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Because it was a coup, the original Prime Minister was Wang Yang, not Li Qiang.

They didn’t make any personnel preparations for Li Qiang to take over as the prime minister.

That’s why we have to change blood

Ming Pao published today a signed analysis article titled “Not one of the old leadership?”, pointing out that the CCP will hold the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee in February to review and approve the “suggested list” of the personnel of the country’s leading institutions proposed by the CCP Central Committee to the 14th National People’s Congress of China At that time, the personnel of the national “two sessions” will be basically determined. According to the current news and various signs, the new State Council has the most thorough change of shift, none of the old leadership remains, and most of the heads of ministries and commissions have been replaced.

The Ming Pao article stated that at least 70% of the heads of departments in Li Keqiang’s cabinet will be replaced. The article stated that this earth-shaking shift has never happened before in the history of the State Council of China.

Ming Pao said: unprecedented