

《四川成都双流文件1: 十八大不稳定因素》









属地 不稳定      因素主体    诱因及主要诉求 诱因    类型 涉及人数 过激的言行          或主要活动 责任落实情况

西航港街道办成白路社区 成都新天地1幢部分业主 因该楼盘1幢临街而建,土地性质为商业用地业主被告知入住后需按商业标准缴纳水电气等费用,业主拒绝收房要求费用由商用改为民用。未果 1-2 约80 曾打出横幅、标语,阻断大件路并建有QQ群保持联系 邓磊袁钟

西航港街道办成白路社区 阳光地中海2期部分业主及2期修建中负责外墙农民工 阳光地中海商住楼2期部分业主因质量问题拒绝收房,另有参与2期修建、负责外墙的农民工与劳资公司及开发商因工程款及民工工资纠缠不清,经相关部门多次调解未果。 1-3 约60 曾3次信访到各级部门信箱、农民工曾堵路甚至爬到楼顶威胁跳楼。 邓磊袁钟

西航港街道办近都社区 学府嘉苑小区业主 学府嘉苑小区业主与其开发商润扬有许多历史遗留问题,此次诱因为润扬将原本交与业委会使用的工作房(无手续)卖给第三方公司引发矛盾,其主要诉求为解决润扬在学府嘉苑的遗留问题。 1-2 30 挂横幅、堵门 朱雨涵

西航港街道办近都社区 雅南居小区业主 诱因是因为该小区业主认为现物管公司管理不善,诉求为小区成立业主委员会并实施自治 1-2 30 准备强行赶走物管公司实施自治 吴斌

西航港街道办机场路社区 空港晶座小区业主 诱因是部分业主认为该小区内精装房屋质量存在问题,现主要诉求是要求开发商整改并经济赔偿 1-3 30 围堵空港晶座售楼部 徐佳

Statistical table of the large-scale investigation of unstable factors in the city during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China at the Airport Police Station (group)

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Statistical table of Gongxing police station’s large-scale investigation of unstable factors during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (sample form 1)

Statistical table of the large-scale investigation of unstable factors in the city during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China at the Airport Police Station (group)

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Territory Instability Factor subject Inducement and main demands Inducement Type Number of people involved Excessive words and deeds or main activities Responsibility implementation

Some owners of Building 1, Xintiandi, Chengdu, in Chengbai Road Community, Xihangang Street. Because the building is built facing the street, the land is for commercial use. The owners were told to pay water, electricity and other fees according to commercial standards after moving in. The owners refused to accept the required fees. From commercial to civilian use. Failed 1-2 about 80 Banners and slogans were put up to block the road for large items and a QQ group was established to keep in touch Deng Lei Yuan Zhong

Xihanggang Sub-district became Bailu Community Some owners of Sunshine Mediterranean Phase 2 and migrant workers responsible for the exterior walls during Phase 2 construction Some owners of Sunshine Mediterranean Commercial and Residential Phase 2 refused to accept housing due to quality problems, and others participated in Phase 2 construction and were responsible for exterior walls The migrant workers on the wall were entangled with the labor-management company and the developer because of the project payment and the wages of the migrant workers, and the relevant departments failed to mediate many times. 1-3 About 60 There have been 3 visits to the mailboxes of departments at all levels, and migrant workers have blocked the road and even climbed to the top of the building and threatened to jump off the building. Deng Lei Yuan Zhong

The owner of Xuefu Jiayuan community in Jindu community of Xihanggang Sub-district Office The owner of Xuefu Jiayuan community and its developer Runyang have many problems left over from history. The sale to a third-party company caused conflicts, and its main appeal was to solve the legacy problems of Runyang in Jiayuan, a school. 1-2 30 Hanging banners and blocking doors Zhu Yuhan

Xihanggang Sub-district Office Jindu community, owner of Yananju community The reason is that the owner of the community believes that the current property management company is not well managed, and appeals for the establishment of an owner committee for the community and the implementation of self-government 1-2 30 Planning to forcibly drive away the property management company and implement self-government

Xihanggang Sub-district Office Airport Road Community Owners of Konggang Jingzu Community The incentive is that some owners believe that there are problems with the quality of hardcover houses in the community. Now the main appeal is to ask the developer to rectify and make economic compensation. Xu Jia