


近日,我市出现了一种既电信诈骗后将传统合同诈骗手段与互联网技术结合的新型网络合同诈骗案件。犯罪嫌疑人通过购买网络点击率提高虚假企业的网络排名,以低价快速交易为幌子,优惠当事人买进口设备,从而骗取定金和货款。对此,我局高度重视,积极应对新型犯罪挑战,通过缜密侦查主动出击,联手福建公安机关一举破获了一个新型网络合同诈骗案件。 这场火。 日前,以胡某为首的11名犯罪嫌疑人从厦门被押解回京。至此,我局经过缜密侦查,一举打掉了3个利用互联网从事合同诈骗活动的犯罪团伙,成功破获了新型系列网络合同诈骗案。2011年以来,我局相继接到20余名各地群众报案,称在网上与人合伙做生意时被骗,涉案金额400余万元。市局高度重视,迅速抽调精干力量。 我们劝阻展开工作。随着侦查工作不断深入,专案组认定此类案件世纪电信诈骗类案件后,通过互联网进行的又一种新型犯罪形式,经大量工作锁定嫌疑人后,专案组赶赴厦门展开抓捕。针对犯罪嫌疑人作案手段诡异反侦查能力强的特点,专案组转变思路,主动出击,先发制人,在厦门警方的大力配合下,当嫌疑人正在进行诈骗的过程中将其抓获。 团伙11名嫌疑人全部落网目前,涉案犯罪嫌疑人已全部押解回京,此案正在进一步审查中。

Beijing police uncovered a new series of online contract fraud cases in Gulang Garden, Xiamen

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Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Xiamen, Yu Xiaobao, police number 000229, Jiang Liangdong, contract fraud

Recently, a new type of network contract fraud case that combines traditional contract fraud methods with Internet technology has emerged in our city. The criminal suspect increased the online ranking of the false company by purchasing online clicks, and under the guise of low-cost and fast transactions, favored the parties to buy imported equipment, thereby defrauding the deposit and payment. In this regard, our bureau attaches great importance to it, actively responds to the challenges of new types of crimes, takes the initiative to attack through careful investigation, and cooperates with Fujian public security organs to crack a new type of network contract fraud case in one fell swoop. this fire. A few days ago, 11 criminal suspects headed by Hu Mou were escorted back to Beijing from Xiamen. So far, after careful investigation, our bureau has wiped out three criminal gangs using the Internet to engage in contract fraud activities, and successfully cracked a new series of network contract fraud cases. Since 2011, our bureau has successively received more than 20 reports from people from all over the country, claiming that they were cheated when they were doing business with others online, and the amount involved was more than 4 million yuan. The Municipal Bureau attached great importance to it and quickly mobilized capable personnel. We discourage the commencement of work. With the continuous deepening of the investigation work, the special case team identified such cases as Century Telecom Fraud Cases, another new form of crime through the Internet. After a lot of work to lock the suspects, the special case team rushed to Xiamen to start arresting. In view of the suspect’s strange means of committing the crime and his strong anti-investigation ability, the special case team changed its thinking, took the initiative to strike first, and with the strong cooperation of the Xiamen police, the suspect was arrested while he was in the process of defrauding. All 11 suspects in the gang have been arrested. At present, the suspects involved in the case have all been escorted back to Beijing, and the case is under further review.