


群众安全感是群众对居住地社会治安状况的实际感受,同时也是社会治安工作开展情况的具体体现。县公安局紧紧围绕与主导情报先行的工作理念开展各项工作,切实为维护社会稳定营造了安全有序稳定和谐的社会氛围。同时也积极推进了首都社会治安打防管控一体化和群众安全感指数不断上升。走进宾阳北里小区,记者看到两位民警正在巡逻。 他们是小区流动警务室的执勤民警。呃,今天咱们酒呢?设立以来呃起,对犯罪分子起到了一些政策做是吧。呃,首先那个是做了24小时,有人值守,简单感染,呃,从而提高了群众的安全感。现在呢,就有点这个总有流动水以后我们现在这边安全多了。今年县公安局按照当前首都政治工作面临的形势任务,精心组织策划,从解决社会管理的重点难点入手,扎实推进社会管理创新工作。 除提高街面控制例外,大规模开展了打防管控一体化工作,于打黑恶势力打倾城编发打敏感案件为目标,始终保持了严打严控的高压态势。五险公安局还坚持与爱情推动安宁,通过大走访开门评警三双三情感活动的开展,强化民意主导警务,夯实工作的群众基础。我们始终坚守市公安局党委提出的群众的满意度安全感不能下降。 刚性体现在2010年全年,群众安全感全市第一的基础上。根据国家统计局北京调查总队的数据显示,2011年上半年蜜腺的群众安全感以95.7%再次位居全市各区县的首位。

In the first half of the year, Miyun County Bureau ranked first in the city in terms of public security and satisfaction related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Miyun, Sense of Security, Guo Xiaoyu, Miyun County Public Security Bureau, Patrol Brigade, Third Squadron, Deputy Captain, Qi Yong, 061193, Binyang Beili, Li Junfeng, Police The sense of security of the masses is the actual feeling of the masses about the social security situation in the place of residence, and it is also a concrete manifestation of the development of social security work. The County Public Security Bureau carried out various tasks closely around the work concept of leading intelligence first, and effectively created a safe, orderly, stable and harmonious social atmosphere for maintaining social stability. At the same time, it has also actively promoted the integration of public security, prevention, management and control in the capital, and the continuous rise of the public’s sense of security index. Walking into Binyang Beili Community, the reporter saw two policemen patrolling. They are the policemen on duty in the mobile police office of the community. Uh, how about our wine today? Since its establishment, uh, it has played some policies against criminals, right? Uh, first of all, it is done 24 hours a day, people are on duty, and it is easy to be infected, uh, thus improving the sense of security of the masses. Now, there is a little bit of this. After there is always running water, our place is much safer now. This year, the County Public Security Bureau carefully organized and planned according to the current situation and tasks faced by the political work in the capital, starting from solving the key and difficult points of social management, and solidly promoted the innovation of social management. In addition to improving street control, a large-scale integrated work of crackdown, prevention, management and control has been carried out, with the goal of cracking down on criminal forces and cracking down on sensitive cases, and has always maintained a high-pressure situation of cracking down and controlling. The Public Security Bureau of the Five Insurances also insists on promoting peace with love, and through large-scale visits to open the door to appraise the police, three doubles and three emotional activities, strengthen public opinion-led policing, and consolidate the mass foundation for work. We have always adhered to the proposal of the Party Committee of the Municipal Public Security Bureau that the satisfaction and sense of security of the masses cannot be reduced. Rigidity is reflected in the whole year of 2010, on the basis of the city’s first sense of security among the masses. According to the data from the Beijing Survey Team of the National Bureau of Statistics, in the first half of 2011, the public’s sense of security in the nectaries once again ranked first among all districts and counties in the city with 95.7%.