be empty? Or never answer?

A: The answer is the same as 6. The government should not care about epidemic prevention.

8. Why do all the departments I can reach claim that they are only operating under orders and are not responsible for the work they are doing? Who is in charge? What is the working mechanism behind this?

A: People tell the truth, “operate on orders”. The source of other people’s power is superiors, not you, an ordinary citizen.

If you can win votes, then accountability is more reliable, right?

You don’t have votes, and you don’t have the power to remove the party secretary or mayor of Zhengzhou. Why should people listen to you?

People only listen to superiors, right? Everyone said, “operate on orders”.

The operating mechanism is that Lou Yangsheng listens to Xi Jinping, and An Wei listens to Lou Yangsheng.

Unless you overthrow Xi Jinping’s rule and use your votes to decide the appointment and dismissal of Lou Yangsheng and An Wei, they will be responsible to you, not you.

9. Why is there a lot of information, and the CDC understands the situation over and over again, but can’t explain it clearly, so confusing that I can’t grasp what the situation is?

A: That’s for sure. Many government departments have their own interests, and the information is definitely bullish.

Information is the cost, and the long side of information protects you,

The internal friction of multiple departments within the government can also save you a few times.

When they unify the information, they can only hammer you a few more times.

In conclusion, this Jiang Yema is similar to ordinary Chinese,

They have already been infected. What is the condition of the disease and how serious it is, do you still know?

Or just feel that the Zhengzhou government is ineffective, not that Xi Jinping’s dynamic clearing itself is a stupid decision.

The pursuit of big government, no votes, but wishful thinking that the government will listen to you.

Logical confusion.

I still think the hammer is light.