


10月24日,视频召开第56次党委会,会议内容如下,一是进行专题学习。按照傅政华书记2个学派要求以及市局党委调研工作整体部署,市局党委成员就2011年调研工作开展情况进行总结,并讨论2012年调研工作。 二是争取重点工作,强化巡逻工作。60 2个固话遇见了汇报30天局关于整合市局教育训练机构职能意见的汇报40天,许多于2011年是及第二批领导干部竞争选拔情况和有关领导干部调整的工作汇报。同时听取关于政治中心区综合管理物联网应用示范工程是车执法办案平台建设市级情报信息综合应用平台建设及视觉综合信息服务软硬件支撑环境系统建设等科技项目工作的汇报。

Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau held the 56th party committee, capital police reports, Fu Zhenghua, research, patrol, education and training, competitive selection, Internet of Things, law enforcement and case handling platform Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Fu Zhenghua, research, patrol, education and training, competitive selection, Internet of Things, law enforcement and case handling platform related video On October 24, the 56th party committee meeting was held via video. The content of the meeting is as follows. The first is to conduct special study. In accordance with the requirements of Secretary Fu Zhenghua’s two schools and the overall deployment of the Municipal Party Committee’s research work, members of the Municipal Bureau’s Party Committee summarized the research work in 2011 and discussed the 2012 research work. The second is to strive for key tasks and strengthen patrol work. 60 2 fixed-line met and reported for 30 days. The report of the bureau’s opinions on the integration of the functions of the education and training institutions of the Municipal Bureau was reported for 40 days. Many of them were reported in 2011 on the competition and selection of the second batch of leading cadres and the adjustment of leading cadres. At the same time, he listened to reports on the construction of the demonstration project of the Internet of Things application in the comprehensive management of the political center area, the construction of the vehicle law enforcement and case handling platform, the construction of the city-level intelligence and information comprehensive application platform, and the construction of the visual comprehensive information service software and hardware support environment system and other scientific and technological projects.