


























主题词:公安执法  规范化建设  工作任务  责任分工  通知





具体任务和工作要求   主要责任部门      完成时限


1、明确各执法岗位的职责任务 国保、经侦、治安、刑侦、消防、网安、交警、监管、法制、禁毒和出入境对本单位职责任务进行规范。   2010年10月底

2、跟进细化行政案件裁量标准 法制大队       2010年底

3、出台明确的执法执勤基本动作规范和语言规范 指挥中心、治安(含派出所)、交警大队队根据各自执法实际制定      2010年底

4、健全受案和立案登记流程和标准、明确刑事、行政案件取证流程和标准并在办公区公开       国保,经侦、治安、刑侦、网监、交警、禁毒、出入境根据各自执法实际制定      2011年6月底

5、健全执法台账、法律文书管理制度     法制大队       2010年10月底

6、完善细化治安案件、交通肇事案件调解程序并制定可操作性强的规范 治安、交警分头制定并实施      


6、健全案卷(含电子案卷)管理制度     法制大队       2010年10月底

7、健全扣押、冻结、收缴、追缴、查封等措施的使用制度和涉案财物及证据的管理制度       警务保障室牵头制定,治安、刑侦、网监、交警、法制、禁毒积极配合   2010年10月底

8、健全行政拘留违法行为人、在押犯罪嫌疑人扣押财物管理制度     拘留所、看守所制定       2010年11月底

9、健全并在办公场所公开户籍管理、车辆、船舶和驾驶员管理、出入境管理等办事办证流程、时限、标准及语言规范      治安、交警、禁毒和出入境根据各自执法实际分头制定      2010年11月底


1、推行民警执法素质等级考试制度,适时组织执法民警参加基本执法素质等级考试     法制大队牵头制定方案,各执法警种配合      根据公安部要求按时完成

2、健全并落实民警法律学习培训制度     政工室牵头制定制度,法制大队、各执法警种配合       2010年10月底

3、举办《公安机关执法细则》每月一考及师资学习班 法制大队牵头实施,各执法警种配合       2010年底

4、充分利用电视电话会议形式举办远程执法业务讲座 法制大队牵头规划或组织,国保,经侦、治安、刑侦、消防、网监、交警、禁毒、出入境积极配合或实施      每年有计划地进行

5、制定一线民警警械、武器装备、佩戴标准及使用流程     警务保障室   2010年10月底前完成标准及流程制定,2012年底前装备到位


1、制定询问室、调解室、候问室、物证室、信息采集室设置、建设、管理标准,实现办案区与接待区、办公区、生活区等功能分区并隔离,安全防范装置和报警、监控设备按要求安装,监控数据资料按要求保存管理。      法制大队负责牵头制定,治安、网监、交警等有行政执法办案职责的单位分头组织实施   2010年10月底前制定出标准2012年10月底前分阶段按标准完成建设

2、制定办公场所讯问室、物证室、生物信息采集室设置、建设、管理标准,实现办案区与接待区、其他办公区、生活区等功能合理分区并隔离,安全防范装置和报警、监控设备按要求安装,监控数据资料按要求保存管理   法制大队负责牵头制定标准,国保、经侦、治安、刑侦、交警等有刑事执法办案职责的单位分头组织实施   2010年10月底前制定出标准2012年10月底前分阶段按标准完成建设

3、制定看守监管场所讯问室、会见室、在押人员随身物品暂扣管理室设置、建设、管理标准,实现办案区与接待区、其他办公区、生活区等功能合理分区并隔离,安全防范装置和报警、监控设备按要求安装,监控数据资料及暂扣物品按要求保存管理   看守所负责制定并组织实施


4、制定档案室设置、建设及管理标准     指挥中心负责制定并组织实施   2010年10月底前制定出标准2012年6月底前分阶段按标准完成建设

5、制定并细化派出所、责任区刑警队、刑事科学技术室、车辆管理所、看守所、拘留所等级评定办法,通过评定,推动所队建设符合等级评定要求并全部达标   治安、刑侦、交警、看守所按各自职责分头制定并组织实施   2010年10月底前出台标准,并定期组织实施


1、推动基层执法办案单位配备专兼职法制员负责案件审核及规范执法事项     法制大队       2010年10月底

2、按照《政府信息公开条例》要求进一步深警务公开 政工室


3、进一步加大内部执法监督力度,严格落实执法过错责任追究制度和涉法信访案件倒查制度。       纪检监察室   及时

4、不断完善落实案件审核、执法质量考评和优劣质案件评选制度,建立科学、系统的执法绩效考评机制,强化考评及评优评劣结果运用   法制大队负责、政工、纪检、监察、督察及各执法警种积极配合   每年定期进行

5、制定《江西省公安机关执法办案部门领导阅卷及主办案件制度》,发挥业务骨干规范执法的示范作用       法制大队制定并组织实施   2010年6月


1、进一步强化执法办案网上流转,实现执法信息网上录入、执法流程网上管理、执法活动网上监督、执法质量网上考核。   法制大队       随时

2、在执法办案系统中建立执法单位和民警的执法档案,完整记载执法数量、执法质量、执法培训、考核结果、执法过错责任追究等情况   法制大队负责推动,政工、纪检、监察、督察及各执法警种积极配合  

3、为一线执法民警配备记录执法过程的信息化执法装备     警务保障室   2012年底

4、分步实现讯问犯罪嫌疑人全程录音录像     治安、刑侦、网监、警务保障室负责实施       2012年底

5、通过联网分步实现对讯问、继续盘问、羁押等执法活动和执法窗口、监管场所等进行实时监督       网监、刑侦、看守所、纪检监察室负责   2012年底

Notice on Issuing the “Gan County Public Security Bureau Law Enforcement Standardization Construction Work Plan”

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Ganxian County Public Security Bureau Law Enforcement Standardization Construction Work Plan

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Notice on Issuing the “Gan County Public Security Bureau Law Enforcement Standardization Construction Work Plan”

Notice on Issuing the “Gan County Public Security Bureau Law Enforcement Standardization Construction Work Plan”

Gan County Public Fa [2010] No. 84

Notice on Issuing the “Gan County Public Security Bureau Law Enforcement Standardization Construction Work Plan”

Bureau affiliated units:

In order to further promote the standardization of law enforcement by public security organs in the province, clarify construction goals, and implement work responsibilities, in accordance with the Ministry of Public Security’s “Phase Objectives and Effectiveness Standards for the Standardization of Public Security Organs’ Law Enforcement Construction” and “2010-2012 Provincial Public Security Organs’ Law Enforcement Standardization Construction of Police According to the requirements of “Table of Tasks and Responsibilities”, our bureau has decomposed the responsibilities of various police types in promoting the standardization of law enforcement, and formulated a work plan. Please strictly follow the division of responsibilities and implement them.

First, we must strengthen organizational leadership. All units should further deepen their understanding of the standardization of law enforcement, effectively strengthen organizational leadership, ensure that the phased goals of standardization of law enforcement are completed within the specified time, and form a law enforcement standard management system that conforms to the actual law enforcement of our bureau and has our own characteristics as soon as possible.

Second, carefully organize and implement. All relevant police types involved in the standardization of law enforcement, especially law enforcement police types, must earnestly raise their awareness of responsibility, earnestly conduct investigations and research, and complete their system construction tasks without compromise in accordance with the time limit and requirements stipulated in the notice.

Three, sum up and promote in a timely manner. All units should focus on the systems and norms that have been formulated, pay attention to the promotion of law enforcement systems and law enforcement standards, constantly sum up experience, and effectively improve the level of law enforcement standardization.

Attachment: “2010-2012 Ganxian County Public Security Bureau Law Enforcement Standardization Work Planning Form”

  September 7, 2010

Subject terms: public security law enforcement, standardized construction, work tasks, division of responsibilities, notice

                                  Issued on September 7, 2010

(A total of 45 copies were printed)


“2010-2012 Law Enforcement Standardization Construction Work Plan”

Specific tasks and work requirements Main responsible department Completion time limit

1. The law enforcement system is sound, and the standardization of law enforcement work has been significantly improved

1. Clarify the responsibilities and tasks of each law enforcement post National security, economic investigation, public security, criminal investigation, fire protection, network security, traffic police, supervision, legal system, drug control and entry-exit regulate the responsibilities and tasks of the unit. end of October 2010

2. Follow up and refine the judgment standards of administrative cases Legal Team At the end of 2010

3. Promulgate clear basic action norms and language norms for law enforcement on duty. Command centers, public security (including police stations), and traffic police brigades are formulated according to their respective law enforcement practices. By the end of 2010

4. Improve the procedures and standards for accepting and registering cases, clarify the procedures and standards for obtaining evidence in criminal and administrative cases, and disclose the national security, economic investigation, public security, criminal investigation, Internet surveillance, traffic police, drug control, and entry and exit in the office area according to their respective law enforcement practices. 2011 end of june

5. Improve the management system of law enforcement accounts and legal documents Legal Team At the end of October 2010

6. Improve and refine the mediation procedures for public security cases and traffic accident cases and formulate operable norms. Public security and traffic police are separately formulated and implemented

end of March 2011

6. Improve the management system of case files (including electronic case files) Legal Team At the end of October 2010

7. Improve the use system of measures such as seizure, freezing, confiscation, recovery, and seizure, as well as the management system of property and evidence involved in the case. The police security office took the lead in formulating, and public security, criminal investigation, network surveillance, traffic police, legal system, and drug control actively cooperated. At the end of October 2010

8. Improve the management system for administrative detention of offenders and detained criminal suspects to seize property. Detention centers and detention centers were formulated by the end of November 2010

9. Improve and publicize the procedures, time limits, standards and language standards for household registration management, vehicle, ship and driver management, entry-exit management, etc. in the office. Public security, traffic police, drug control, and entry-exit are formulated separately according to their respective law enforcement practices. November 2010 end of month

2. Comprehensively implement law enforcement training requirements, and police law enforcement capabilities continue to improve

1. Implement the police law enforcement quality level examination system, and organize law enforcement police officers to participate in the basic law enforcement quality level examination in due course. The legal team takes the lead in formulating the plan, and all law enforcement police departments cooperate to complete it on time according to the requirements of the Ministry of Public Security

2. Improve and implement the legal study and training system for the police. The Political Work Office takes the lead in formulating the system, with the cooperation of the Legal Affairs Brigade and various law enforcement police departments. By the end of October 2010

3. Hold the monthly examination of the “Detailed Rules for Law Enforcement of Public Security Organs” and the teacher’s study class. The legal team takes the lead in implementing it, and all law enforcement and police departments cooperate. At the end of 2010

4. Make full use of video and telephone conferences to hold remote law enforcement business lectures. The legal brigade takes the lead in planning or organizing, and the national security, economic investigation, public security, criminal investigation, fire protection, network monitoring, traffic police, drug control, and entry-exit actively cooperate or implement it in a planned way every year

5. Formulate front-line police equipment, weapons and equipment, wearing standards and use procedures Police Security Office Complete the formulation of standards and procedures by the end of October 2010, and equip them in place by the end of 2012

3. The setting and safety facilities of law enforcement places meet the requirements, and the security level of law enforcement has been significantly improved

1. Formulate the setting, construction, and management standards for the inquiry room, mediation room, waiting room, evidence room, and information collection room, realize functional division and isolation between the case handling area and the reception area, office area, living area, etc., safety precautions and alarms, Monitoring equipment shall be installed as required, and monitoring data shall be kept and managed as required. The legal team is responsible for the formulation, and the public security, network monitoring, traffic police and other units with administrative law enforcement and case handling responsibilities organize the implementation separately. The standards will be formulated before the end of October 2010, and the construction will be completed in stages and according to the standards before the end of October 2012.

2. Formulate the setting, construction, and management standards for office interrogation rooms, physical evidence rooms, and biological information collection rooms, and realize the reasonable division and isolation of the case handling area from the reception area, other office areas, and living areas. Safety precautions, alarms, and monitoring equipment Installed as required, monitoring data stored as required, management legal team is responsible for leading the formulation of standards, national security, economic investigation, public security, criminal investigation, traffic police and other units with responsibility for criminal law enforcement and case handling are separately organized and implemented. Standards will be formulated before the end of October 2010. October 2012 The construction will be completed in phases according to the standard before the end of the month

3. Formulate the setting, construction, and management standards for the interrogation room, interview room, and temporary detention management room for detainees in custody and supervision places, and realize the reasonable division and isolation of the case handling area from the reception area, other office areas, and living areas, and safety precautions Alarm and monitoring equipment are installed as required, and monitoring data and temporarily detained items are stored and managed as required. The detention center is responsible for formulating and organizing the implementation

        Work out the standards before the end of October 2010 and complete the construction in phases according to the standards before the end of June 2011

4. Formulate the setting, construction and management standards of the archives. The command center is responsible for formulating and organizing the implementation. The standards will be formulated before the end of October 2010, and the construction will be completed in stages according to the standards before the end of June 2012.

5. Formulate and refine the grade assessment methods for the police station, criminal police team in the responsibility area, criminal science and technology room, vehicle management station, detention center, and detention center. Detention centers formulate and implement standards separately according to their respective responsibilities. Standards will be issued before the end of October 2010, and regular implementation will be organized.

4. The law enforcement supervision and evaluation mechanism is scientific and effective, and the quality of law enforcement continues to improve

1. Promote grass-roots law enforcement and case-handling units to equip full-time and part-time legal officers to be responsible for case review and standardize law enforcement matters. Legal Team At the end of October 2010

2. In accordance with the “Government Information Disclosure Regulations” to further deepen the disclosure of police affairs


3. Further strengthen the internal supervision of law enforcement, and strictly implement the accountability system for law enforcement errors and the reverse investigation system for law-related petition cases. Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Office Timely

4. Continuously improve and implement the system of case review, law enforcement quality evaluation and selection of good and bad cases, establish a scientific and systematic law enforcement performance evaluation mechanism, strengthen the evaluation and evaluation of good and bad results, and use the legal team to be responsible, political work, discipline inspection, supervision, supervision and other departments. Law enforcement and police actively cooperate with regular annual

5. Formulate the “Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Organ Law Enforcement and Case Handling Department Leaders Reviewing Papers and Hosting Cases System” to give full play to the exemplary role of business backbones in standardizing law enforcement. The legal team formulated and organized the implementation in June 2010

5. Law enforcement informatization means are widely used, and the effectiveness of law enforcement has been significantly improved

1. Further strengthen the online circulation of law enforcement and case handling, realize online entry of law enforcement information, online management of law enforcement procedures, online supervision of law enforcement activities, and online assessment of law enforcement quality. Legal brigade at any time

2. Establish law enforcement files of law enforcement units and civilian police in the law enforcement and case handling system, and fully record the quantity of law enforcement, law enforcement quality, law enforcement training, assessment results, accountability for law enforcement errors, etc. Active cooperation of law enforcement and police

3. Equip the front-line law enforcement police with informationized law enforcement equipment to record the law enforcement process. Police Security Office At the end of 2012

4. Step-by-step audio and video recording of the whole process of interrogating criminal suspects. The public security, criminal investigation, network surveillance, and police security offices are responsible for the implementation by the end of 2012

5. Realize real-time supervision of law enforcement activities such as interrogation, continued interrogation, and detention, as well as law enforcement windows and supervision places, etc. through the Internet step by step. The network supervision, criminal investigation, detention center, and discipline inspection and supervision office are responsible for the end of 2012