

书香19至终成凝聚警心显活力近日,强制治疗管理处通过建立解严重庆图书展江岸景预警,有效结合进行创建学习型队伍,提升了民警素质水平。小书战发挥大作用强制治疗管理处以服务民警为理念,想方设法为民警谋福利,警营诚信图书站便是举措之一,以诚信培养慎独图斩不赦,专门负责就业。 依靠民警诚实守信,自觉遵守纪委规则。在成立半年多以来,输站根据民警阅读兴趣,精心选购了公安业务人文社科文化艺术等类型的畅销书和经典作品,略带预测,为广大民警读书学习提供了便利条件,受到了全处民警的普遍好评和一致肯定。通过读书已达到了件鲜明里,然后增至女人这么一个作用,这是我最大的收获,丰富多彩的一种知识来天,一种良好的阅读习惯。 教练吃掉一个人的人生理想世界观价值观方面所起到一个推波助澜的作用。小树站把民警凝聚在一起,形成了全出了一道独特的风景线。

Beijing Compulsory Treatment Management Office Xiaoshu Station Plays a Big Role

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Shuxiang 19 has finally become a cohesive vigilance and vitality. Recently, the Compulsory Treatment Management Office has effectively combined the establishment of a learning team to improve the quality of the police through the establishment of an early warning to solve the severe Qing Book Fair. The small book war plays a big role. The Compulsory Treatment Management Office takes serving the police as its concept and tries every means to benefit the police. The police camp integrity book station is one of the measures. It cultivates Shendu with integrity and is responsible for employment. Rely on the police to be honest and trustworthy, and consciously abide by the rules of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Since its establishment more than half a year ago, according to the reading interests of the police, the station has carefully selected best-selling books and classic works of humanities, social sciences, culture and art in the public security business. With a little prediction, it has provided convenient conditions for the police to study and study, and has been well received by the whole society. The general praise and unanimous affirmation of the police. Through reading, I have reached a distinct level, and then increased to the role of a woman. This is my biggest gain, a rich and colorful knowledge, and a good reading habit. The coach plays a role in fueling the flames by eating away a person’s life ideals, world outlook and values. Xiaoshu Station brings the police together, forming a unique landscape.