

视频巡控工作是我局今年以来开展的一项重要警务创新措施,也是维护首都稳定的重要手段。8月13日,密云县局充分发挥视频天网和巡逻地网的优势作用,成功抓获一名盗窃犯罪嫌疑人。8月13日22时许,密云县公安局接到事主王某报警称,他和朋友在法治公园跳舞时,放在一旁的四部手机被盗。接报后,密云县局勤务指挥处迅速部署城关派出所民警赶到现场开展工作,并将此警情通报巡警大队视频中队进行搜索。经过对现场周边视频巡视,视频中队民警于二十二点二十五分,发现长城环岛南侧有一名男子蹲在路边,手中持有多部手机,行迹十分可疑。视频中队立即将此情况反馈给勤务指挥处,二十二点三十七分,赶到现场的城关派出所民警将犯罪嫌疑人韩新中抓获。经讯问,犯罪嫌疑人韩新中对在公园内盗窃四部手机一事供认不讳。目前韩新中已被密云县局刑事拘留。 密云县局视频巡控快速抓获盗窃嫌疑人

Miyun County Bureau’s video inspection quickly captured the theft suspect
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The video inspection work is an important police innovation measure carried out by our bureau this year, and it is also an important means to maintain the stability of the capital. On August 13, the Miyun County Bureau gave full play to the advantages of the video sky network and the patrol ground network, and successfully captured a theft suspect. At around 22:00 on August 13, the Miyun County Public Security Bureau received a report from the victim Wang, saying that when he and his friends were dancing in the rule of law park, four mobile phones placed aside were stolen. After receiving the report, the Service Command Office of the Miyun County Bureau quickly deployed the police from the Chengguan Police Station to the scene to carry out work, and notified the video squadron of the Patrol Brigade to search. After inspecting the video around the scene, the police from the Video Squadron found a man squatting on the south side of the Great Wall Roundabout at 22:25, holding several mobile phones, acting very suspiciously. The video squadron immediately reported the situation to the service command office. At 22:37, the police from the Chengguan Police Station who rushed to the scene arrested the suspect Han Xinzhong. After interrogation, the suspect Han Xinzhong confessed to the theft of four mobile phones in the park. Han Xinzhong is currently under criminal detention by the Miyun County Bureau.
Miyun County Bureau’s video inspection quickly captured the theft suspect