


丰台分局和义派出所针对辖区特点,将站巡制引入社区,探索社会治安大巡防全覆盖的社区站巡制工作模式,促进辖区治安巡防工作的精细化网格化和信息化,推动了和谐社区建设。社区阵型,志江丰台和义街道分成4个区域设置45个社区战巡点,并由民警居委会城管巡防劝导队等人员共同构成联合巡逻队开展工作美国站巡制站点。 游戏名,驻军民警心头工作全天24小时针对社区及周边的治安乱点高发案地区开展多种巡逻防控工作,中区民警每周还要负责将巡控中发现的问题向派出所和街道办事处综治部门进行汇报,并共同出台解决方案。 途牛小区41个人战成功以后啊,我们小区按多了都夜里11点钟了,我有时候出去的时候还看见他一转,嗯,我觉得挺安静挺好,我们在这里有安全感了。您请在开展巡逻工作时使用巡更器,在规定时间内在辖区内各个点位进行刷卡备查,并利用巡逻契机向居民广泛宣传法律法规警情提示安全知识等内容,对求助群众主动及时提供帮助,为居民排忧解难。 对张贴小广告摆摊私设等现象及时治理并进行说服教育,从而充分发挥宣传服务劝导职能,展示社区战神质良好形象。8月的27号,我们和义地区的社区站巡制开始推广,从推广社区战争对以后没有发生任何刑事案件这样整个我们和义的4个板块将成为无发案的社区。 不用方案的板块无方案的派出所自引进社区站巡制以来,试点社区暗中力为0,取得了阶段性成果。

Beijing Fengtai Heyi Police Station tried to implement the community station inspection system

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According to the characteristics of the jurisdiction, the Heyi Police Station of Fengtai Branch introduced the station patrol system into the community, explored the community station patrol system with full coverage of social security patrols, promoted the refined grid and informationization of the security patrol work in the jurisdiction, and promoted the harmonious community building. Community formation, Zhijiang Fengtai and Yi Street are divided into 4 areas to set up 45 community combat patrol points, and the urban management patrol persuasion team of the civilian police neighborhood committee and other personnel form a joint patrol team to carry out the work of the US station patrol station. The name of the game, the garrison police work 24 hours a day to carry out a variety of patrol prevention and control work in the community and surrounding areas with high incidents of law and order. The police in the Central District are also responsible for reporting the problems discovered during patrol to the police station and streets The comprehensive management department of the office will report and jointly issue solutions. After the success of the 41-person battle in Tuniu Community, our community has been pressed too much and it is 11 o’clock at night. I sometimes see him turn around when I go out. Well, I think it’s very quiet and good. We feel safe here. . Please use the patrol device when carrying out patrol work, swipe your card at various points in the jurisdiction within the specified time for future reference, and use the opportunity of patrol to widely publicize laws, regulations, police information, safety knowledge and other content to residents, and actively provide timely help to the people who seek help , to solve problems for residents. The phenomenon of posting small advertisements and setting up private stalls will be dealt with in a timely manner and persuasion and education will be carried out, so as to give full play to the function of publicity, service and persuasion, and show a good image of the community. On August 27th, our community station patrol system in the Heyi area began to promote. Since the promotion of community wars, no criminal cases have occurred, so that the entire four sections of our Heyi area will become communities with no crimes. Since the introduction of the community station patrol system for the police station without a plan, the pilot community has achieved 0 secret forces and has achieved phased results.