














赣县公安局 知)






主题词:办案场所  分区  改造   方案   通知                              

   赣县公安局指挥中心                   2011年6月25日印发      




















































 Notice on Printing and Distributing the “Implementation Plan for the Renovation and Construction of Functional Partitions of Gan County Public Security Bureau’s Law Enforcement and Case Handling Sites”

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Notice on Printing and Distributing the “Implementation Plan for the Renovation and Construction of Functional Partitions of Gan County Public Security Bureau’s Law Enforcement and Case Handling Sites”

Notice on Printing and Distributing the “Implementation Plan for the Renovation and Construction of Functional Partitions of Gan County Public Security Bureau’s Law Enforcement and Case Handling Sites”

Gan County Public Security Bureau (Notice)

Ganxian Gongzi [2011] No. 12

About printing and distributing the “Functional Division of Law Enforcement and Case Handling Sites of Gan County Public Security Bureau

Notice of Implementation Plan for Renovation and Construction

Bureau affiliated units:

The “Implementation Plan for the Renovation and Construction of Functional Divisions of Ganxian County Public Security Bureau’s Law Enforcement and Case Handling Sites” is now issued to you, please follow and implement.

                               June 25, 2011

Subject terms: case handling place, division, transformation, plan, notice

    Gan County Public Security Bureau Command Center issued on June 25, 2011

                                       A total of 45 copies were printed

Functional division of law enforcement and case handling sites of Ganxian County Public Security Bureau

Implementation plan for renovation and construction

According to the Ministry of Public Security’s “Specifications for the Establishment of Law Enforcement and Case Handling Sites of Public Security Organs”, the Provincial Public Security Department’s “2010-2012 Provincial Public Security Organs’ Law Enforcement Standardization and Construction of Various Police Work Tasks and Responsibilities”, “Ganzhou City’s Reconstruction and Construction of Law Enforcement and Case Handling Sites “Implementation Plan”, in order to promote the renovation and construction of the functional zoning of the law enforcement and case handling places of our bureau, the following implementation plan is specially formulated.

1. Purpose and meaning

Regulating the establishment of law enforcement and case-handling venues of public security organs is an important part of the standardization of law enforcement by public security organs, and it is also an inevitable choice to improve the ability of public security organs to perform their duties and the credibility of law enforcement. Through the construction of functional divisions, the police’s awareness of standardized law enforcement and safety law enforcement awareness should be enhanced. , improve the level of security protection of public security organs; provide necessary hardware guarantees to standardize the case-handling process and prevent problems such as extorting confessions by torture and abnormal deaths of persons involved in the case; improve law enforcement efficiency and service standards, and let the people feel it in a visible form The standardized services of public security organs can enhance the law enforcement image and credibility of public security organs.

2. Mission objectives

The task of setting up and constructing functional zoning will be completed in two years. In 2011, the functional zoning of the law enforcement and case-handling places of the first-level police stations and central offices will be renovated. In 2012, the task of functional zoning of the law enforcement and case-handling places will be fully completed.

3. Function area setting specification

1. Bureau organs and police stations set up and manage the mass reception area, internal office area, case handling area and living area.

The traffic management brigade shall make corresponding divisions in accordance with the above provisions in light of its own reality.

2. Function signs such as “reception area”, “office area”, “case handling area” and “living area” should be set up at the conspicuous positions of the entrances of each functional area.

If multiple functional areas are set up on different levels, functional signboards should be set up at the entrances respectively, and multiple function room signboards can be set up at the same entrance for a functional room with multiple functions combined.

3. Each functional area and room should hang the corresponding work process, safety management system, emergency response work plan, relevant legal regulations and work specifications on the wall in a conspicuous place.

4. The reception area is mainly used for receiving calls for help, handling licenses, administrative examination and approval, and administrative penalties for simple procedures.

(Complaints and visits) The reception room, dispute mediation room, and hearing room are set up in the reception area in principle and are relatively independent.

5. The setting of the reception area should be convenient for the masses, and it should be physically separated from other functional areas by setting up electronic access control, and a signboard restricting access should be set at the entrance.

6. Police offices, conference rooms, and functional rooms for storing files, physical evidence, police equipment, and weapons should be centrally located in the office area.

7. The case-handling area is mainly used for interrogation, questioning, identification of criminal suspects, and security inspection and information collection of criminal suspects.

8. The case-handling area should be equipped with a safety inspection room, an inquiry room, an interrogation (inquiry) room, an information collection room, and an identification room, etc. If conditions permit, a waiting room, sobering room, anti-drug inspection room and medical rescue room can be set up.

Functional rooms with similar functions can be combined.

9. Confiscated flammable, explosive, poisonous, radioactive and other dangerous goods shall be stored in special places, and a special storage place for flammable and explosive dangerous goods shall be set up separately within the jurisdiction, and the flammable and explosive goods confiscated within the jurisdiction shall be uniformly stored. Explosive, dangerous goods.

10. The setting of the case handling area shall comply with the requirements of safety and confidentiality, and shall be physically separated from other functional areas by setting up electronic access control cards.

Waiting rooms, interrogation rooms, interrogation (interrogation) rooms for questioning suspects, identification rooms, information collection rooms for suspects, and toilets for suspects must not be set up on or above the second floor .

11. Emergency alarm devices should be installed in the case-handling area, and solid protective fences and nets should be installed on the doors and windows of the corridors and the windows of the functional rooms and bathrooms in the case-handling area to prevent criminal suspects from escaping and passing items; 1. The bathroom should try to avoid protruding hard edges, hanging fulcrums, and items that may be directly used for murder, suicide, and self-injury. When there are criminal suspects in the case-handling area, there should be police guards without gaps to ensure the personal safety of the criminal suspects and related personnel.

12. The setting of the interrogation (inquiry) room should have basic conditions such as ventilation, and the indoor voltage should use low-voltage batteries; the walls, doors and windows should be soundproofed and anti-collision treatment. The anti-collision treatment should cover the wall not less than two meters high. The anti-collision material can be soft packaged in police blue, and it must meet the fire-fighting requirements of flame-retardant materials.

13. The interrogation room, the interrogation room for interrogating suspected offenders, shall have special seats for suspects. The seat should be firm and have a lockable baffle, the chair feet should be securely fixed to the ground, and the seat should be kept at a safe distance from walls, workbenches and other facilities.

14. The interrogation (interrogation) room for the interrogation (interrogation) of criminal suspects shall be equipped with equipment for synchronous recording and video recording of the interrogation (interrogation) process.

15. The security inspection room shall be equipped with necessary security inspection equipment such as hand-held safety inspection equipment, and set up storage bags and storage cabinets for the personal belongings of criminal suspects.

16. The usable area of a single room in the waiting room shall not be less than six square meters, and the floor height shall not be lower than 2.55 meters. Items used for murder, suicide, and self-injury; the duty room for the person being questioned is connected to the waiting room and separated by railings.

17. The reception area and case-handling area should be equipped with electronic monitoring equipment that can cover the inside and outside of the area and have data storage functions. The indoor lighting brightness should meet the video recording requirements, and the “audio-visual monitoring area” signboard should be set up in a conspicuous position.

The electronic monitoring equipment in the reception area and the case-handling area shall realize data connection with the online inspection information system of the police inspection department.

18. Surveillance and video recordings of the case-handling area and audio and video recordings of interrogating criminal suspects shall be copied and archived. Surveillance and video recordings in the case-handling area shall be kept for at least one year; audio and video recordings of interrogation of criminal suspects shall be kept for the same period as that of the case files of the same case.

4. Implementation steps

1. Establish an organization. Our bureau established a leading group with the deputy county magistrate and director Huang Yansheng as the team leader, Huang Hao as the deputy team leader, and the heads of the law enforcement and case handling departments as members. The leading group has an office, and the office is located in the legal brigade. office manager. Responsible for the renovation of the functional zoning of law enforcement and case handling sites.

2. Determine the target. In accordance with the task requirements of completing the functional zoning transformation of the law enforcement and case handling places of the first-level police stations and central offices this year and fully completing them in two years, we must carefully study and sort out the current situation of the law enforcement and case handling units of our bureau, and determine the need to implement functional zoning based on the principles of convenience, economy, and local conditions. List of institutions, and list the timetable for the promotion batches in accordance with the principle of first easy and then difficult, first urgent and then slow.

3. Unified planning. In accordance with the requirements of Article 3 of this plan, as well as the specific design standards for the relevant functional rooms of the higher-level business departments such as criminal investigation, public security, and drug control, and refer to the advanced concepts and successful practices of other provinces and cities, we must make a unified plan for the functional divisions of the law enforcement and case handling units of our bureau. and design.

4. Do a good job in pilot projects. In addition to doing a good job in the pilot project in the bureau, our bureau will continue to carry out pilot projects in Meilin Police Station and Tiancun Police Station, and promote the construction of functional divisions. The pilot work will be completed by the end of September. And extend the experience to other police stations.

5. Check and accept. The Municipal Bureau will inspect and accept this work, and incorporate the results into the annual work performance evaluation. The Provincial Public Security Department will also inspect the construction of functional zoning in various places in the second half of the year.

5. Work requirements

1. Strengthen leadership. The construction of functional zoning of law enforcement and case-handling sites is a new project, involving a wide range of areas and heavy tasks. The heads of each police station must personally take command, intervene in person, and specialize in solving problems and difficulties in the work. At the same time, actively seek the support of the local party committee and government. Effectively solve the difficulties of the police station in terms of funds, venues, equipment, etc., and ensure that it is completed on time and in volume.

2. Scientific configuration. The construction of functional zoning requires a considerable amount of manpower, material and financial resources, and it must be coordinated and arranged. It must be actively promoted and implemented steadily. In line with the principles of economy, practicality, and efficiency, it is necessary to comprehensively plan the construction of functional zoning of each law enforcement and case handling unit to prevent duplication. and waste.

3. Submit in time. Before the 5th of each month, each police station should report the work situation of the previous month to the Office of the Leading Group for the Construction of Functional Divisions of the Bureau, and the office will report the progress of each police station in due course.

                                            June 25, 2011