农历正月初二 江苏省苏州市线下声援曹芷馨等被捕青年纪实









以及北京被抓几位青年的彩绘照片,而另一位朋友把手写着“自由 平等 公正 法治”的白纸贴到胸

前。我们开始向前走,边走边跟着手机里的节奏唱do you hear the people sing。

尽管很嘈杂,但是逐渐离我们五六米内的路人开始因为歌声注意我们。很多人开始以为是促销活动,但看到朋友高举的ipad 和胸前的贴纸,很快意识到这是什么内容。我们对两边围观的几对青年情侣喊道:“大家一定不要忘记”“为众人抱薪者,不可使其冻毙于风雪”

我们一直走完了整个分区(熟悉苏州中心的朋友能 get到),沿途大概数百人都目睹到我们的ipad和贴纸。令人感动的是,一路上没有遇到过一个人进行辱骂,也没有遇到想象中大家一片茫然情况。



1. 第一次快闪行动让我们发现,商场内开展低烈度的快闪行动,实际上比室外公共区域集会活动更为安全。商场内除了入口处基本不会有任何保安与便衣,而且内部的执法者都是商业物业人员。但是出于安全考虑,尽量避免大聚集和高烈度行为(室内高烈度基本百分之百当场会被抓)

2. Ipad等电子产品可以代替纸质文宣品,而且因为反光原因,监控摄像头很难捕捉到Ipad的电子屏幕上的文字。

3. 大家永远不要灰心,国内的觉醒者远比想象的多的多,特别是大学生群体。当前阶段采取去中心化的行动与策略,然后在保证安全的情况下发布出来。当前阶段运动处于低潮期,民众都是从众的。只有不断的多点开花式的接力开展快闪,并且广泛传播,才能为下一次大规模运动蓄力。 建议当前想在国内开展线下活动的朋友,采取去中心化,低烈度长期化策略。尽量不要使用太过激烈的口号以免被抓住把柄,打着红旗反红旗也是很好的策略。见好就收,安全第一,以唤醒更多人为目标。

5. 同样想搞线下的各地的朋友可以和身边志同道合人一起组成类似的小圈子,践行去中心化原则。以点带面,星星之火终将驱散黑暗。


我们也把这次行动记录到twitter账号里作为留档,防止账号都被集中爆破。以后如果再有实践快闪行动,投稿的同时也会同步在这个twitter 号里。



On the second day of the first month of the lunar calendar, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province supports Cao Zhixin and other arrested youths offline
[Submission] This is the experience of our small circle in practicing flash mobs in the Suzhou Central Mall in Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province on the second day of the first lunar month. For safety reasons, it was deliberately postponed for two weeks. Don’t worry about safety, all participants are safe now.
On the second day of the first month of the lunar calendar, the Spring Festival is originally a day for family reunion. Feeling that Cao Zhixin and other nine people in Beijing were arrested by Qiu Hou. After the meal, the three friends made an impromptu decision and agreed to go to Suzhou Center for offline support. We had already prepared in advance to be detained for inspection, and our frequently used mobile phones were also locked at the storage point, and we joked a few lines with each other. Out of justice, “he who holds a salary for everyone shall not be allowed to freeze to death in the wind and snow”, don’t we even have the courage to shout out?
It’s the Lunar New Year, and the shopping mall is full of customers. Suzhou Center is known as the largest single commercial center in the country, especially many young people come here to celebrate the New Year. After we passed the sub-entrance, we went inside and took out the Ipad out of the sight of the security guard at the door.
On the Ipad, in white letters on a black background, it says:
don’t do()() do()()
and painted photos of several youths arrested in Beijing, while another friend pasted a white piece of paper with the words “Freedom, Equality, Justice, and the Rule of Law” on his chest.
forward. We started walking forward, singing do you hear the people sing along with the rhythm on the phone.
Although it was very noisy, gradually passers-by within five or six meters of us began to pay attention to us because of the singing. Many people thought it was a promotional activity at first, but when they saw the ipad and the sticker on the chest of their friends, they quickly realized what it was. We shouted to the young couples watching on both sides: “Everyone must not forget” “Those who hold salaries for everyone must not let them freeze to death in the wind and snow”
We walked all the way through the entire district (friends who are familiar with Suzhou Center can get it), and hundreds of people along the way witnessed our ipads and stickers. What’s touching is that along the way, I didn’t encounter a single person who insulted me, nor did I encounter the situation where everyone was at a loss as imagined.
Instead, there were many people, most of whom looked like college students, giving us thumbs up and OK signs. Many people and their friends began to whisper, and some people brought their friends to watch. What impressed us the most was a couple who saw us and walked about one or two meters away from us and said to us, “Come on, be safe.” Then hug us. With everyone cheering and cheering, we didn’t put away our iPads until the security checkpoint near the exit of the division, and returned to our residence smoothly.
[Summary of Action Experience]
1. The first flash mob allowed us to discover that low-intensity flash mobs in shopping malls are actually safer than gatherings in outdoor public areas. Except for the entrance, there are basically no security guards and plainclothes in the mall, and the law enforcement officers inside are all commercial property personnel. But for safety reasons, try to avoid large gatherings and high-intensity behaviors (indoor high-intensity activities will basically be caught on the spot)
2. Electronic products such as Ipad can replace paper literature, and because of reflections, it is difficult for surveillance cameras to capture the text on the electronic screen of Ipad.
3. Don’t ever be discouraged, there are far more awakened people in China than expected, especially college students. At the current stage, take decentralized actions and strategies, and then publish them under the condition of ensuring safety. The current stage of the movement is at a low ebb, and the people are following the crowd. Only continuous multi-point blooming relay flash mobs and widespread dissemination can accumulate energy for the next large-scale movement. It is recommended that friends who currently want to carry out offline activities in China adopt a decentralized, low-intensity long-term strategy. Try not to use too fierce slogans to avoid being caught. It is also a good strategy to fight against red flags with red flags. Take it as soon as you see it, safety first, and aim to wake up more people.
5. Friends from all over the world who also want to engage in offline activities can form similar small circles with like-minded people around them to practice the principle of decentralization. From point to point, a single spark will eventually dispel the darkness.
We also recorded this action in the twitter account as a file to prevent all accounts from being blasted in a centralized manner. In the future, if there is another practice flash action, it will be synchronized in this twitter account at the same time as the submission.
twitter account id:@775lighting
Name: candle shinning