


11月15日下午,再公布涉案人员非正常死亡和涉案财务管理问题专项治理视频调度回头市级立即召开全局2个专项治理工作推进会第一时间贯彻落实,关注会议精神,总结成绩,分析问题,部署两套专项治理年底收官期的工作。会上,傅政华局长要求全局上下认真贯彻落实关注视频调度会精神,并强调要切实把握开展2个专项治理的深刻热传。 进一步增强抓好专项治理工作的主动性和创造性。要严肃对待工作中的差距和不足,清醒认识到开展2个专项治理的重要性,一进一步明确2个专项治理的努力,分享乡情调研,切实改进和加强各执法办案部门的生物财物保管场所和30等执法办案场所基础设施建设,以群众是否满意程序是否合法和措施系统缜密为衡量标准。要总结固化2个专项治理工作成果。 注,图五工作创一流就运行高效率五九素质高水平工作目标的实现总结和提炼专项治理中务实有效的做法精度,提高民警的职业素质和执法水平,积极探索实现公正廉洁执法的有效途径。市局副局长段桂青,纪委书记董小兵出席会议。

The two special governance tasks will be fully promoted in the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Jinlu, Unnatural Death, Property Management Involved in the Case, Ministry of Public Security, Duan Guiqing, Dong Xiaobing On the afternoon of November 15th, the video dispatch of the special governance of the abnormal death of the personnel involved and the financial management issues involved in the case will be announced. The municipal level will immediately hold two global special governance work promotion meetings to implement them as soon as possible, pay attention to the spirit of the meeting, summarize the results, and analyze the problems. , Deploy two sets of special governance work for the closing period at the end of the year. At the meeting, Director Fu Zhenghua asked the whole organization to conscientiously implement the spirit of the attention video scheduling meeting, and emphasized the need to earnestly grasp the profound heat transfer of the two special governance projects. Further enhance the initiative and creativity of doing a good job in special governance work. It is necessary to take seriously the gaps and deficiencies in the work, soberly realize the importance of carrying out the two special governances, further clarify the efforts of the two special governances, share the investigation of the nostalgia, and effectively improve and strengthen the biological property storage places and facilities of various law enforcement and case handling departments. 30 etc. The infrastructure construction of law enforcement and case handling places is based on whether the public is satisfied with whether the procedures are legal and the measures are systematic and rigorous. It is necessary to summarize and solidify the results of two special governance work. Note, in Figure 5, creating first-class work means high efficiency, high quality and high-level work goals, summarizing and refining the accuracy of pragmatic and effective practices in special governance, improving the professional quality and law enforcement level of the police, and actively exploring effective ways to achieve fair and clean law enforcement . Duan Guiqing, Deputy Director of the Municipal Bureau, and Dong Xiaobing, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection attended the meeting.