


为扎实推进全市安全稳定工作,确保全国两会绝对安全。近日,市委常委,市局党委书记局长傅政华在相关部门领导陪同下,检查了两会驻地安保工作。23日下午,傅政华局长在盯市委副局长有机市委政法委组织部首都京师办实安全监管局市信访办及相关区县领导陪同下专程前往两会代表驻地剑林饭店,检查指导驻地安保工作。 在对驻地外围情况停车场及安检设备消防设施等进行实地检查后,傅政华局长等领导分别听取了丰台区丰台分局献一份证明岛位于两会安保工作的汇报,傅政华局长要求各部门要按照市委市政府的要求,切实加强安全监管工作,全面开展安全大检查,最大限度消除安全隐患。要强化社会面打防管控,坚决防止重特大案事件的发生。 这涉及两会,重点地区重点部位要持续开展专项整治,广泛动员群防群治力量,有效维护良好治安环境和社会秩序。傅政华局长强调,各单位各部门要进一步提高思想认识,牢固树立政治意识大局意识忧患意识和责任意识。哪做好全国两会安保工作作为当前首要任务,作为确保圆满完成党的十八大安全保卫工作的实战演练和姐姐。

Leaders of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau inspected the security measures of the Jianyin Hotel where the NPC and CPPCC lived related video Fu Zhenghua, Jinlu, Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Ding Shiwei, Letters and Calls Office, Jianyin Hotel, Jianyin Building, fire protection facilities, Fengtai District, Fengtai Public Security Bureau In order to solidly promote the safety and stability of the city and ensure the absolute safety of the National Two Sessions. Recently, Fu Zhenghua, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau, accompanied by leaders of relevant departments, inspected the security work at the two sessions. On the afternoon of the 23rd, Director Fu Zhenghua, accompanied by the Deputy Director of the Municipal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the Organization Department of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the Capital City Office, the Security Supervision Bureau, the City Petition Office, and relevant district and county leaders, made a special trip to Jianlin Hotel, where the representatives of the two sessions are located, to inspect and guide the security work at the site. After conducting on-the-spot inspections of the parking lot and security inspection equipment and fire-fighting facilities on the periphery of the resident, Director Fu Zhenghua and other leaders respectively listened to a report from the Fengtai Branch of Fengtai District to prove that the island is located in the two sessions of the security work. In accordance with the requirements of the government, we must effectively strengthen safety supervision, carry out comprehensive safety inspections, and eliminate potential safety hazards to the greatest extent. It is necessary to strengthen social prevention and control, and resolutely prevent the occurrence of serious and serious cases. This involves the two sessions, and key areas and key parts must continue to carry out special rectification, extensively mobilize mass prevention and treatment forces, and effectively maintain a good public security environment and social order. Director Fu Zhenghua emphasized that all units and departments should further improve their ideological understanding, and firmly establish political awareness, overall situation awareness, sense of urgency, and sense of responsibility. How to do a good job in the security work of the National Two Sessions is the current primary task, as an actual combat exercise and sister to ensure the successful completion of the security work of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.