


















贵州省公安厅指挥中心编               14















3219分许,贞丰县长田乡细米村王朝成(男, 39岁)驾驶贵EP1226面包车在关岭县境内关兴公路34 KM+840M处被一辆大货车擦挂,致面包车上乘客高传刚(男,40岁,兴仁县新马场乡人)死亡和6人受伤,大货车。事发后,公安机关立即派员赶赴现场开展事故调查等工作。417时许,死者家属20余人将死者尸体抬至现场公路中讨说法。经工作,18时许,死者家属已将尸体抬至公路护栏外,交通通行正常。目前,相关工作正在开展中。







1.三穗县公安局破获一起运输毒品案 抓获嫌疑人3 查获毒品海洛因疑似物4.9公斤















1.贵新高速贵定路段发生一起交通事故 造成16人死亡





318时许,沿河县黑獭乡虎头村汪兴组田世华(男,48岁)家儿子结婚办酒席,该村翁素华(女,59岁)等24名村民吃酒席后,于4日凌晨2时许陆续出现头昏、呕吐、腹泻等疑似食物中毒症状。截至414时, 21人在该县医院住院治疗、3人在家中治疗(均暂无生命危险)。目前,中毒人员病情稳定,中毒原因调查及医疗、善后等工作正在进行中。



3.毕节市七星关区境内发生一起交通事故 2人死亡



47时许,纳雍县寨乐乡郭贞武(男, 15岁,暂住乌当区北衙村大龙滩4队)在其租住的屋内烧木炭取暖,导致一氧化碳中毒身亡。目前,善后工作正在进行中。


5.清镇市发生一起交通事故 1人死亡



6.云岩区发生一起交通事故 1人死亡1人受伤



7.贵新高速公路福泉市境内发生一起交通事故 造成1人死亡12人受伤


















编辑:周一川   审核:邓昌荣   签发:熊文灿




 Guizhou Public Security Excerpt [2012] No. 4

Security Digest [2012] Issue 4



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“Guizhou Public Security Excerpt January 2012”

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   Guizhou Public Security Excerpt [2012] No. 4

  Guizhou Public Security Excerpt [2012] No. 5

  Guizhou Public Security Excerpt [2012] No. 6


Security Digest [2012] Issue 4



Law and order summary

[2012] Issue 4

Edited by the Command Center of Guizhou Provincial Public Security Department January 4


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mass incident


1. The contractor of Guizhou Zhongwei Navigator Co., Ltd. in Nanming District went to the Provincial Letters and Calls Bureau to petition

At 15:55 on the 4th, 12 contractors of the Guizhou Zhongwei Navigator Co., Ltd. project appealed to the Provincial Letters and Calls Bureau due to the issue of asking for a deposit (no excessive behavior). After work, at 16:49, the petitioners left.


2. A doctor-patient dispute occurred in Wudang District Maternal and Child Health Hospital

At around 14:00 on the 3rd, Bai Guangyan (female, 30 years old) from Dongfeng Township, Wudang District died during a cesarean delivery in the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Wudang District. More than 30 family members of the deceased gathered in the health care center and set up a mourning hall, demanding the hospital to pay 3 million yuan Yuan (NT$13 million). After working with relevant departments, at 20:50 on the 4th, the family members of the deceased and the hospital reached a preliminary agreement on compensation-related matters. , the family members of the deceased have removed the mourning hall set up and all left the scene. At present, related aftermath work is in progress.


3. The family members of the deceased in a traffic accident blocked the road on Guanxing Highway in Guanling County

At about 2:19 on the 3rd, Wang Chaocheng (male, 39 years old) from Ximi Village, Changtian Township, Zhenfeng County, driving an expensive EP1226 van was hit by a large truck at 34 KM+840M of Guanxing Highway in Guanling County, causing the van Passenger Gao Chuangang (male, 40 years old, from Xinmachang Township, Xingren County) died and 6 people were injured in a large truck. After the incident, the public security organ immediately sent personnel to the scene to carry out accident investigation and other work. At about 17:00 on the 4th, more than 20 family members of the deceased carried the body of the deceased to the road at the scene to discuss an explanation. After work, at about 18:00, the family members of the deceased had carried the body outside the highway guardrail, and the traffic was normal. Currently, related work is in progress.


4. A gathering of family members of the deceased due to illness occurred in the “Qiaolin Wooden Barrel Bath” company in Yunyan District

On December 31 last year, Shui An Yong (male, 48 years old, from Xishui County), a self-employed security guard of the “Qiaolin Cask Bath” company on Chengji Road, Yunyan District, died of illness after being sent to the provincial hospital for treatment. On January 3, more than 30 family members of the deceased gathered at the company and set up a mourning hall (the body is still stored in the provincial hospital) on the grounds that the “Qiaolin Cask Bath” company made employees work overtime and failed to send them to the hospital for treatment in time. Demanding compensation of 1.2 million yuan (NT$5 million). At present, the public security organs are assisting relevant departments to organize negotiations between the two parties.


Criminal case


1. Sansui County Public Security Bureau cracked a drug transport case, arrested 3 suspects and seized 4.9 kilograms of suspected heroin

At around 18:00 on the 3rd, police from the Sansui County Public Security Bureau arrested suspects Chen Jixian (male, 44 years old), Zhu Yalian (female, 45 years old), Zhu Yongbo ( female, 31 years old), seized 4.9KG of suspected heroin, and seized a Yun DQ7028 off-road vehicle.

(Information Bulletin No. 4 has been compiled)


2. An injury-related death occurred in Kaili City

At 16:00 on the 3rd, Yang Xiaokai (male, 45 years old) of Silian Village, Yatang Street, Kaili City hosted a banquet for Long Ziming (male, 71 years old, from Baiwu Village, Yatang Town, Kaili City) and others who helped him build a house. At about 18:00 on the same day, Long Ziming got into a dispute with Yang Xiaokai after drinking, and Yang Xiaokai beat Long Ziming and injured him. In the early morning of the 4th, Long Ziming died after being rescued by the hospital. Currently, Yang Xiaokai has been detained.


3. A murder case occurred in Weining County

On December 29 last year, Zhao Laoxiang (male, 43 years old) went out and did not return from Qingshan Village, Yina Town, Weining County. On January 2, Zhao Laoxiang’s family found his body in the woods at Dapipo, Qingshan Group, Qingshan Village, Yina Town. After on-site investigation and autopsy, Mr. Zhao committed suicide. Currently, case investigation is in progress.


4. A hit-and-run case occurred on Guibi Road

At 19:45 on the 3rd, Ye Shunfa (male, 65 years old) from Yushi Village, Dafang Town, Dafang County, was hit by a car on Guibi Road (the section from Guiyang to Bijie one kilometer away from Shazipo) and died. After the incident, the public security organ immediately sent personnel to the scene to carry out investigation and handling. At present, the aftermath and investigation work is in progress.


security incident


1. A traffic accident occurred on the Guiding section of Guixin Expressway, killing 16 people

At 18:30 on the 4th, a bus with the license plate Anhui J06318 (actually carrying 56 people) was traveling from Duyun City, Qiannan Prefecture to Guiyang. When traveling to Guixin Expressway 176KM+500M (in Guiding County), it crossed the expressway barrier and fell down a 15-meter-high bridge, killing 16 people (including 1 driver, 1 of whom died in the hospital after rescue failed) ). After the incident, Li Zhanshu, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Zhao Kezhi, Governor of the Province issued instructions one after another. Huang Kangsheng, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Vice Governor, Cui Yadong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Director of the Public Security Department rushed to the scene to organize and direct the rescue work. At present, the accident caused 16 deaths, and all the injured have been sent to the local hospital for treatment. The investigation into the cause of the accident and its aftermath are in progress.

(Report No. 2 has been compiled and issued)


2. A food poisoning incident occurred in Black Otter Township, Yanhe County

At around 18:00 on the 3rd, the son of Tian Shihua (male, 48 years old) from Wangxing Group, Hutou Village, Heiot Township, Yanhe County got married and held a banquet. After the banquet, 24 villagers including Weng Suhua (female, 59 years old) went Suspected food poisoning symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, and diarrhea appeared one after another at 2 o’clock in the morning on the same day. As of 14:00 on the 4th, 21 people were hospitalized in the county hospital, and 3 people were treated at home (all of them are not life-threatening). At present, the condition of the poisoned person is stable, and the investigation of the cause of the poisoning, medical treatment, and aftermath work are in progress.

(Information Bulletin No. 3 has been compiled and issued)


3. Two people died in a traffic accident in Qixingguan District, Bijie City

At about 13:00 on the 4th, Zhang Xiuming (male, 43 years old) from Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province drove the No. G12506 Jinlong bus of Zhejiang Tongji Transportation Co., Ltd. City to Zhenxiong, Yunnan Province. During the 2 kilometers plus 500 meters of the county road 700 line in Qixingguan District, Bijie City (small place name: Lanni Group, Baishan Village, Yejiao Township), during the meeting, the vehicle rolled over, resulting in the death of 2 people in the vehicle. At present, the investigation of the cause of the accident and its aftermath are in progress.

4. One person died in an accident in Wudang District

At 7 o’clock on the 4th, Guo Zhenwu (male, 15 years old, temporarily living in the 4th team of Dalongtan, Beiya Village, Wudang District), Zhaile Township, Nayong County, burned charcoal in his rented house for heating, resulting in carbon monoxide poisoning. At present, the aftermath work is in progress.


5. One person died in a traffic accident in Qingzhen City

At around 12 o’clock on the 4th, Wu Tingshu (male, 41 years old) from Weicheng Township, Qingzhen City drove an unlicensed cargo three-wheeled motorcycle and Fu Xuelin (male, 49 years old) drove a No. Gui AF4322 two-wheeled motorcycle in Qingzhen Fu Xuelin died in a collision at the Zhoujiazhai section of Yongle Village, Weicheng Township. At present, the investigation of the cause of the accident and its aftermath are in progress.


6. A traffic accident occurred in Yunyan District, resulting in 1 death and 1 injury

At 1:30 a.m. on the 4th, when Jin Jizong (male, 23 years old) from Yunyan District drove a Gui AGD047 Changan car to the Guotai Securities Road section in Yunyan District, he killed one pedestrian and injured another. At present, the investigation of the cause of the accident and its aftermath are in progress.


7. A traffic accident occurred in Fuquan City on Guixin Expressway, resulting in 1 death and 12 injuries

At about 2:40 a.m. on the 4th, a rear-end accident occurred on the section of Huangsi Lengxi Bridge in Fuquan City, Guixin Expressway. A Yu AF13999 long-distance bus collided with a Xiang J17216 large truck, causing six vehicles to collide in a row, resulting in One person died in the bus and 12 people were injured (non-life-threatening). After the incident, the state and city public security organs immediately sent personnel to the scene to deal with it. At present, the injured have been sent to Fuquan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine for treatment, and the investigation of the cause of the accident and the aftermath are underway.


8. One person died in a traffic accident in Xifeng County

At 14:00 on the 3rd, Luo Kuiyou (male, 41 years old) from Xiuwen County was driving an unlicensed two-wheeled motorcycle with An Shiping (male, 28 years old, details to be investigated) on the section of the Dayuan Group of Tongzi Village, Jiuzhuang Town, Xifeng County. The expensive A39436 truck collided, causing Luo’s death. At present, the investigation of the cause of the accident and its aftermath are in progress.




1. The province’s public security organs conscientiously implement the spirit of the provincial leaders’ instructions and do a good job in anti-coagulation, freezing, smooth flow, people’s livelihood and stability

According to the analysis of the latest meteorological data, during the New Year’s Day period, especially from the early morning of the 3rd, our province will be affected by the strong cold air from the north moving south, and most parts of the province will experience low-temperature and snow-condensing weather. Li Zhanshu, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Zhao Kezhi, Governor of the Province, Cui Yadong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Director of the Public Security Department, and Lu Zhiming, Deputy Governor of the Province, made important instructions in succession. Public security organs at all levels conscientiously implement the spirit of leadership instructions, mobilize all police forces, go all out, deploy carefully, and strengthen measures, focus on “guaranteeing smooth traffic, ensuring people’s livelihood, and ensuring stability” and regard the fight against low-temperature freezing disasters as the current public security work The primary task is to pay close attention to it.

(Report No. 1 has been compiled and issued)


2. There is a hidden danger of mortuary and disturbance in Zunyi County

In June last year, Wen Zuobin (basic information to be investigated) in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province represented Wenzhou Jianfeng Mining Engineering Co., Ltd. and Deng Chaohai (male, 59 years old), the person in charge of Zunyi Hongjian Green Development Co., Ltd., signed a contract to undertake the construction of Zunyi The contract for the “Peach Blossom Island” project in Leshan Township, County. Recently, due to Deng Chaohai’s arrears of construction funds and migrant workers’ wages, disputes between the two parties have been triggered. On January 1, Wen Zuobin’s wife, Su Aihua, died of illness and medical treatment was ineffective. His family believed that Su Aihua’s death was caused by Deng’s arrears of construction funds. They demanded that the project funds and security deposit total 2.3 million yuan (NT$10 million), otherwise they would not be cremated. corpse. According to relevant departments, the wages owed by Deng to the migrant workers have been paid off, but the remaining construction funds and the return of the security deposit have not been resolved, and there is a hidden danger of mortuary and disturbance. At present, the public security organs are paying close attention to its development.



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Editor: Zhou Zhouchuan Reviewer: Deng Changrong Issued by: Xiong Wencan