

今日(2023年2月8日)上午十点到下午2:00左右的现场照片是我 本人拍摄


因为看起来抗议人群年龄几乎都相当大,特警,武警在这次抗议中表现的都相当克制与保守没 有看见田可反击和推搡行为。



抗议还在持续,警察在部分路口开始盘问路 人,但是由于处于交通要道,盘查并不仔细, 也并没有阻止人群拍照录像之类的。目前在现场听到的声音是没有答复的话,明天会继续。但是目测这个情况,一旦退场就很难再聚集了, 而且原定15日在中山公园抗议。我个人感觉目前是也不太可能进行,警方知道抗议行动后,应该会加大打压力度。





 冲突似乎在加剧,但是抗议者均为年龄较大的老年人,武警方面表现仍然相当克制,其中也有 疑似社区引导员将人群带往信访处试图分散人 群。





大致时间线是上午10: 20左右开始有人聚集, 讨要说法的老年人拦住了武汉市政府的主干道。



现场发生的推撞,由于抗议人群年龄相当大, 特警表现相当克制。

现场抗议老年人大多出行方式是三轮残疾车与公交。政府目前已知停止公交的进入。有一部分 抗议人群目前正在从公交站步行过来。



冲突似乎在加剧,但是抗议者均为年龄较大的老年人。武警方面表现仍然相当克制,其中也有 疑似社区引导员将人群带往信访处试图分散人群。


可能是因为抗议人群年龄较大,到目前没有看见墙内自媒体,抖音,微博或是微信中有抗议的 视频或者讨论。

抗议还在持续。警察在部分路口开始盘问路 人,但是由于处于交通要道,盘查并不仔细, 也并没有阻止人群拍照录像之类的。目前在现场听到的声音是没有答复的话,明天会继续。但是目测这个情况,一旦退场很难再聚集了。而且原定15日在中山公园抗议。我个人感觉目前是也不太可能进行。警方知道抗议行动后,应该会加大打压力度。







中国电信 14:43


14: 36

通知,因人民日报介入, 市政府紧急通知医改暂缓, 具体时间另行通知,请相互转告退休人员。












2023-01-14 11:52武汉发布












按照《通知》,我市在一级定点医疗机构(含社区卫生服务机构、乡镇卫生院) 统筹基金支付比例确定为80%,以鼓励参保人在基层首诊,缓解大医院“就医难”的问题。同时,考虑到退休人员患病率比年轻人高,医疗需求更大,退休人员报销比例达到84%,“体现报销政策向退休人员倾斜”。


调整医保个人账户的计入办法。《通知》明确,在职职工个人账户计入由原来的单位缴费的一定比例和个人缴费的全部,转变为只划入个人缴费部分。我市退休人员个人账户将按照2021年养老金平均水平2.5%划入。此外,参加我市职工医保的灵活就业人员,原则上不再给予补助,退休后参照用人单位退休人员个人账户计入金额的80% 给予门诊和购药补助。








Tens of thousands of retirees in Wuhan took to the streets to the city government to protest the 200 yuan less payment of medical insurance, a summary of the incident

related video

Today (February 8, 2023) from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, the on-site photos were taken by me

Before I set off, I was worried that there would be violent suppression of the elderly. Although I couldn’t do anything, my intention was to record it truthfully if it happened. At present, the behavior of the police and the government is relatively conservative and restrained, but at the same time, they have not done anything. respond in any way.

Because it seems that the protesters are almost all quite old, the special police and the armed police were quite restrained and conservative in this protest and did not see Tian Ke’s counterattack and shoving behavior.

At present, some elderly people are emotional, and they are walked away by plain clothes hangers in the middle of the road. They seem to be about 60 years old. Due to the rapid occurrence, there is no way to take pictures. However, all actions of the police are quite restrained, and the behavior of dragging away the elderly Also more gentle.

A small number of medical vehicles can be seen at the scene.

The protests continued, and the police began to question passers-by at some intersections. However, due to the traffic arteries, the interrogations were not careful, and they did not prevent the crowd from taking pictures and videos. The voice heard at the scene is that if there is no answer, it will continue tomorrow. However, based on visual observations, it is difficult to gather again once they leave the venue, and the protest was originally scheduled to take place in Zhongshan Park on the 15th. I personally feel that it is unlikely to be carried out at present. After the police know about the protests, they should increase their suppression.

After the police knew about the protests, they should increase their suppression.

  It may be because the protesters are older, and so far no videos or discussions of the protests have been seen on the self-media Douyin, Weibo or WeChat in the wall.

  I have already left the site. The above news is partly duplicated, and it is not the current real-time situation, but the general events are as described above.

On-site protests for the elderly to use disabled vehicles and public transportation. The government has stopped public transport access for now. Some of the protesters are currently walking from the bus station.

  The conflict seems to be intensifying, but the protesters are all older people, and the armed police are still quite restrained. Among them, there are also suspected community guides who take the crowd to the petition office in an attempt to disperse the crowd.

8:46 am

  Before I set off, I was more worried that there would be violent suppression of the elderly. Although it can’t do anything, the intention is to record it truthfully if it happens. At present, the behavior of the police and the government is relatively conservative and restrained, but at the same time they have not responded in any way

9:04 am

At present, the behavior of the police and the government is relatively conservative and restrained

The approximate timeline is around 10:20 in the morning when people began to gather, and elderly people asking for explanations blocked the main road of Wuhan Municipal Government.

The protesters were mainly elderly people. There was not much conflict at the scene, but the protesters who watched the scene were not satisfied with the government’s attitude and decided to hold a larger-scale protest in Zhongshan Park on the 15th.

The demands of the protesters at the scene are quite clear, which is about the reduction of medical insurance.

Due to the age of the protesting crowd, the special police showed restraint in the push and collision that occurred at the scene.

Most of the older people who protested at the scene travel by three-wheeled disabled vehicles and buses. The government is currently known to stop access to buses. Part of the protest crowd is currently walking from the bus station.

The crowd began to gather farther away from the city hall, where a large number of armed police and special police were dispatched.

1:56 pm

Clashes appeared to be intensifying, but the protesters were mostly older people. The armed police remained quite restrained, and there were also suspected community guides who took the crowd to the petition office in an attempt to disperse the crowd.

1:57 pm

It may be because the protesters are older, and so far there have been no videos or discussions of the protests on We Media, Douyin, Weibo or WeChat in the wall.

Protests continue. The police began to question passers-by at some intersections, but because they were located on the main roads, they did not check carefully, nor did they prevent the crowd from taking pictures and videos. The voice heard at the scene is that if there is no answer, it will continue tomorrow. But visually observing this situation, it is difficult to gather again once they leave the field. And it was originally planned to protest at Zhongshan Park on the 15th. Personally, I feel that it is not possible at present. After the police knew about the protests, they should increase their suppression.

At present, some elderly people are agitated, and they are walked by plain clothes hangers in the middle of the road. They seem to be about 60 years old. Couldn’t get a photo due to it happening so quickly. However, all actions of the police were quite restrained, and the behavior of abducting the elderly was relatively gentle. A small number of medical vehicles can be seen at the scene.

A small number of medical vehicles can be seen at the scene.

Before I left, there was no reply or statement from the government

10:57 am

Only suspected community or government staff said they would suspend the implementation? But it is not sure whether it is an official statement from the government.

The number of participants in the entire protest was not large, and there was no bloodshed or violent conflict, and both sides were relatively restrained.

10:58 am

I left the scene at about 3:30 pm. The pictures and sources were taken and collected by me at the scene. I am really sorry for the confusion.

Wuhan City Employee Basic Medical Insurance Adjustment Comparison Table

The medical insurance of civil servants in Wuhan will not be affected.

Comparison table of basic medical insurance adjustments for employees in Wuhan

China Telecom 14:43

old gentleman


Notification, due to the intervention of the People’s Daily, the municipal government urgently notified that the medical reform will be suspended, and the specific time will be notified separately. Please tell the retirees to each other.

The People’s Daily has just made a statement and put forward four suggestions for rectification, focusing on the bureaucracy of the person in charge of the medical reform and the problem of harming the common people. To restore the original state, the next step is to approach free medical care for all.

The heroic people of Wuhan have made contributions to promoting the progress of history and society.

The People’s Daily just made a sound and put forward four suggestions for rectification

Remarks of Dabao Dynasty:

This is just a piece of news. The so-called voice of the “People’s Daily” has not been found on the Internet.

The protesters demanded that government officials publicly explain why the monthly medical subsidy was reduced from more than 260 yuan to more than 80 yuan.

Mr. Gao, a citizen of Wuhan, told reporters that nearly 2 million retirees were affected, and the protesters demanded that the medical insurance subsidy be restored to the original standard. The protesters come from grassroots retired employees from various industries in Wuhan, and their incomes are relatively low. The medical reform has a great impact on them.

“They are protesting and petitioning for the new medical insurance policy. They have deducted hundreds of yuan and dozens of yuan, which is more than two thousand a year.” He said, “Because many retired elderly people buy some medicines from pharmacies for minor ailments. , The 260 yuan is barely enough to survive, and now 80 yuan is not enough to buy a medicine.”

Beginning in February, the monthly rebates for the medical insurance accounts of retirees in Wuhan dropped to only 83 yuan. For flexible employees, the monthly repayment after retirement is only 66 yuan (80% of the employee’s retirement).

The following is the official news of “Wuhan Release” in January

From February 1st, there will be major changes in the medical insurance of Wuhan employees

2023-01-14 11:52 Released in Wuhan

Wuhan employee medical insurance has been in operation for more than 20 years, and the biggest reform is about to be implemented. The Wuhan Municipal People’s Government issued the “Notice on the Implementation Rules for Outpatient Mutual Aid Security of Basic Medical Insurance for Employees in Wuhan” (hereinafter referred to as the “Notice”). On January 12, the reporter learned from the Wuhan Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau that the city is steadily promoting the implementation of the reform of the employee medical insurance system.


On the basis of the realization of family mutual aid in the individual accounts of employees’ medical insurance in the early stage, starting from February 1, our city will officially implement outpatient pooling for employees’ medical insurance, and “general outpatient expenses cannot be reimbursed” will become history.

At that time, the city’s employees’ outpatient treatment expenses will be included in the payment scope of the medical insurance pooling fund, and the reimbursement rate will start from 50%, and the method of recording into the employee’s medical insurance personal account will be adjusted simultaneously.

The reform of Wuhan’s employee medical insurance system was officially launched

The city’s employee medical insurance system has been in operation for more than 20 years, and it has implemented a security model that combines pooled accounts and individual accounts. Previously, the city’s employee medical insurance focused on hospitalization, and the reimbursement ratio of hospitalization expenses within the scope of the policy reached more than 80%. In addition to the reimbursement of specific outpatient chronic diseases, general outpatient medical expenses can only be paid through personal accounts. Since personal accounts are accumulated by individuals, their limitations have gradually become apparent. There is a large gap in the accumulation of personal accounts between healthy and non-healthy people, and family members cannot share them.

“The essence of medical insurance is mutual aid, that is, healthy people help unhealthy people.” Through reforms, our city will establish and improve the medical insurance system for employees who help each other and share responsibilities, so as to effectively reduce the burden of medical expenses on insured employees. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the system, Wuhan City fully considered factors such as the operation of employee medical insurance funds and the level of medical institutions, and designed policies based on the principle of starting at a low level to reserve space for timely adjustments to policies in the later period.

The reform mainly involves three contents

The city’s employee medical insurance outpatient mutual aid security reform mainly involves three items:

  First item

Our city will establish an employee medical insurance outpatient co-ordination system, which will include the general outpatient treatment expenses of employee medical insurance participants in the payment scope of the medical insurance overall planning fund, and the reimbursement rate will start from 50%.

According to the “Notice”, the city’s first-level designated medical institutions (including community health service institutions and township health centers) will pay 80% of the overall fund payment ratio to encourage insured persons to make their first visits at the grassroots level and alleviate the “difficulty in seeking medical treatment” in large hospitals The problem. At the same time, considering that the sickness rate of retirees is higher than that of young people and their medical needs are greater, the reimbursement ratio for retirees reached 84%, “reflecting that the reimbursement policy is tilted towards retirees.”

  second section

Adjust the crediting method of individual medical insurance accounts. The “Notice” clarifies that the personal account of the serving employees is included in a certain percentage of the original unit payment and all the individual payment, and only the individual payment is included. The personal accounts of retirees in our city will be allocated according to the average pension level of 2.5% in 2021. In addition, flexible employees participating in the city’s employee medical insurance will no longer be given subsidies in principle. After retirement, 80% of the amount included in the personal account of the retirees of the employer will be given to outpatient and drug purchase subsidies.

After the reform of the personal account allocation ratio, all the increased funds will go into the general outpatient pooling fund of the city’s employee medical insurance. “The accumulated part of the personal account is still owned by the individual and will not be affected.”

  the third item

Personal account and family mutual aid. The personal account can be used to pay the medical expenses incurred by the insured employees themselves, their spouses, parents, and children when they seek medical treatment in designated medical institutions, as well as the expenses incurred in purchasing medicines, medical devices, and medical consumables in designated retail pharmacies. At the same time, the exploration personal account is used for personal payment for the person, spouse, parents, and children.

The reform will be implemented step by step

At the end of last year, our city has realized the third item of the above-mentioned reform content, that is, the official implementation of employee medical insurance and family assistance. Spouses, parents, and children of insured employees who participate in the basic medical insurance within the scope of our city’s overall planning can apply to link to the personal accounts of insured employees, and use the balance of the personal account to pay for personal out-of-pocket expenses when seeing a doctor.

Starting from February 1, the first and second items of the above-mentioned reform content will be officially implemented. When the city’s employee medical insurance participants go to the general outpatient clinics of designated medical institutions, the medical expenses that meet the scope of the medical insurance policy will be included in the medical insurance. Coordinate the scope of reimbursement; and simultaneously adjust the method of crediting personal accounts in accordance with the requirements of the “Notice”. At present, the city’s medical insurance department is upgrading and testing the information settlement system to ensure that the insured can enjoy ordinary outpatient reimbursement as scheduled.

In the next step, with the support of the provincial medical insurance information system, our city will gradually strengthen outpatient protection for some chronic diseases and special diseases. At the same time, gradually realize that the personal medical insurance account is used for personal payment such as the personal medical insurance for urban and rural residents, large-amount medical insurance for employees, spouses, parents, and children.