

《四川成都双流文件1: 十八大不稳定因素》









属地 不稳定      因素主体    诱因及主要诉求 诱因    类型 涉及人数 过激的言行          或主要活动 责任落实情况

公兴 被征地农民 “物联网二期”等7个项目涉及2095人的用地单位社保资金未到位,引起被征地农民不满,要求尽快兑现社保待遇。 因地权、征地引发的不稳定因素 2095 上访 公兴街办

公兴 亚丁小镇100多户业主 “亚丁小镇”一期六号楼不能按期交房。要求政府出面协调,督促开放商尽快交房。 因房地产交易、物业管理引发的不稳定因素 100 上访 公兴政府、县房管局、新兴公司

西航港经济开发区 温德元夫妇 4.4工业园区内龙港国籍生态公园土地原拆迁户温元德、杨秀清夫妇拆迁后不搬离,仍在原住处种菜、养鸡、养鱼,影响开发施工。并要求开发商再次赔付青苗等费用。 因地权、征地引发的不稳定因素 2 阻碍开发施工 西航港开发区管委会

Statistical table of Gongxing police station’s large-scale investigation of unstable factors during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (sample form 1)

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Statistical table of Gongxing police station’s large-scale investigation of unstable factors during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (sample form 1)

Statistical table of Gongxing police station’s large-scale investigation of unstable factors during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (sample form 1)

Territory Instability Factor subject Inducement and main demands Inducement Type Number of people involved Excessive words and deeds or main activities Responsibility implementation

Gongxing land-expropriated farmers 7 projects involving 2,095 land-using units including the “Internet of Things Phase II” did not have social security funds in place, which caused dissatisfaction among land-expropriated farmers and demanded that social security benefits be honored as soon as possible. Unstable factors caused by land rights and land acquisition 2095 petition Gongxing Street Office

More than 100 household owners in Gongxing Yading Township “Aden Township” Phase I Building No. 6 could not hand over the houses on schedule. The government is required to come forward to coordinate and urge the developer to hand over the house as soon as possible. Unstable factors caused by real estate transactions and property management 100 Petitions Gongxing government, county housing management bureau, Xinxing company

Xihanggang Economic Development Zone Wen Deyuan and his wife 4.4 The original households who were demolished in Longgang Nationality Ecological Park in the industrial park, Wen Yuande and Yang Xiuqing, did not move out after the demolition. And asked the developer to pay for young crops and other expenses again. Unstable factors caused by land rights and land acquisition 2 hinder development and construction Management Committee of West Airport Development Zone