清醒认识各类邪教发展态势 采取果断措施坚决予以打击





清醒认识各类邪教发展态势 采取果断措施坚决予以打击












法轮功起始之后的几年内,阿荣旗一直受到法轮功的渗透与侵蚀,起初形式是法轮功分子少量地在住宅楼道和自行车筐粘贴投放法轮功宣传资料,继而发展到用红纸包裹法轮功宣传品再使用防雨防尘的塑料口袋密封在平民居院投放,且投放量有逐年增加之势。尤以2004年为最,受国外法轮功组织的影响,法轮功活动由农村蔓延至城镇中心,呈猖獗之态势,具有很强的宣传性和煽动性,那吉镇的中央街、东西二道街的灯柱、电线杆、公用电话亭、王杰广场、儿童公园均成为法轮功分子张贴、散发宣传品的主要场所。由于张贴法轮功宣传品的范围广、量大、粘贴胶性强、清除难度大,只好动员环卫工人予以清除。更为狂虐的是,法轮功分子竟敢在光天化日之下向行人发放法轮功宣传单和张贴宣传品。在饭店有人谴责评论法轮功非法活动时,竟有法轮功分子公开争辩。王世军公然在那吉镇中央街路面书写“法轮大法”,挂出“法轮大法好”的横幅,又胆大妄为地向中央、自治区、市政府邮寄为法轮功鸣冤的信件。另有该旗的法轮功练习者梁亮、邱景文和扎兰屯市来该旗浮居的法轮功分子奚秀芳经多次教育工作仍十分顽固,拒不脱离邪教,坚持信奉法轮功。2004年该旗音河乡、霍尔奇镇、三岔河镇、红花梁子镇、那吉屯农场等的许多村屯多次发生骑摩托车人在农家院门投放法轮功宣传单和光碟。六合镇发生一起开吉普车散发传单的案件。外地的法轮功分子也常来该旗活动,据国家安全部门反馈信息,2002年12月21日该旗有人往国家安全部门监听法轮功分子的手机打电话,约定日期到阿荣旗接站。2004年3月12日,鄂伦春旗法轮功分子雷秀华来该旗活动三日,被当局抓获时,从其随身携带包里搜出十多张法轮功宣传单,在其被抓获的前一天,那吉屯农场派出所从场部居民院内收回八十多张同雷秀华身上搜出一样的法轮功宣传单。2005年,境外法轮功组织开展了煽动性、反动性更加强大的“九评”共产党活动,当时发现国外法轮功组织已经向该旗音河乡、德力其尔乡、原那克塔镇三户邮寄九评共产党资料。同年4月2日旗宾馆大门柱上粘贴一信封,内装九评共产党书籍一本。同年4月7日,受法轮功组织宣传九评共产党的影响,邱景文向旗委组织部写信声明脱离团组织(当时邱景文以搬家到吉林省延吉市朝阳区56号其儿子邱彦成家居住)。2006年2月25日和3月3日,新发乡章塔尔村和唐王沟村发现法轮功散发的明慧网下载的宣传单和《九评共产党》的小册子。2006年10月23日,一名在校学生交给派出所民警一张在背面西湖图案上用6号字体打印“快看《九评》天灭中共 退党团队保平安”一元面额人民币。2007年11月4日21时30分,亚东镇洪立村发现法轮功分子散发的宣传品有《九评共产党》、《江泽民其人》、《大恶报—神佛最后的忠告》(宣传册)、《生死一念》(宣传册)、《明慧周报》第127期、第132期、《明慧画报》第34期、《齐齐哈尔晨曦》第23期。派出所做走访清缴工作时发现洪立村周边十余个村当晚都被散发同样宣传品。2008年6月那吉镇文化街发现法轮功散发的宣传品。在奥运会前夕的2008年7月14日,公安局主管局长带领国保大队民警会同旗反邪教办公室对流入外地法轮功人员进行一次大走访,先后到延吉、青岛,在当地反邪办、维稳办、国保大队、派出所的配合下,走访调查法轮功人员邱景文、梁亮(梁秀芝)的现时表现,与二人 明示了这次走访的目的和其应该遵守的法律法规,同二人所在的管区派出所签定了监管协议书。2010年辽宁省营口市鲅鱼圈区王玉凤在绥满高速公路施工期间,在查巴奇散发“法轮功”宣传品被判刑三年。



2002年月12月中旬,阿荣旗那吉屯农场一分场二队的张凯经大时尼奇林场郎玉凡介绍在牙克石市加入东方闪电教邪教组织,于12月2 5日先后领回五名外地邪教成员(三男二女)分别由张凯及妻子尤桂清在阿荣旗那吉镇、复兴镇、新发乡、那吉屯农场等地的20余个村屯寻访基督教信众,以探讨《圣经》为嗜,进而宣扬基督再世,肉身显现,再现邪教书籍《审判在神家起首》及歌本和录音磁带让信众传阅,并称原基督教民读的《圣经》走偏了,《审判在神家起首》走的才是正道,蛊惑更多的信教群众加入“东方闪电教”邪教组织。2003年1月8日上午,该邪教组织又派张奎芝(黑龙江省齐齐尔市富拉乐尔基区九砖厂工人)携带书籍从齐齐哈尔市到阿荣旗张凯家参加传播邪教活动,由尤桂清指引在那吉镇内信众家中游说群众信奉“东方闪电教”,当晚被公安机关抓获,张凯及其他5名邪教成员闻讯逃掉。

2003年3月中旬,黑龙江省鸡西市铁西委居民于海棠被邪教组织派往那吉屯农场一分场二队吕桂荣(原农场一分场二队小学教师,因病退休,信基督教)家传播“东方闪电教” ,于4月26日,于海棠、吕桂荣在原太平庄镇三合村马架屯张国喜家准备向信教村民传播“东方闪电教”时被当场抓获,收缴《审判在神家起首》邪教书4本,录音带5盘,于、吕二人被治安拘留。2005—2008年吕桂荣一直离家在外传教,因患精神病于2008年夏季被邪教组织抛弃。



2003年以来,黑龙江省人员(具体地址不详)赤手(灵名)、 到该旗亚东镇进行传播“东方闪电教”,组织自称为黑龙江人叫解脱(灵名)、脱俗(灵名)、刘燕(灵名)、沉静(灵名)四人先后到阿荣旗亚东镇、六合镇、得力其尔乡进行组织传播“东方闪电教”活动。在亚东镇组织信教人员30余人,任命张秀霞为带领,负责召集聚会活动。2004年初,张秀霞诱丈夫孙世宽入该邪教,做邪教组织书籍、资料传递工作。几个月后,孙世宽发现该教活动诡秘,认为是非正统宗教,在之后的一次聚会活动中,宣布退出教会,并强迫妻子及其亲属都要退出,否则告发。孙的举动致使妻子及部分人员脱离了邪教活动。 。



“门徒会”邪教组织鼓吹宣扬的内容十分低级、手段甚为拙劣,其创立至今仅仅十几年时间就得以迅速蔓延,教徒遍及全国各地,已经对社会稳定和和谐社会建设造成重大影响,其危害是巨大的。一是其组织的迅速蔓延扩大对国家安全造成威胁。如任其发展、做大成势,其首要分子的野心定会不断膨胀,不甘心于初始阶段坑蒙拐骗的小打小闹,势力一旦具备、时机一旦成熟,它的教义内容就会随之改变,就会显示出颠覆国家政权的政治图谋,具体表现为挑起事端、制造动荡、企图攫取政治权力。二是与社会主义先进文化方向公然对立、背道而驰。“门徒会”所宣扬的“世界末日论” 、“祷告去病论”等迷信学说是与我们今天积极向上、阳光健康的社会文化格格不入的。可以想象,如果“门徒会”邪教组织得以迅速发展壮大,必然在意识形态领域、思想政治领域造成混乱,我们也因此很可能失去一块很重要的思想文化阵地。三是制造教主崇拜,编造歪理邪说,实行精神控制,践踏人性庄严,摧残人的身心健康,背弃社会人伦,湮没世间真性,最终必将导致社会道德沦丧的可怕后果。四是扰乱社会秩序,影响社会稳定。攻击党和政府,利用社会矛盾,煽动群众抗拒国家法律政策的实施。此外,“门徒会”还在危害公共安全、侵犯公民人身权和民主权利、侵犯公民(包括信徒)财产权利,甚至侵犯人民群众的生命安全等诸多方面有着极为严重的社会危害。过去的十几年有例为证。


2006年7月19日,阿荣旗政法委主持召开会议专门部署打击“门徒会”邪教的专项斗争战役,各乡镇主管政法领导、派出所所长参加会议,要求各派出所利用一周时间对辖区“门徒会”邪教组织活动情况进行调查摸底,共调查登记 “门徒会”邪教组织成员567人,邪教活动点47个,对邪教组织骨干人员12人给予治安拘留处罚。







从社会原因看,思想政治工作薄弱,党的民族宗教政策还没有得到根本落实,广大农村的文化阵地还没有完全被社会主义精神文明所占领。凸显在,一是绝大多数邪教信徒思想空虚、文化匮乏,对哲学、宗教常识、党和国家的宗教政策以及法律法规知之甚少,不明宗教信仰自由的含义,不明何为正常的宗教活动,盲目盲从;二是社会主义精神文明建设还没有普及广大农村的各个角落,一些干部只忙于抓经济建设,弱化了宣传思想文化工作,包括法律知识的普及、党的民族宗教政策的宣传、文化下乡等项工作往往流于形式, 这就给各类邪教组织提供了赖以滋生发展的平台;三是基层政权特别是农村干部对打击治理各类邪教工作没有引起足够重视,甚而对邪教的滋生蔓延默然。一方面他们本身就缺乏宗教及其法律法规的基本常识,在宗教与邪教面前难辨是非;另一方面,甚而有之认为信教这东西就是小打小闹、成不了气候、翻不起大浪,任其泛滥发展。这是一个相当普遍的思想认识问题。再有乡、村两级基层组织中,宗教的专、兼职管理干部不健全,致使对宗教工作责任不清、无人过问、无人管理,存在着只靠公安机关一家唱独角戏的被动局面。
















Clearly understand the development trend of various cults and take decisive measures to resolutely crack down on them

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“Compilation of Documents of Public Security Bureau of Arong Banner, Inner Mongolia 2”

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Clearly understand the development trend of various cults and take decisive measures to resolutely crack down on them

                                                                 Arong Banner Public Security Bureau

Over the years, some rural areas of Arong Banner have seen a trend of religious belief, especially the activities of various cult organizations. Their rapid development, wide spread, and great influence have become an important aspect affecting rural social and political stability. . Years of banning, attacking, and banning once curbed the development and spread of various cults, consolidated the grassroots political power, and defended the ruling foundation of the Communist Party of China.

1. The status quo and harm of cult organizations

  The evil cult organizations and activities in Arong Banner are especially “Falun Gong”, “Eastern Lightning Sect” (real god), and “hooded head religion” (disciple association), all of which were introduced from other places and gradually developed and spread. The fringe areas of urban and rural areas are the most rampant. The main theory is that they take some viewpoints from the Bible out of context, distort them, and spread the theory of “the end of the world.” Cult organizations have seriously interfered with the normal order of religious belief and religious activities. As we all know, normal religious beliefs and religious activities are protected by law, while cult organizations do everything possible to seek a “protective umbrella” in order to gain a foothold. Infiltrating Christians is one of their clumsy methods. The weak-willed have ideological confusion and differentiation, which seriously confuses normal religious activities and hampers local normal religious activities and their management.

Falun Gong: When the state banned Falun Gong in 1999, the Public Security Bureau of Arong Banner had a total of 61 Falun Gong practitioners in the banner. The public security organ cracked down on five people.

Among the Falun Gong practitioners who were dealt with:

Liang Liang (formerly known as Liang Xiuzhi), female, 46 years old, registered at Taipingzhuang Town, Arong Banner, Inner Mongolia. In 1999, under the influence of his mother and brother, Liang Liang came up with the idea of believing in “Falungong”. It happened that year and her husband moved to live in Duanjiapu Village, Shazikou Town, Laoshan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province (hukou has not been moved). In 2000, his brother Liang Baisheng (a diehard Falun Gong member in Changchun City, Jilin Province) was sent to reeducation through labor by the public security organs, and his mother Gao Shuying was also sent to a study class for ideological reform. Unscrupulously engaged in the so-called “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance” obsessive activities of “Falun Gong”, and came to Beijing from Qingdao alone on December 9 of that year, and unfurled a banner reading “Falun Dafa is good” in Tiananmen Square. He was detained by the Fangshan Branch of the Beijing Public Security Bureau. Due to the issue of Liang Liang’s household registration, the Arong Banner Public Security Bureau released him. During his detention, he turned a blind eye to a large amount of ideological education work from the public security organs, her husband, relatives and friends, and had a strong resistance. “Falun Dafa is good” various arguments and excuses, and finally he was approved by the Municipal Public Security Bureau for two years of reeducation through labor. When Liang Liang was sent to the Tumuji Forced Labor Camp in April of that year, he superficially obeyed the labor camp, but he hated education and reform in his heart, and his resistance was still serious. The shackles of the “Falun” made him unable to extricate himself, and his conscience had been wiped out by the “Falun” . On December 2, 2002, when Liang Liang was released from labor camp, the Arong Banner public security agency persuaded her husband to go to Tumuji to pick Liang Liang back to Arong Banner, and Liang Liang’s younger brother Liang Baicheng also went to Tumuji to pick Liang Liang up. Finally, Liang Liang followed Liang Baicheng. To his mother in Jianguo Village, Yuquan Town, Jingyue Development Zone, Changchun City. Soon after, Liang Liang’s sister Liang Dan (who lives in Osaka, Japan and is an overseas Falun Gong practitioner) posted Liang Liang on the Minghui website and listed Liang Liang as one of the 100 victims rescued by overseas Falun Gong organizations. Liang Liang is in a prominent position as a “Falun” disciple. In January 2003, the leaders of the Public Security Bureau of Arong Banner and the head of the National Security Brigade went to Changchun City to learn about Liang Liang’s recent developments. On September 18, 2003, the Jingyue Branch of the Changchun City Public Security Bureau called to inform Liang Liang that he had left Changchun ten days ago and his whereabouts were unknown. In March 2004, our bureau learned that Liang Liang was in Qingdao, and the director in charge led the national security officers to Qingdao to implement Liang Liang’s whereabouts and monitoring measures. In September of the same year, the Banner Anti-cult Office and the National Security Brigade went to Qingdao City to do Liang Liang’s ideological work and implement monitoring work. In July 2005, the Banner Anti-cult Office, National Security Brigade, and Falun Gong practitioners from Hailaer went to Qingdao to do Liang Liang’s ideological work. Liang Liang’s obsession with Falun Gong was transformed and he signed four books.

2. Jie Yanrong, female, born on June 9, 1957, Han nationality, from Gushan Town, unemployed. On December 8, 1999, he was detained by the public security for 15 days for spreading Falun Gong. His daughters Dong Wei and Dong Jia went to Tiananmen Square on December 5, 1999 to protect the Fa while they were studying at the Yakeshi Health School, and were detained by the Yake City Public Security Bureau for 15 days. Dong Wei and Dong Jia are currently working in a factory in Dalian.

3. Wang Shijun, male, 39 years old, Han nationality, a farmer in Zhangtar Village, Xinfa Township. On January 5, 2005, Wang Shijun was detained by the public security for 15 days for writing and posting a grievance letter for Falun Gong. From May to September of the same year, Wang Shijun sprayed Falun Gong slogans one after another in Naji Town, and was again detained by the public security. On March 1, 2006, Wang Shijun and Wang Xiaochun, a Falun Gong practitioner from Zhalantun City, distributed Falun Gong propaganda materials in Xiangyangyu Town.

Most of the Falun Gong practitioners in the hands of the Public Security Bureau of Arong Banner are taught by Na Shuqin of Daqing City and Jie Yanrong of Ben Banner. Those taught by Na Shuqin are mainly distributed in Naji Township and Chabaqi Township, while those taught by Jie Yanrong are mainly distributed in Yuangushan Township and Yuanchangan Township. Na Shuqin is still practicing Falun Gong and is a key population in Daqing City. In 2003, the Public Security Bureau of Arong Banner found Falun Gong propaganda materials downloaded from the Minghui website among Falun Gong practitioners in Chabaqi Township, and immediately strengthened restrictions on Na Shuqin’s visits to relatives in the area and followed up and monitored them. At present, the Falun Gong activities in Arong Banner have been effectively controlled, and no new illegal activities have been discovered.

In the few years after the start of Falun Gong, Arong Banner has been infiltrated and eroded by Falun Gong. At first, Falun Gong members pasted a small amount of Falun Gong propaganda materials on the corridors of houses and bicycle baskets, and then developed into wrapping Falun Gong propaganda materials in red paper and using them to prevent rain. Dust-proof plastic bags are sealed and placed in civilian homes, and the amount of them is increasing year by year. Especially in 2004, under the influence of foreign Falun Gong organizations, Falun Gong activities spread from rural areas to urban centers, showing a rampant trend, with strong propaganda and incitement. Lampposts, telephone poles, public telephone booths, Wangjie Square, and Children’s Park have all become the main places for Falun Gong members to post and distribute propaganda materials. Due to the wide range of Falun Gong propaganda materials, the large amount, the strong glue, and the difficulty in removing them, sanitation workers had to be mobilized to remove them. What is even more brutal is that Falun Gong elements dare to distribute Falun Gong leaflets and post promotional materials to passers-by in broad daylight. When someone in the restaurant condemned and commented on the illegal activities of Falun Gong, some Falun Gong practitioners argued publicly. Wang Shijun blatantly wrote “Falun Dafa” on the pavement of Zhongzhong Street in Naji Town, hung up banners reading “Falun Dafa is good”, and boldly mailed letters expressing grievances for Falun Gong to the central, autonomous region, and municipal governments. In addition, the Falun Gong practitioners Liang Liang and Qiu Jingwen from the banner, and Xi Xiufang, a Falun Gong member who came to live in the banner from Zhalantun City, are still very stubborn after repeated education work. They refuse to leave the cult and insist on believing in Falun Gong. In 2004, in many villages such as Qiyinhe Township, Huoerqi Township, Sanchahe Township, Honghualiangzi Township, and Najitun Farm, motorcycle riders dropped Falun Gong leaflets and CDs at the gates of farmhouses. A case occurred in Liuhe Town where a jeep was used to distribute leaflets. Falun Gong members from other places also often come to this banner for activities. According to the feedback from the national security department, on December 21, 2002, someone from the banner went to the national security department to monitor the cell phone calls of Falun Gong members. On March 12, 2004, Lei Xiuhua, a Falun Gong member of the Oroqen Banner, came to the banner for three days. When he was captured by the authorities, more than ten Falun Gong leaflets were found in his carry-on bag. The Jitun Farm Police Station recovered more than 80 Falun Gong leaflets that were the same as those found on Lei Xiuhua’s body. In 2005, overseas Falun Gong organizations carried out the more inflammatory and reactionary “Nine Commentaries” on the Communist Party. At that time, it was discovered that foreign Falun Gong organizations had mailed Nine Commentaries on Communist Party materials. On April 2 of the same year, an envelope was pasted on the pillar of the gate of the Qi Hotel, containing a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. On April 7 of the same year, influenced by the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party by the Falun Gong organization, Qiu Jingwen wrote a letter to the Organization Department of the Banner Committee to declare his separation from the Communist Youth League (at that time, Qiu Jingwen moved to his son Qiu Yancheng’s home at No. 56, Chaoyang District, Yanji City, Jilin Province). On February 25 and March 3, 2006, in Zhangtar Village and Tangwanggou Village of Xinfa Township, Falun Gong found leaflets distributed by Falun Gong and downloaded from Minghui Net and booklets of “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”. On October 23, 2006, a student at the school handed over to the police station a piece of RMB with a denomination of one yuan printed on the West Lake pattern on the back in font size 6, “Quickly look at the “Nine Commentaries”. At 21:30 on November 4, 2007, in Hongli Village, Yadong Town, it was discovered that Falun Gong elements distributed propaganda materials including “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”, “Jiang Zemin and His Man”, “Great Evil Report-The Last Advice from Gods and Buddhas” (Propaganda volume), “One Thought of Life and Death” (brochure), “Minghui Weekly” Issue 127, Issue 132, “Minghui Pictorial” Issue 34, “Qiqihar Dawn” Issue 23. When the police station visited and cleared the payment, they found that more than ten villages around Hongli Village had distributed the same promotional materials that night. In June 2008, propaganda materials distributed by Falun Gong were found in Wenhua Street, Naji Town. On July 14, 2008, the eve of the Olympic Games, the head of the Public Security Bureau led the police from the National Security Brigade and the Banner Anti-cult Office to conduct a large-scale visit to the inflow of Falun Gong practitioners from other places. With the cooperation of the brigade and the police station, they visited and investigated the current performance of Falun Gong practitioners Qiu Jingwen and Liang Liang (Liang Xiuzhi). They clearly stated the purpose of this visit and the laws and regulations they should abide by, and signed a contract with the police station in the area where the two belonged. Regulatory agreement. In 2010, Wang Yufeng from Bayuquan District, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province was sentenced to three years in prison for distributing “Falun Gong” propaganda materials in Chabaqi during the construction of the Suiman Expressway.

“Eastern Lightning Sect” (also known as “Practical God”): “Eastern Lightning Sect” is the cult organization that first infiltrated Arong Banner, developed rapidly, and caused the most serious harm. They spread reactionary speeches, viciously attacked the party and the government, incited riots, and attacked the party’s religious policies. The reactionary nature of this organization lies in the fact that it slanders today’s China as a declining imperial family, dominated by the big red dragon (referring to the Communist Party), and incites believers to block the guns of the big red dragon with their lives, cheer up, give up their lives, and give up everything , regardless of personal gains and losses, under the leadership of God, launched a decisive battle with the big red dragon, wiped out the big red dragon, and established the kingdom of Almighty God. The “Eastern Lightning Sect” has the characteristics of deception, reaction, madness, cruelty, and mystery, and has a strong penetrating power. Because of its fraudulent use of the name of religion, Christians are its first choice for infiltration. In the era when the “Eastern Lightning Religion” was rampant, all kinds of illegal religious activities were rampant, and a large number of scattered religious gathering places and religious believers were outside the scope of normal religious management. Cults are hard to extricate themselves from. The “Eastern Lightning Sect” organization has a strict organizational structure. The backbone implements exchanges in different places, one-way contact, and uses Christianity as a guise to preach, spread the gospel, and widely develop believers. Its characteristics are: First, members of foreign cult organizations were sent to the banner to carry out infiltration activities. Under the pretense of visiting relatives and friends, these people use relatives and friends’ homes as meeting points wherever they go, propagating fallacies and heresies, recruiting believers, and fleeing when there is trouble; , Secret education”, secretive actions, encrypted card IC phone calls between members, not reporting their real names and real surnames, one-line contact, if they make mistakes, they will keep their mouths tight, deny or fabricate lies, and the confession is exactly the same. The believers gather in secret, put on guard, and try their best to avoid the attack of the public security organs; thirdly, in the name of “gospel” preaching Christianity and “the birth of a new God”, they wantonly spread the fallacy of “practical God” in the name of religious belief , spreading the peace heresy of “believe in the Lord, believe in God” to confuse the masses and disrupt the order of production and life.

In mid-December, 2002, Zhang Kai from the second team of the Najitun Farm in Arong Banner was introduced by Lang Yufan of Dashi Niqi Forest Farm to join the Eastern Lightning Cult in Yakeshi City. On December 25, he brought back five foreign players. The members of the cult (three men and two women) were visited by Zhang Kai and his wife You Guiqing in more than 20 villages in Naji Town, Fuxing Town, Xinfa Township, and Najitun Farm in Arong Banner to discuss the Bible. For the sake of addiction, they spread the reincarnation of Christ and manifested in the flesh, and reproduced the cult book “Judgment Begins at the House of God” as well as songbooks and audio tapes for the believers to circulate. They also claimed that the “Bible” read by the original Christians went astray. “First of all” is taking the right path, inducing more religious believers to join the “Eastern Lightning Sect” cult organization. On the morning of January 8, 2003, the cult organization sent Zhang Kuizhi (a worker at the Nine Brick Factory in Fulaleerji District, Qiqier City, Heilongjiang Province) to carry books from Qiqihar City to Zhang Kai’s home in Arong Banner to participate in the cult spreading activities, guided by You Guiqing He lobbied the masses to believe in the “Eastern Lightning Sect” at the homes of believers in Naji Town, and was arrested by the public security organs that night. Zhang Kai and five other cult members escaped after hearing the news.

In mid-March 2003, Yu Haitang, a resident of Tiexi Committee, Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province, was sent by a cult organization to the home of Lv Guirong (formerly a primary school teacher in the second team of the first branch of the farm, retired due to illness and believed in Christianity) in Najitun Farm. Spreading the “Oriental Lightning Sect”, on April 26, Yu Haitang and Lu Guirong were arrested on the spot when Zhang Guoxi’s home in Majiatun, Sanhe Village, Taipingzhuang Town, was about to spread the “Eastern Lightning Sect” to religious villagers, and confiscated the “Judgment at the House of God” In the first place, there were 4 cult books and 5 audio tapes. Yu and Lu were detained by the public security. From 2005 to 2008, Lu Guirong had been away from home to preach, and was abandoned by a cult organization in the summer of 2008 due to mental illness.

In August 2004, the Public Security Bureau of Gannan County, Heilongjiang Province, which is adjacent to Arong Banner, successfully destroyed a large Eastern Lightning Sect organization after two years of investigation. Dozens of key members were involved in the case. When searching the headquarters of the cult organization, they found a A map of place names in Zhang Arong Banner. There are seven townships and eight natural villages marked in Arong Banner. The map shows the names of Zhang Wensu, Hua Pai, Tian Yan, Liu Xiaobo, and Xu Gang. The number of people is 2,300 after the names. Zhang Wensu is the leader of Christianity in Yadong Township. He has been investigated and dealt with by the public security organs many times. In November 2004, he moved with his family to other places. The other 4 people have not been verified. The Gannan County Public Security Bureau investigated and verified that the cult organization had provided and distributed cult books to the cult organization in Arong Banner many times.

On December 22, 2004, the Political and Legal Committee of Arong Banner organized the public security organs to thoroughly investigate the activities of the “Oriental Lightning Sect” in the entire banner. The public security organs found in the investigation of the members of the cult that they had previously mastered that 5 of the core members of the cult had relocated their families, and 3 People are away from home. This investigation focused on investigating and punishing 4 key members of the “Eastern Lightning Sect”.

Since 2003, people from Heilongjiang Province (the specific address is unknown) have gone to Yadong Township in the Banner with bare hands (spiritual name) to spread the “Eastern Lightning Sect”. Liu Yan (spiritual name) and Shen Jing (spiritual name) successively went to Yadong Town, Liuhe Town, and Deliqier Township of Arong Banner to organize and spread the “Eastern Lightning Sect” activities. Organized more than 30 religious believers in Yadong Town, and appointed Zhang Xiuxia as the leader to be responsible for convening gatherings. At the beginning of 2004, Zhang Xiuxia lured her husband, Sun Shikuan, into the cult, and worked as a transmission of the cult’s books and materials. A few months later, Sun Shikuan discovered the secrecy of the church’s activities and considered it an unorthodox religion. In a subsequent gathering, he announced his withdrawal from the church and forced his wife and relatives to quit, or they would report. Sun’s actions caused his wife and some members to leave the cult. .

In March 2007, the public security organs of Arong Banner concentrated their crackdown on 12 key members of the “Eastern Lightning Sect”. After the heavy losses, the activities of the “Eastern Lightning Sect” in Arong Banner were completely suppressed.

“Disciple Association” (also known as head covering, three redemption Christianity): “Disciple Association” cult organization advocates very low-level content and very clumsy methods. It has spread rapidly in only ten years since its establishment, and its followers have spread all over the country. All over the country, it has already had a major impact on social stability and the construction of a harmonious society, and its harm is enormous. One is that the rapid spread and expansion of its organization poses a threat to national security. If it is allowed to develop and become powerful, the ambitions of its leading members will continue to expand, and they will not be reconciled to the small tricks of cheating and abduction in the initial stage. Once the power is possessed and the time is ripe, the content of its teachings will change accordingly. It will reveal a political plot to subvert the state power, which is specifically manifested as stirring up troubles, creating turmoil, and attempting to seize political power. The second is to openly oppose and run counter to the direction of advanced socialist culture. The superstitious theories such as “doomsday theory” and “prayer cure disease theory” propagated by the “disciple association” are incompatible with our positive, sunny and healthy social culture today. It is conceivable that if the “Disciple Society” cult organization can grow rapidly, it will inevitably cause confusion in the ideological and political fields, and we may lose a very important ideological and cultural position because of this. The third is to create worship of the leader, fabricate fallacies and heresies, practice mind control, trample on the dignity of human nature, destroy people’s physical and mental health, betray social ethics, and obliterate the authenticity of the world, which will eventually lead to terrible consequences of social morality. The fourth is to disrupt social order and affect social stability. Attack the party and the government, use social contradictions, and incite the masses to resist the implementation of national laws and policies. In addition, the “disciple association” also poses extremely serious social hazards in many aspects such as endangering public security, violating citizens’ personal rights and democratic rights, violating citizens’ (including believers’) property rights, and even violating the lives and safety of the people. There are examples from the past ten years.

In December 2005, the public security organs launched a comprehensive special action against the “Disciple Association” “Operation Thunder”, which dealt a heavy blow to the cult activities of the “Disciple Association”.

On July 19, 2006, the Political and Legal Committee of Arong Banner presided over a meeting to deploy a special campaign against the cult of the “Disciple Association”. The activities of cult organizations were investigated and thoroughly investigated. A total of 567 members of the “Disciples Association” cult organization were investigated and registered, and 47 cult activities were conducted.

In 2010, the “decisive battle year” against cults, the Public Security Bureau of Arong Banner intensified its crackdown. Four members of the “disciple association” in the labor camp were detained and 30 were administratively detained.

Since 1998, the Public Security Bureau of Arong Banner has intensified its efforts to ban and ban the “Disciples Association” cult organization. Four people were reeducated through labor and 66 people were detained administratively, which basically curbed the momentum of its development and spread.

2. Reasons for the formation and development of cult organizations

The theories of various cult organizations have long been notorious, like rats crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats them. But why is it repeatedly cracked down and banned but not cured, and why does it make a comeback? It shows that today’s society still has the soil foundation and crowd foundation it depends on for survival, and it has deeper historical reasons and realistic backgrounds.

From the perspective of historical reasons, since ancient times, the custom of believing in religion has been quite common among the general public. Although various cults are not legal religions, they use religious signs to spread their teachings in the name of religion, bluffing and deceiving, which confuses people. Audio-visual, misled the masses. A considerable number of people believe that believing in religion is an act of doing good and accumulating virtue. As long as they believe in religion, they can get the protection of God, dispel disasters and ward off evil spirits, and get rich rewards. As a result, various cult organizations took advantage of the situation, and under the guidance of their fallacies and heresies, they became believers of various cult organizations in a daze without distinguishing right from wrong.

From a realistic background, due to the constraints of economic conditions and unbalanced social development and other factors, a considerable number of people in the vast rural areas have lost their political beliefs and the pursuit of justice, and their ability to distinguish right from wrong is weak. , and their material living conditions are relatively poor, their illnesses cannot be treated in time, their crops sometimes fail to harvest year after year, and their living conditions cannot be significantly improved in a short period of time. Religion has become their spiritual sustenance . All kinds of cult organizations aim at this group of people and take advantage of it, instilling fallacies and heresies to cater to their psychology and deceive the masses into believing in religion, so as to achieve their goals of disintegrating people’s hearts, collecting money, and developing organizations.

From the perspective of social reasons, ideological and political work is weak, the party’s ethnic and religious policies have not been fundamentally implemented, and the cultural positions in the vast rural areas have not yet been completely occupied by socialist spiritual civilization. It is highlighted that, firstly, the vast majority of cult believers are empty-minded and lacking in culture. They know little about philosophy, religious common sense, party and state religious policies, and laws and regulations. They don’t know the meaning of freedom of religious belief and what normal religious activities are. Blindly follow; second, the construction of socialist spiritual civilization has not yet spread to every corner of the vast rural areas. Township work is often a mere formality, which provides a platform for various cult organizations to grow and develop; third, grassroots regimes, especially rural cadres, do not pay enough attention to the work of cracking down on various cults, and even pay attention to the breeding of cults. Spread silently. On the one hand, they lack the basic knowledge of religion and its laws and regulations, and it is difficult to distinguish right from wrong in front of religions and cults; Let it flourish. This is a fairly common ideological understanding problem. Furthermore, in the grassroots organizations at the township and village levels, the full-time and part-time religious management cadres are not perfect, resulting in unclear responsibilities for religious work, no one to intervene, no one to manage, and there is a passive situation where only the public security organs perform a one-man show.

3. Take work measures and countermeasures

Throughout history and reality, cult organizations and their activities in the vast rural areas have indeed affected social stability, plundered the masses’ thoughts, captured the masses’ souls, and caused great harm to society. In order to eradicate all kinds of cult tumors and prevent problems before they happen, it is necessary to adopt practical work measures and sharp and efficient governance countermeasures.

(1) Comprehensive management, close cooperation, and joint operations.

Under the unified leadership of the local party committee, the Cult Office will take the lead to integrate the forces of the united front, ethnic and religious affairs management departments, public security organs, judiciary, and relevant township party committees and governments, carefully analyze and study the laws and characteristics of various cult organization activities, regularly or irregularly Carry out special investigations and special actions in a timely manner, identify effective methods to discover, control, and prevent their activities, and give effective governance and severe crackdowns in an accurate and timely manner.

(2) Clarify tasks, implement responsibilities, and strictly enforce rewards and punishments.

It is further clarified that the main responsible persons for the tasks of preventing and controlling cults are the party committees and governments in the jurisdictions, and the tasks are implemented to the grassroots party committees, and then to the party branches and party groups, and this work is included in the comprehensive management of social security and the construction of spiritual civilization Included in unit target assessment. For areas where prevention and control measures are not in place, where cult activities are prominent or rebound, the implementation of work accountability. Units and individuals with outstanding achievements in anti-cult work will be commended and rewarded.

(3) Strive for the initiative, adopt multi-pronged approach, and help transform education.

Take effective forms and do our best to help and transform all kinds of cult personnel. All localities should pinpoint and determine the key villages (parts) where cult activities are frequent, and organize special personnel to adopt the form of “one-to-one” or “several-to-one” help and education, and do a good job in the ideological education and transformation of cult members one by one, so as to eliminate their thoughts. Toxins, to save their decadent hearts, and at the same time, care and care should be given to them in life, so that they can experience the warmth of the party and the government.

(4) Incorporate into the line of sight, combined with drawing and pulling, and effectively monitor.

Give full play to the functional advantages of the public security organs, bring all the core elements and key personnel of the cult into the work line of sight, implement monitoring measures one by one, strengthen work efforts, clarify work responsibilities, implement layer-by-layer management, and give admonitions in due course. prevent it from repeating the same mistakes.

(5) Combining public and secret information, deploying networks, and mining intelligence.

Give full play to the roles of special cases, informants, and liaison officers, establish a cult-prevention information network covering the society, and keep abreast of cult activity trends. Build secret forces from the core members of the cult organization that have been cracked down and key villages with activities to obtain in-depth, insider, and early-warning intelligence information on the activities of the cult organization, and to control and educate the core members of the cult organization for a long time Transformation work into key population management.

(6) Strengthen training, improve quality, and formulate village regulations.

Strengthen the training activities of basic religious awareness and necessary laws and regulations among rural grassroots cadres, so that they understand how to manage and control the basic common sense of religious activities, can correctly distinguish which belongs to normal religion and which belongs to heresy, and can pass some village laws and regulations. Regulations on civil law to stop the masses from blindly believing in religion. Party members and teenagers under the age of 18 are absolutely prohibited from joining the church.

All in all, only by strengthening the control and management of the religious field, intensifying efforts to crack down on the activities of cult organizations, strengthening the construction of grassroots political power, and doing a good job in the ideological education and transformation of various cult personnel, can we protect legal freedom of religious belief, maintain social and political stability, and consolidate The ruling foundation of the Communist Party guarantees the in-depth, lasting and healthy development of rural socialist spiritual civilization.