














项目              序号       考核指标       评分标准及要求   自评情况及依据   得分

推进执法规范化建设          (基础分值为18分)

 1     全面深入贯彻落实公安部、省公安厅推进执法规范化建设的部署,制定并落实本地执法规范化建设具体规划及实施意见;(5分)  制定具体规划及实施意见的,得5分,未制定的,不得分。需提供文件。 已制定具体规划及实施意见。   5分

              2     积极培养创建执法示范单位,充分发挥执法示范单位的典型引领作用;(3分)       积极开展此项活动的,得3分,不开展的不得分。需提供文件。 积极开展该项活动。       3分

              3     制定并落实执法办案场所管理的相关制度规范,本地区执法办案场所使用管理规范;(10分)    严格落实部、省相关制度的,得4分;办案场所使用管理规范的,得4分;制定本地相关制度的,得2分;提供制度文件及进场办案情况证明。       10分

加强法制队伍履职能力建设          (基础分值25分)

 1     建立并落实公安法制部门列席党委会、办公会研究执法制度、执法工作会议制度;(2分)  建立并落实的,得2分;不落实的,不得分;需提供文件等材料。      未建立  

              2     建立并落实公安法制工作例会制度,每年一季度召开执法办案部门主要领导参加的公安法制工作会议。(2分)      建立并落实的,得2分;不落实的,不得分;需提供文件等材料。   已建立并落实      2分

              3     建立并落实法制部门牵头、纪检监察、督察、信访和主要执法办案部门参加的执法问题管理联席会议制度,建立并落实公检法联席会议制度;(2分)  建立并落实法制部门牵头、纪检监察、督察、信访和主要执法办案部门参加的执法问题管理联席会议制度的,得1分;建立并落实公检法联席会议制度的,得1分;不落实的,不得分;提供相关证明材料。       已建立并落实      2分

              4     建立个案监督制度,对执法问题突出的案件,及时启动个案监督程序,提出整改意见,落实过错责任追究;(2分)      建立个案监督制度并按要求严格执行的,得2分;提供证明文件及执行情况证明材料。      建立个案监督制度并按要求严格执行      2分

              5     建立执法绩效和队伍管理相结合的工作机制,上级部门考核下级公安机关领导班子和领导干部以及执法警种领导班子、领导干部的绩效考核要征求法制部门意见;出台重大执法制度、部署开展专项执法行动、处置重大敏感案事件,事先听取法制部门对相关决策的法律意见。(3分)  建立执法绩效和队伍管理相结合的工作机制的,得1分;上级部门考核下级公安机关领导班子和领导干部以及执法警种领导班子、领导干部的绩效考核要征求法制部门意见的,得1分;出台重大执法制度、部署开展专项执法行动、处置重大敏感案事件,事先听取法制部门对相关决策的法律意见的,得1分;提供证明材料。          3分

公安法制队伍正规化建设          (基础分值14分) 

 1     在本级公安机关党委领导下,积极争取组织、人事和编制等部门的支持,切实完成本级及所属市县区公安法制部门队建制改革,并按照执法勤务机构的标准和要求配备双正职;  (4分) 本级未完成队建制改革此项不得分,已完成队建制改革但未配备双正职的扣1 分,所属市县区未完成队建制改革或未配备双正职的每有一地扣0.2分;提供证明文件。    按照规定完成队建制改革并配备双正职.  4分

              2     公安法制部门的人员和经费保障不低于一线实战单位,法制队伍人员不低于本单位民警数的2%。(3分) 公安法制部门的人员和经费保障低于一线实战单位的,扣1.5分;法制队伍人员不低于本单位民警数的2%的,扣1.5分;提供装财及政工部门的证明文件。              3分

              3     建立法制民警任职和交流制度,加强法制民警与其他执法部门民警的轮岗交流。(2分)  未建立的不得分,建立但未执行的扣2分;提供证明文件。       2分

              4     积极贯彻落实《公安部关于进一步加强公安法制队伍履职能力建设的意见》,提出贯彻落实《意见》的整体方案,并制定出台符合本地实际的具体工作意见;(2分))       积极贯彻落实并提出贯彻意见整体方案、具体工作意见的,得2分;未制定具体工作措施的不得分;提供证明文件。          2分

              5     加强日常队伍管理,严格执行《公安机关人民警察纪律条令》、公安部“五条禁令”、和省厅“三项禁止”等公安机关相关管理规定。(3分)  法制民警无违反公安部“五条禁令”、省厅“三项禁止”及被追究刑事责任的情形的,得3分;提供纪委监察及督察部门出具的证明材料。   法制民警无违公安部”五条禁令”,省厅”三项禁止”及被追究刑事责任的情形 3分

办理劳动教养、少年收容教养工作         (基础分值4分)

 1     在办理劳动教养及少年收容教养案件时做到事实清楚,证据充分,程序合法;(2分)  每发现1起不符合要求的扣0.5分。 办理劳动教养及少年收容教养案件时做到事实清楚,证据充分,程序合法.    2分

              2     及时向复议机关提供案卷材料,且原决定未被撤销或变更;(1分)  撤销1起扣1分,变更1起扣0.5分;提供本级政府法制办的证明材料。       1分

              3     无违法违规审批劳、少教案件及违反规定批准所外执行的情形。(1分)   发现1起违规审批扣0.5分 。   无违法违规审批劳、少教案件及违反规定批准所外执行的情形       1分

办理行政复议应诉和国家赔偿案件工作         (基础分值4分)

1     经法制部门行政复议维持或变更的案件在法院行政诉讼中被撤销的;(1分)  每发现1起扣0.2分,提供本级法院出具的证明材料。             1分

              2     积极采取听证的方式审理行政复议案件,并将调解、和解机制引入行政复议工作;(1分)  未采取本款规定方式的不得分;提供文件材料。          1分

              3     建立市县公安机关负责人出庭应诉制度。在行政诉讼中,按规定出庭应诉,并及时提交有关证据材料;(1分)      未建立负责人应诉制度的扣0.5分,不按规定提交材料的扣0.5分;提供文件及本级法院出具的证明材料       1分

              4     严格按照法律规定办理国家赔偿案件。(1分)      未按规定办理国家赔偿案件的不得分;出具同级财政部门的证明文件。   严格按照规定办理国家赔偿案件      1分


1     严格落实省厅关于未在执法办案区办理的案件一律不予审核规定情况;(3分)      每发现1起未执行规定的案件扣1分。   严格落实省厅关于未在执法办案区办理的案件一律不予审核规定      3分

              2     对省厅法制总队交办的执法监督案件(含信访案件)按规定的时限和要求上报,确保事事有回音,件件有着落。(3分)                    每发现1次未按要求上报的扣1分,扣完为止。   已按规定的时限和要求上报      3分

              3     在上级法制部门组织开展的执法考核活动中,认真组织,确保效果;(1分) 认真组织开展的,得1分。       1分

              4     严格执行并落实上级法制部门提出的执法监督意见或案件处理意见;(3分)       严格落实的得3分;发现未执行或未落实意见的,一次扣1分,扣完为止。          3分


1     制定、完善民警执法岗位、执法行为等标准,加强制度约束,严格民警权限,为民警规范执法提供依据和指引;           (2分)       未制定的不得分,制定了但未执行的每发现一次扣1分;提供文件证明材料。       2分

              2     接处警、办案、行政管理、监管场所管理和涉案财物管理等方面的执法制度完善,各项执法工作有章可循;(2分)      未制定的不得分,制定了但未执行的扣1分;提供文件证明材料。          2分

              3     公安部和省厅出台的执法规范下发至所有执法民警;(2分)      每发现1次扣1分,扣完为止。       2分

              4     执法办案流程在办公场所公开;(2分)    未公开的不得分;公开制度不全的得1分。           2分

              5     在公安内网上专门设立法律法规查询专栏,法律法规及执法制度规范更新及时;(2分)  未设立专栏的不得分,设立但维护不及时的扣1分。          2分

              6     按照省厅相关规定及时报备执法类的规范性文件;(2分)  未报备的不得分,报备不及时的每发现一次扣0.5分。       2分

              7     对上级法制部门执法类的征求意见稿及时认真提出并上报修改意见。(3分)       每发现1件未及时认真提出意见的扣1分。          3分

执法培训工作          (基础分值为8分)

1     按照《公安机关法制部门工作规范》要求,积极开展对公安机关领导干部和民警的法律学习培训,每年至少举办一期对法制民警的业务培训;(2分)  未开展的不得分,未组织法制民警培训的扣1分;提供证明材料。          2分

              2     建立旁听庭审、典型案例点评、案件教学制度,每年至少通报点评3起典型案例,组织开展一次案例教学和组织一次旁听庭审活动;( 3分) 未建立制度不得分,少建一项制度扣0.5分,每少点评1起典型案例扣0.5分,未组织案例教学和旁听庭审活动的各扣1分;提供相应的证明材料。             3分

              3     积极组织民警开展新修订后《刑诉法》等新法律法规的学习培训及知识竞赛工作,民警参加培训率不低于80%。(3分)     未组织不得分,民警参训率每低于5个百分点的扣0.5分;提供教育训练部门提供的证明材料。       3分

开展法律服务工作          (基础分值为6分)

1     围绕公安中心工作,认真开展形式多样的执法服务;(3分)      执法服务形式3种以上的得满分,3种以下每少一种扣1分;提供相应德证明材料。             3分

              2     在公安局域网上开设“法制在线”栏目,及时答复民警的法律业务问题提问,答复时间不迟于五个工作日;(2分)  未开设栏目的不得分,维护不及时的每发现1次扣0.1分,扣完为止。          2分

              3     认真组织开展普法宣传教育活动。(1分)      认真组织开展的,得1分;提供组织活动的情况材料          1分

信息报送和宣传报道工作         (基础分值10分)

1     严格按照省厅规定的时限上报各类统计报表、数据和各项工作材料;(2分)  发现1件扣1分。扣完为止。          2分

              2     在本级公安局域网上开设法制网站,及时进行更新和维护,充分发挥网站的信息宣传、执法服务等作用;(2分)  未开设的不得分,维护不及时的扣1分,扣完为止。          2分

              3     积极向公安部、省公安厅和中央、省、市媒体投稿宣传公安法制工作。(5分)       被公安部主页采用得3分;被公安部法制局采用得2分;被省厅公安内网主页采用每篇得0.5分,被厅法制总队内网采用每篇得0.2分。被中央级媒体采用得4分,被省级媒体采用的得3分,被市级媒体采用的每篇得0.5分,此项工作未做的不得分。提供采用的情况说明及截图等。   省厅公安内网主页采用2篇(截图见附件):9月26日:赣县公安局采取“六化”措施扎实推进执法规范化建设;10月19日:赣县公安局全面推进“四项排查”护航十八大安保       1分

              4     及时完成上级公安法制部门交办其他信息报送及宣传报道工作任务。(1分)        及时报送的,得1分。       1分

法制工作成绩突出加分项目          (加分项目共计不超过10分)

1     本年度公安法制部门被省级以上公安机关或公安部法制部门局表彰的每次加2分,被省级以上公安机关通报表扬的加1分,被厅领导批示表扬的每次加0.5分。本项加分累计不超过5分; 需提供文件或证明材料,本项加分累计不超过5分。   3月6日在宜春举行了全省公安机关执法规范化建设阶段性总结推进现场会,我局田村派出所办理的《黄老姑虚构事实扰乱社会秩序案》被评为2011年度省厅十大优质案件。同时我局被省公安厅授予“全省公安机关推动执法规范化建设红旗单位”。     4分

              2     积极承办并圆满完成上级公安法制部门部署召开会议的相关会务工作的加3分,积极协助并参与省厅的相关调研活动的加1分;   需提供文件、通知等证明材料,本项加分累计不超过3分。       1分

              3     法制机构职级不低于主要执法警种或法制部门主要领导高配职级的,加2分;       需提供政工部门出具的证明材料。          2分

              4     实行法制员派驻制度的,加2分;   需提供文件证明材料,本项加分累计不超过2分。      

              5     能够积极完成上级公安法制部门交办的其他工作的,视情加1分。   需提供相应的证明材料,本项加分累计不超过1分。          1分

分管局领导签字                               最后自评得分      102分

 Ganxian County Public Security Bureau Public Security Legal Work 2012 Annual Performance Evaluation Self-evaluation Form

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Ganxian County Public Security Bureau Public Security Legal Work 2012 Annual Performance Evaluation Self-evaluation Form

Unit being assessed

Item No. Assessment Index Scoring Criteria and Requirements Self-assessment and Basis Score

Promote the standardization of law enforcement (the basic score is 18 points) 1 Comprehensively implement the deployment of the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Public Security Department to promote the standardization of law enforcement, formulate and implement specific plans and implementation opinions for the standardization of law enforcement in local areas; (5 points) formulate specific plans 5 points are awarded for those with implementation opinions, and no points for those that have not been formulated. Documentation is required. Specific plans and implementation opinions have been formulated. 5 points

               2 Actively cultivate and create law enforcement demonstration units, and give full play to the typical leading role of law enforcement demonstration units; (3 points) Those who actively carry out this activity will get 3 points, and those who do not carry out this activity will not get points. Documentation is required. Actively carry out this activity. 3 points

               3 Formulate and implement relevant systems and norms for the management of law enforcement and case handling venues, and the use and management of law enforcement and case handling venues in the region; (10 points) 4 points for those who strictly implement the relevant systems of the Ministry and the province; 4 points for those with standardized use and management of case handling venues; 2 points are awarded for formulating relevant local systems; provide system documents and certificates of case handling. 10 points

Strengthen the ability of the legal team to perform duties (basic score: 25 points) 1 Establish and implement the public security legal department to attend party committees, office meetings to study law enforcement systems, and law enforcement work conference systems; (2 points) If established and implemented, score 2 points; not If it is implemented, no points will be awarded; documents and other materials must be provided. not established

               2 Establish and implement the regular meeting system of public security legal work, and hold a public security legal work meeting attended by the main leaders of the law enforcement and case handling departments in the first quarter of each year. (2 points) If established and implemented, 2 points will be awarded; if not implemented, no points will be awarded; documents and other materials must be provided. Established and implemented 2 points

               3 Establish and implement the law enforcement issue management joint meeting system led by the legal department, discipline inspection and supervision, supervision, letters and visits, and major law enforcement and case handling departments; 1 point is awarded for the joint meeting system of law enforcement issues attended by supervisors, letters and visits, and major law enforcement and case-handling departments; 1 point is awarded for establishing and implementing the joint meeting system for public security, procuratorate and law enforcement; no points are given for failure to implement it; relevant proof materials are provided. Established and implemented 2 points

               4 Establish a case-by-case supervision system, promptly initiate case-by-case supervision procedures for cases with prominent law enforcement problems, put forward rectification opinions, and implement accountability for faults; (2 points) 2 points for establishing a case-by-case supervision system and strictly implementing it as required; provide supporting documents and evidence of implementation. Establish a case-by-case supervision system and strictly implement it as required 2 points

               5. Establish a working mechanism that combines law enforcement performance with team management. The higher-level department assesses the leadership team and leading cadres of the lower-level public security organs, as well as the performance assessment of the law enforcement police leadership team and leading cadres. Law enforcement actions, handling major and sensitive cases, and listening to the legal opinions of the legal department on relevant decisions in advance. (3 points) 1 point is awarded for the establishment of a working mechanism that combines law enforcement performance and team management; the performance assessment of the leadership team and leading cadres of lower-level public security organs as well as the performance assessment of law enforcement police leadership teams and leading cadres requires the opinions of the legal department , 1 point; 1 point for introducing major law enforcement systems, deploying special law enforcement actions, handling major sensitive cases, and listening to the legal opinions of the legal department on relevant decisions in advance; provide proof materials. 3 points

Regularized construction of public security legal teams (basic score: 14 points) 1. Under the leadership of the Party Committee of the public security organ at the same level, actively seek support from the organization, personnel and establishment departments, and earnestly complete the reform of the team system of the public security legal departments at the same level and in the cities and counties to which they belong , and in accordance with the standards and requirements of the law enforcement service agency, with double full-time posts; (4 points) No points for this item if the team system reform has not been completed at this level, 1 point will be deducted for those who have completed the team system reform but have not been equipped with double full-time posts, and the city, county, and district to which they belong 0.2 points will be deducted for each place that has completed the reform of the team system or has not been equipped with dual full-time positions; provide supporting documents. Complete the reform of the team system and equip double full-time positions in accordance with the regulations. 4 points

               2. The personnel and financial guarantee of the public security and legal affairs department shall not be lower than that of the front-line actual combat units, and the personnel of the legal affairs team shall not be less than 2% of the number of policemen in the unit. (3 points) 1.5 points will be deducted if the personnel and funding guarantee of the public security and legal affairs department is lower than that of the front-line actual combat units; 1.5 points will be deducted if the personnel of the legal affairs team is not less than 2% of the number of policemen in the unit; provide proof from the financial and political departments document. 3 points

               3. Establish a posting and exchange system for legal police officers, and strengthen rotation exchanges between legal police officers and police officers from other law enforcement departments. (2 points) No points will be given for those not established, and 2 points will be deducted for those established but not implemented; provide supporting documents. 2 minutes

               4 Actively implement the “Opinions of the Ministry of Public Security on Further Strengthening the Capacity Building of Public Security Legal Teams”, propose an overall plan for implementing the “Opinions”, and formulate and issue specific work opinions in line with local conditions; (2 points)) Actively implement Those who put forward the overall plan for implementing the opinions and specific work opinions will get 2 points; those who do not formulate specific work measures will not get points; provide supporting documents. 2 minutes

               5 Strengthen daily team management and strictly implement the relevant management regulations of public security organs such as the “Disciplinary Regulations of the People’s Police of Public Security Organs”, the “Five Prohibitions” of the Ministry of Public Security, and the “Three Prohibitions” of the Provincial Department. (3 points) 3 points if the legal police have not violated the “five prohibitions” of the Ministry of Public Security, the “three prohibitions” of the provincial department, or have been investigated for criminal responsibility; provide evidence issued by the discipline inspection commission and supervision department. The legal system of the police does not violate the “five prohibitions” of the Ministry of Public Security, the “three prohibitions” of the provincial department and the circumstances of being investigated for criminal responsibility 3 points

Handling reeducation through labor and juvenile custody and education (basic score: 4 points) 1 When handling cases of reeducation through labor and juvenile custody and education, the facts are clear, the evidence is sufficient, and the procedures are legal; (2 points) 0.5 points. When handling reeducation through labor and juvenile detention and education cases, the facts are clear, the evidence is sufficient, and the procedures are legal. 2 points

               2 Provide case file materials to the reconsideration agency in a timely manner, and the original decision has not been revoked or changed; (1 point) 1 point will be deducted for 1 case of revocation, and 0.5 points will be deducted for 1 case of change; provide proof materials from the Legislative Affairs Office of the government at the same level. 1 point

               3. There is no violation of laws and regulations in the approval of labor and under-education cases, and violation of regulations to approve executions outside the institute. (1 point) 0.5 points will be deducted for 1 illegal approval. There is no violation of laws and regulations in approving labor and under-education cases, and violation of regulations to approve executions outside the institute 1 point

Handle administrative reconsideration response and state compensation cases (basic score: 4 points) 1 Cases that have been maintained or changed through administrative reconsideration by the legal affairs department are revoked in the court’s administrative litigation; (1 point) 0.2 points will be deducted for each case found, and provided Evidence materials issued by the court at the same level. 1 point

               2 Actively adopt hearings to hear administrative reconsideration cases, and introduce mediation and reconciliation mechanisms into administrative reconsideration work; (1 point) No points for failure to adopt the method specified in this paragraph; provide documents and materials. 1 point

               3 Establish a system for persons in charge of city and county public security organs to appear in court to respond to lawsuits. In administrative litigation, appear in court to respond to the lawsuit as required, and submit relevant evidentiary materials in a timely manner; (1 point) 0.5 points will be deducted for those who have not established a responsible person response system, and 0.5 points will be deducted for those who do not submit materials as required; 1 point for proof materials issued

               4 Handle state compensation cases in strict accordance with the law. (1 point) If the state compensation case is not handled according to the regulations, no points will be awarded; the supporting documents issued by the financial department at the same level will be issued. Handle state compensation cases in strict accordance with regulations 1 point

Case review and law enforcement supervision (basic score: 10 points) 1. Strictly implement the regulations of the provincial department that all cases that are not handled in the law enforcement case handling area will not be reviewed; (3 points) 1 point will be deducted for each case that does not implement the regulations . Strictly implement the regulations of the provincial department that all cases not handled in the law enforcement case handling area will not be reviewed 3 points

               2. Report law enforcement supervision cases (including letters and visits cases) assigned by the Provincial Legislative Affairs Team according to the prescribed time limit and requirements to ensure that everything is answered and everything is settled. (3 points) 1 point will be deducted for each failure to report as required, until the deduction is exhausted. Reported according to the prescribed time limit and requirements 3 points

               3 In the law enforcement assessment activities organized by the higher-level legal department, carefully organize to ensure the effect; (1 point) 1 point is awarded for carefully organizing and carrying out. 1 point

               4 Strictly implement and implement the law enforcement supervision opinions or case handling opinions put forward by the higher-level legal affairs department; (3 points) 3 points are awarded for strict implementation; 1 point will be deducted once if the opinions are not implemented or not implemented, until all deductions are exhausted. 3 points

Law enforcement system construction work (basic score is 15 points) 1 Formulate and improve the police law enforcement posts, law enforcement behavior and other standards, strengthen system constraints, strictly enforce the authority of the police, and provide the basis and guidance for the police to standardize law enforcement; (2 points) Not formulated 1 point will be deducted for each discovery that has been formulated but not implemented; provide supporting documents. 2 minutes

               2 The law enforcement system in the areas of police handling, case handling, administrative management, supervision site management, and case-related property management is perfect, and all law enforcement work has rules to follow; (2 points) No points for those that have not been formulated, and 1 will be deducted for those that have been formulated but not implemented Points; provide documentary evidence. 2 minutes

               3 The law enforcement norms issued by the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Department are issued to all law enforcement policemen; (2 points) 1 point will be deducted for each discovery, until the deduction is exhausted. 2 minutes

               4 Law enforcement and case-handling procedures are disclosed in the office; (2 points) No points for undisclosed cases; 1 point for incomplete disclosure systems. 2 minutes

               5 Specially set up a special column for laws and regulations on the public security intranet, and update the laws, regulations and law enforcement system specifications in a timely manner; (2 points) Those who have not set up a column will not get points, and those who have established but not maintained it in a timely manner will be deducted 1 point. 2 minutes

               6 Report law enforcement normative documents in a timely manner in accordance with the relevant regulations of the provincial department; (2 points) No points will be given for those that have not been reported, and 0.5 points will be deducted for each discovery that is not reported in time. 2 minutes

               7 Promptly and earnestly put forward and report revision opinions on the law enforcement draft of the higher-level legal department. (3 points) 1 point will be deducted for each case that is not timely and earnestly put forward. 3 points

Law enforcement training (basic score is 8 points) 1 In accordance with the requirements of the “Work Specifications for the Legal Department of Public Security Organs”, actively carry out legal study and training for leading cadres of public security organs and civilian police, and hold at least one professional training for legal police every year; ( 2 points) Those who have not carried out no points, and those who have not organized legal police training will be deducted 1 point; provide proof materials. 2 minutes

               2. Establish a system of observing court trials, commenting on typical cases, and case teaching. At least 3 typical cases will be reported and commented on each year, and one case teaching and one court hearing activity will be organized; (3 points) There will be no points for failure to establish a system, and one system will be deducted 0.5 points, 0.5 points will be deducted for each missing comment on a typical case, and 1 point will be deducted for those who did not organize case teaching and court trial activities; provide corresponding supporting materials. 3 points

               3 Actively organize the police to carry out the study, training and knowledge competition of the newly revised “Criminal Procedure Law” and other new laws and regulations. The training rate of the police is not less than 80%. (3 points) No points for those who are not organized, and 0.5 points will be deducted for every police participation rate lower than 5 percentage points; proof materials provided by the education and training department shall be provided. 3 points

Carry out legal service work (basic score is 6 points) 1 Focus on the work of the public security center, and earnestly carry out various forms of law enforcement services; (3 points) More than 3 types of law enforcement services will get full points, and 1 point will be deducted for each less than 3 types ; Provide corresponding proof materials. 3 points

               2 Set up the “Legal System Online” column on the public security LAN, and answer the police’s legal business questions in a timely manner, and the reply time should not be later than five working days; (2 points) No points will be given for those who have not opened a column, and each discovery that is not maintained in time 0.1 points will be deducted until the deduction is exhausted. 2 minutes

               3 Seriously organize and carry out legal publicity and education activities. (1 point) 1 point for seriously organizing and carrying out activities; 1 point for providing information on organizing activities

Information submission and publicity and reporting work (basic score: 10 points) 1 Strictly submit various statistical reports, data and various work materials in accordance with the time limit stipulated by the provincial department; (2 points) 1 point will be deducted for 1 case. until the deduction runs out. 2 minutes

               2 Set up a legal website on the public security local area network at the same level, update and maintain it in time, and give full play to the role of the website in information publicity and law enforcement services; (2 points) No points for those that have not been opened, and 1 point will be deducted for those that are not maintained in time, until the deduction is exhausted . 2 minutes

               3 Actively submit articles to the Ministry of Public Security, the Provincial Public Security Department, and the central, provincial, and municipal media to publicize the legal work of public security. (5 points) 3 points for being adopted on the homepage of the Ministry of Public Security; 2 points for being adopted by the Legal Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security; 0.5 points for each article adopted on the homepage of the public security intranet of the provincial department, and 0.2 points for each article adopted on the intranet of the Ministry of Legal Affairs. 4 points for being adopted by the central media, 3 points for being adopted by the provincial media, 0.5 points for each article adopted by the municipal media, and no points for the work that has not been done. Provide descriptions and screenshots of the adoption. The homepage of the public security intranet of the provincial department adopts 2 articles (see the attachment for screenshots): September 26: Ganxian Public Security Bureau adopts “six modernizations” measures to solidly promote the standardization of law enforcement; October 19: Ganxian Public Security Bureau comprehensively promotes the “four Investigate” Escort 1 point for security at the 18th National Congress

               4 Timely complete other information submission and publicity and reporting tasks assigned by the higher-level public security and legal affairs departments. (1 point) 1 point is awarded for timely submission. 1 point

Extra points for outstanding achievements in legal work (the total number of extra points should not exceed 10 points) 1 This year, the public security legal department is commended by the public security organs above the provincial level or the Legal Department Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. 2 points each time, and it is commended by the public security organs above the provincial level Add 1 point for those who are praised by the leaders of the department, add 0.5 points each time. The accumulative extra points for this item shall not exceed 5 points; documents or supporting materials shall be provided, and the accumulative extra points for this item shall not exceed 5 points. On March 6th, the province’s public security organs law enforcement standardization construction staged summary promotion site meeting was held in Yichun. The “Huang Laogu’s Fabricated Facts Disrupting Social Order Case” handled by the Tiancun Police Station of our bureau was rated as the top ten high-quality cases of the provincial department in 2011 . At the same time, our bureau was awarded “the red flag unit of the province’s public security organs to promote the standardization of law enforcement” by the Provincial Public Security Department. 4 points

               2. Actively undertake and successfully complete the relevant conference work assigned by the higher-level public security and legal affairs department to hold meetings; 3 points will be added, and 1 point will be added for actively assisting and participating in relevant research activities of the provincial department; documents, notices and other supporting materials are required to provide extra points for this item Accumulate no more than 3 points. 1 point

               3 If the rank of the legal institution is not lower than that of the main law enforcement police or the main leader of the legal department, 2 points will be added; proof materials issued by the political and industrial department are required. 2 minutes

               4. If the system of dispatching legal personnel is implemented, 2 points will be added; documentary proof materials are required, and the cumulative points for this item will not exceed 2 points.

               5 Those who can actively complete other tasks assigned by the higher-level public security and legal affairs department will receive 1 point depending on the situation. Corresponding proof materials must be provided, and the total extra points for this item shall not exceed 1 point. 1 point

Signed by the leader of the branch office, the final self-assessment score is 102 points