


走基层转作风改文风,始终修路队新闻战线提出的新要求。12月12日,区委宣传部领导与北京日报等13家新媒体记者来到了我局,就如何加强新时期公安新闻宣传工作,娱乐局领导及相关部门进行了探讨和交流。12月12日下午,首都新闻战线走转改走进首都公安座谈会在我局召开。市委常委市局党委书记局长傅政华,市委副秘书长宣传部副部长闫立强。 市委政法委副书记社区党委副书记副局长石桂青,社区党委委员副局长张伟华,设置党委委员政治部主任李建华出席了会议。北京日报等13家市属新闻媒体负责人及记者以及视觉吸引板和局属相关单位负责同志参加了会议。会上,都会幸福书记致欢迎词,对新闻媒体长期以来对手珠光工作的支持表示感谢。视觉新闻板结当前,新闻媒体宣传报道中存在的问题及建议。 你媒体进行了沟通交流交管局朝阳分局十八里店派出所负责同志分别介绍了本单位进入创新工作亮点,北京日报北京电视台北京电台新京报京华时报等媒体负责人分别作了发言。傅政华局长指出,在当前复杂严峻的国际国内形势下,首都官公所任务艰巨繁重,近两年涉及党委坚持创新型9日建设强化民意主导寻宝先行首都光工作取得了一定成效。 得到了人民群众的认可这其中包含了新闻媒体的帮助与支持。首都官兵组的发展与进步需要长期得到新闻媒体的监督和支持希望新媒体能够加大对首都公安九创新公安队伍建设开展宣传报道文玉剑剑灵关系推动平安北京建设营造良好的社会舆论氛围同时,首都公安机关要探索建立公安机关,与新闻媒体之间更加紧密的合作机制。 姜昆机关,与新媒体的良好合作推向新的高度能力强副部长就西安媒体如何深入婚姻险可好从转改活动共同做好公安新闻宣传报道工作提出了工作要求。

Beijing’s News Frontline Transformation and Reform Activities Enter the Capital Public Security related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Jinlu, News Front, Zanzhuangai, Yan Liqiang, Fu Zhenghua, Duan Guiqing, Zhang Weihua, Li Jianhua, Beijing Daily, police number 000115, police number 030999, Yue Changguang, Beijing News, Beijing Times, Yang Jianguo, Liu Feng , Wang Wenjie Going to the grassroots level and changing the style of work to the style of writing, always the new requirements put forward by the news front of the road construction team. On December 12, the leaders of the Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee and 13 new media reporters including Beijing Daily came to our bureau to discuss and communicate with the leaders of the Entertainment Bureau and relevant departments on how to strengthen public security news and publicity work in the new era. On the afternoon of December 12, the Beijing Public Security Forum was held in our bureau. Fu Zhenghua, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary and Director of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau, and Yan Liqiang, Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department. Shi Guiqing, Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Director of the Community Party Committee, Zhang Weihua, Deputy Director of the Community Party Committee, and Li Jianhua, Director of the Political Department of the Establishment Party Committee, attended the meeting. Persons in charge and reporters of 13 municipal news media including Beijing Daily, as well as comrades in charge of visual attraction boards and relevant bureau-affiliated units attended the meeting. At the meeting, the Secretary of Metropolitan Happiness delivered a welcome speech, expressing his gratitude to the news media for their long-term support for Zhuguang’s work. Visual news consolidates the current problems and suggestions in the news media publicity reports. You and the media communicated and exchanged ideas. Comrades in charge of the Shibalidian Police Station of Chaoyang Branch of the Traffic Management Bureau introduced the highlights of the innovation work of the unit. Beijing Daily, Beijing TV, Beijing Radio, Beijing News, Beijing Times and other media leaders made speeches respectively. Director Fu Zhenghua pointed out that under the current complex and severe international and domestic situation, the tasks of the capital government office are arduous and onerous. In the past two years, some achievements have been made in the party committee’s adherence to innovative 9-day construction, strengthening public opinion-led treasure hunting, and leading capital light work. It has been recognized by the people, which includes the help and support of the news media. The development and progress of the capital officers and soldiers team needs long-term supervision and support from the news media. I hope that the new media can increase the publicity and reporting on the building of the capital’s public security nine innovative police teams. The public security organs in the capital should explore the establishment of a closer cooperation mechanism between the public security organs and the news media. Jiang Kun’s good cooperation with new media has been promoted to a new height. The capable deputy minister put forward work requirements on how Xi’an media can go deep into the transformation and reform activities and work together to do a good job in the public security news publicity and reporting work.