


一年1度的全国两会取得关注,来自各行各业的代表委员齐聚北京共商国是,他们当中也有来自公安战线的人大代表,在三八国际妇女劳动节来临之际,我们首先请味道,但记者和平安北京国主义的专程前往代表驻地看望了公安战线的女人大代表,请看报道。此次全国两会男子公安战线的名代表只有3位来自江苏省代表团的徐州市公安局副局长刘李涛。 和南京市公安局鼓楼分局内保大队大队长苏沐兰是其中两位。3月8日,国际劳动妇女节当天,首都组报道栏目组的记者和平安北京国足专程来了大成路9号代表驻地,向两位公安系统的女人大代表送上首都民警浓厚的节日祝福。 200买对对对,我的感受很深啊,我这样这个去大会堂的路上啊,我昨天拿着相机,就拖着一个玻璃窗车的窗户在拍我们,路上的民警,因为我看到这个民警投入的警力是非常多的人,算的非常多。然后我记得去年我在这个代表团会议上发言,我们回良玉副总理来参加会议的,然后我再发言的时候就讲到公安机关的这个节目活动的问题等等等等汇总。你在我放完完了以后。 他就插话了,那么他就准备讲话就是对我的这个发言,对公安民警的这种辛苦,呃,公安民警的辛苦的付出进行了肯定。然后呢,他就涨到了他直接找到这么一句话,我们在这里开会呀,这个院子得多少人来维护秩序呀,就是公安民警上了多少人呢?他就是长的,然后长大了抗震救灾,抢险,然后群众的生命财产安全的时候吃补充的,最前面的都是公安民警,所以他在呼吁我们地方各级政府呢,政府公安民警。 对,我是从公安战线做出来的人大代表的话,今年呢,我们参与呢,还有一个重要的任务,应该说是跟我们公安机关是密切相关。那有这次刑事诉讼法的修改还没完,妆博主委员长对这个行书法修改草案作了一个说明,你们现在我们下午的小组讨论会正在就这个刑诉法修改,大家在发表意见,正在讨论着。所以呢,但作为我来讲的话呢,因为这个关系到整个公安机关,侦查机关在侦查阶段,我们这个。 在刑事诉讼中应该遵守什么样的规范?我们在一起诉法的修改与我们的侦查活动又有什么样的影响?对我们的工作又带来了新的挑战,这个就需要我们去认真去研究。就是说可能有的下一步的话工作都要处理,有所调整,有所改变,应该找刑诉法学,敢对我们的影响是非常大的。所以警察我们特别感动的,那个车的代表也也是也是特别感动,就觉得我已经来开10年。后来我从03年开始感觉就是安保工作1年:1年做得仔细。 1年:1年96所加强,就让让代表们都是很有安全感,能够安安心心的这种开会。首都警察一直是我们全国警察的一个学习的榜样,无论是在这个证的思想,他们还是都有建设方面,其实都是文学名警察学习的学习的一个伴娘,这种能力,应该说这个全国的警察在你的观念领导下面应该是在这里面的科技创新啊创新社会管理模式了,以及在这个打击犯罪搭配农民。 都有很多新的举措,特别是我们首都警察,很多市民的经济社会发展的这种需要。 特别是北京警察这个方面,开了做了很多,这个有尝试的,把这个首都建设成为全国和全世界最安全的这个城市之一的结论肯定很多。实现这个警察这边我们会做群众工作,还是还是这个安排工作,以及我们的侦查破案啊,做的都非常到位。所以呢,我们就代表问题,非常感动呢?下午还有这个名代表的,觉得特别理解啊,特别。 敬佩,也是我特别心疼其他其他其他戒指,代表这个社会。

On March 8th, I visited the female representatives of the public security front who participated in the two sessions related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Sui Xianghua, Fei Jie, Xue Tianjiao, Public Security Front, Deputy Director of Xuzhou Public Security Bureau, Internal Security Brigade, Gulou Branch, Captain, Song Yulan, National People’s Congress Representative, Hui Liangyu Vice Premier, Attendance Card 0760, Criminal Procedure Law, Vice Chairman Wang Zhaoguo, Liu Litao, Police Number 030010, Attendance Card 0727 The annual National Two Sessions have attracted attention. Representatives from all walks of life gathered in Beijing to discuss the state affairs. , but the reporter and the Ping An Beijing nationalist made a special trip to the representative station to visit the women’s representatives on the public security front, please see the report. The only three representatives of the men’s public security front at the National Two Sessions are Liu Litao, deputy director of the Xuzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, from the Jiangsu delegation. and Su Mulan, head of the Internal Security Brigade of the Drum Tower Branch of the Nanjing Public Security Bureau, were two of them. On March 8th, the International Working Women’s Day, reporters from the Capital Team’s reporting column team and the Ping An Beijing National Football Team made a special trip to the representative station at No. 9 Dacheng Road, and sent strong festive blessings from the capital police to the two female representatives of the public security system. 200 to buy right, right, I feel very deeply. On the way to the city hall, I took a camera yesterday and dragged a glass window to take pictures of us. The police on the road, because I saw There are a lot of people involved in this police force, which counts a lot. Then I remember that I spoke at this delegation meeting last year. We came back to Vice Premier Liangyu to attend the meeting. Then when I spoke again, I talked about the issues of the program activities of the public security organs and so on. You are after I finish playing. He just interjected, and then he was going to speak to affirm my speech and the hard work of the public security police, er, the hard work of the public security police. Then, he went up to the point where he directly found such a sentence, we have a meeting here, how many people are there to maintain order in this yard, that is, how many people are there for the police? He grew up, and then he grew up to fight earthquake disasters, rescue, and then eat supplements when the lives and properties of the masses are safe. The first ones are policemen, so he is appealing to our local governments at all levels, government policemen. Yes, if I am a deputy to the National People’s Congress from the public security front, this year, we will participate in another important task, which should be said to be closely related to our public security organs. Well, the revision of the Criminal Procedure Law is not over yet. The chairman of the makeup blogger explained the draft revision of the calligraphy. You are now discussing the revision of the Criminal Procedure Law in our afternoon group discussion. Everyone is expressing opinions and is in the process. discussing. So, but as I speak, because this is related to the entire public security agency, the investigation agency is in the investigation stage, and we are. What norms should be followed in criminal proceedings? What kind of impact will the modification of our litigation law have on our investigative activities? It has brought new challenges to our work, and this requires us to study it seriously. That is to say, there may be some next-step work that needs to be dealt with, adjusted, and changed. We should seek criminal procedure law, and dare to have a great impact on us. So we were very moved by the police, and the representative of the car was also very moved. I felt that I had been driving for 10 years. Later, from 2003, I felt that it was a year of security work: I did it carefully for one year. 1 year: 1 year 96 strengthened, so that the representatives feel very safe and can hold this kind of meeting with peace of mind. The police in the capital have always been a role model for our national police. No matter in terms of the idea of this certificate, they still have construction aspects. Under the leadership of your concept, the police should be technological innovation and innovation in social management models, as well as matching farmers in fighting crime. There are many new measures, especially our capital police, which meet the needs of many citizens’ economic and social development. In particular, the Beijing police have done a lot. There are many attempts to build the capital into one of the safest cities in the country and the world. There must be many conclusions. To realize this, we will do mass work on the police side, or this arrangement work, as well as our investigation and solving of cases, are very well done. So, on behalf of the question, we are very moved? In the afternoon, there is also a person represented by this name, and I feel very understanding, special. Admiration, and I also feel sorry for other other rings, representing this society.