

《北京犯罪報告10: 丰台》



































赵旭峰(男,24岁,中国山西省人)反映:2012年5月31日 22时30分,赵旭峰接徐庆金电话约他到东铁营横七条一饭店吃饭。后赵旭峰和单刘军(男,21岁,中国河南人)一同到饭馆与徐一同吃饭。过了一个小时左右,赵旭峰接到“乐乐”的电话。后“乐乐”与单帅帅一同来到饭馆吃饭。又过了半个小时,徐叫来了李辉。吃饭期间,“乐乐”让李辉喝酒,李辉表现很不高兴。而且“乐乐”用肘部打了几下李辉的胸口,但饭桌上俩人没有发生口角。6月1日2时许,“徐海金”结账先离开了。后赵旭峰、“乐乐”、单刘军、单帅帅、李辉离开饭店向右走到一胡同内小便。赵旭峰听到李辉说了句“你和我过不去”之类的话,就听见动手的声音。赵旭峰、单刘军、“乐乐”、单帅帅一起殴打李辉.赵旭峰用双手打了李辉后背3、4下,又用事先和单刘军一同从饭馆内拿出的啤酒瓶打了李辉的头部。后赵旭峰到马路对面取摩托车时,看到李辉和“乐乐” 又打了起来。赵旭峰立刻跑到马路对面,李辉一见到赵旭峰跑了过来,就跑到网吧楼上。赵旭峰没追到李辉,就回到现场看到“乐乐”躺在地上,左胳膊和两条腿全是血。












丰台分局刑侦支队四大队一中队                    2012年6月1日

“6.01” Report on the Intentional Injury Case of Li Hui in Dongtieying, Fengtai District

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Case number: A1101065500002012060004

At 3:01 on June 1, 2012, the caller Xu Qingjin (male, 20 years old, from Henan) dialed 110 and said: Someone was stabbed in front of the Shenlan Haohan Internet Cafe in Dongtieying, Fengtai District, Beijing, and the injured were stabbed. 5 or 6 knives. After receiving the report, Zhao Leibing, the deputy director of the branch, Wang Zhuo, the head of the criminal investigation detachment, Han Wenguang, and Li Hai, the deputy head of the criminal investigation detachment, came to the scene to direct the work. After work, at about 11 o’clock on June 1, 2012, the suspect Li Hui was arrested in the car wash room of the underground garage of Building 2, Guoruicheng East District, Dongcheng District, Beijing. After interrogation, the criminal suspect Li Hui confessed to stabbing An Lele with a knife in front of the Shenlanhaohan Internet Cafe in Dongtieying, Fengtai District, Beijing at 2:00 a.m. on June 1, 2012, due to a drunken dispute. So far, the case has been successfully cracked. The case is now reported as follows.

1. The situation of receiving reports

At about 2:00 on June 1, 2012, a case of intentional injury occurred in front of the Shenlan Haohan Internet Cafe in Dongtiejiang Camp, Fengtai District. Li Hui (male, 23 years old, from Gansu Province, China) quarreled with An Lele (male, 19 years old, from Gansu Province, China) after drinking. Li Hui then stabbed An Lele with a knife, and Anlele died after rescue efforts failed.

2. On-site investigation and forensic identification

After investigation, the scene at the scene was located in front of the Shenlanhaohan Internet Cafe in Dongtiejiangying, Fengtai District, and there was a 1.3*0.9 bloodstain on the ground.

According to preliminary forensic examination, the deceased had stab wounds on his right chest, left forearm, right elbow, left thigh, and testicle. The cause of death is pending further autopsy confirmation.

Deceased: An Lele, male, 19 years old, born on August 15, 1992, registered address: No. 25, Sanshe Baishui Village, Baishui Town, Kongtong District, Pingliang City, Gansu Province, China, ID number: .

3. Preliminary work

Xu Qingjin (male, 20 years old, from Henan Province, China) reflected: At 22:30 on May 31, 2012, Xu Qingjin met “Xu Feng” and “Xiaojun” who had previously made an appointment by phone. The latter three went to the Happy Crayfish Restaurant opposite the scene to have dinner together. During this period, Xu Qingjin called Wang Qiang and the three of them to have dinner together. Later, “Xiaojun” called “Shuaishai” and “An Lele” again. After about 20 minutes, “Shuaishai” and “Anlele” came to the hotel one after another. Finally “Xu Feng” invited Li Hui again. During the meal, Xu Qingjin felt that there was nothing abnormal, and the relationship was relatively harmonious. At about 1:00 on June 1, Wang Qiang and the other three claimed that they had left beforehand. Xu Qingjin also left after paying the bill. When Xu Qingjin walked to the Laosi Tiao vegetable market, he received a call from “Xu Feng”, saying that “something happened to Lele and he was stabbed”. Later, Xu Qingjin took a taxi to the scene and saw “An Lele” lying on the scene. Later, Xu Qingjin called 110 to call the police.

Zhao Xufeng (male, 24 years old, from Shanxi Province, China) reflected: At 22:30 on May 31, 2012, Zhao Xufeng received a call from Xu Qingjin and asked him to have dinner at Hengqitiaoyi Restaurant in Dongtieying. Later, Zhao Xufeng and Shan Liujun (male, 21 years old, from Henan, China) went to the restaurant to have dinner with Xu. About an hour later, Zhao Xufeng received a call from “Lele”. Later, “Lele” and Shan Shuaishuai came to the restaurant for dinner together. After another half hour, Xu called Li Hui. During the meal, “Lele” made Li Hui drink, and Li Hui was very unhappy. Moreover, “Lele” hit Li Hui on the chest several times with his elbow, but there was no quarrel between the two at the dinner table. At 2 o’clock on June 1, “Xu Haijin” checked out and left first. Later, Zhao Xufeng, “Lele”, Shan Liujun, Shan Shuaishuai, and Li Hui left the restaurant and walked right to an alley to urinate. When Zhao Xufeng heard Li Hui say something like “You and I can’t get along”, he heard the sound of hands. Zhao Xufeng, Shan Liujun, “Lele” and Shan Shuaishuai beat Li Hui together. Zhao Xufeng hit Li Hui on the back 3 or 4 times with both hands, and then beat him with the beer bottle that he and Shan Liujun took out of the restaurant. hit Li Hui’s head. Later, when Zhao Xufeng went across the road to pick up his motorcycle, he saw Li Hui and “Lele” fighting again. Zhao Xufeng immediately ran to the opposite side of the road. As soon as Li Hui saw Zhao Xufeng running over, he ran upstairs to the Internet cafe. Zhao Xufeng failed to catch up with Li Hui, so he returned to the scene and saw “Lele” lying on the ground with blood on his left arm and two legs.

Shan Liujun (male, 22 years old, from Henan, China) reflected: at around 23:00 on May 31, 2012, Zhao Xufeng called “Xu Haijin” to ask him out for dinner. Later, Shan Liujun, Zhao Xufeng, An Lele, and Shan Shuaishuai rode motorcycles to a barbecue restaurant in Wujianlou, Dongtieying, for dinner. At 1:20 on June 1, “Xu Haijin” called “Huihui” to come over later. About 20 minutes later, “Huihui” came to the restaurant alone for dinner. During the meal, “Xu Haijin” and An Lele persuaded “Huihui” to drink. Shan Liujun felt that “Huihui” was a little unhappy, but there was no dispute. At about 2 o’clock, “Xu Haijin” left after paying the bill, and then Shan Liu Jun, “Huihui”, Shan Shuaishuai, An Lele, and Zhao Xufeng left the restaurant and walked south. When they went to an alley to urinate, An Lele quarreled with “Huihui” stand up. Seeing An Lele being beaten, Shan Liujun and Zhao Xufeng ran back to the restaurant to get an empty beer bottle each. Zhao Xufeng hit “Huihui” on the head with a beer bottle, Shan Liujun hit “Huihui” on the back of the neck, and then “Huihui” squatted on the ground with his head in his hands. Upon seeing this, Shan Liujun and others left the alley and headed towards the north restaurant. At that time, Zhao Xufeng, Shan Shuaishuai, and Shan Liujun walked in front, and An Lele walked behind. When Shan Liujun and others walked to the door of the restaurant, they turned around and saw An Lele lying on the ground with blood on her body and wounds on her arms and chest.

Shan Shuaishuai (male, 20 years old, from Henan, China) reflected: at 0:00 on June 1, 2012, Shan Shuaishuai, Shan Liu Jun, and An Lele went to the “Happy Crayfish” restaurant for dinner. When they arrived at the restaurant, Zhao Xufeng and Four other men were eating skewers. At about 1 o’clock, a man surnamed Xu and Zhao Xufeng called a man named “Huihui” and asked him to have dinner together. About half an hour later, “Huihui” came to the restaurant. Everyone drank with “Huihui”, but “Huihui” didn’t want to. At around 1:50, the three men who had eaten at the restaurant first left. After a while, the man surnamed Xu also left. Later, Shan Shuaishuai, Shan Liujun, An Lele, Zhao Xufeng, and “Huihui” left the restaurant together and urinated in an alley 20 meters south of the restaurant. During this period, An Lele, Zhao Xufeng and “Huihui” quarreled, and Zhao Xufeng and “Huihui” pushed each other. Later, Shan Shuaishuai and An Lele beat “Huihui” with fists and kicks. Shan Liujun and Zhao Xufeng hit the back and neck with beer bottles respectively, and then “Huihui” squatted down against the wall. Shan Liujun and Zhao Xufeng walked in front, Shan Shuaishuai and An Lele walked out of the alley behind. After that, An Lele ran to the opposite side of the road and fought with “Huihui” again. After fighting for about 30 seconds, An Lele ran back and lay down on the motorcycle, bleeding a lot and had a wound on his left hand.

4. Case Analysis

To sum up, the project team analyzed that this case was a case of injury and death caused by conflicts and disputes after drinking. Li Hui was suspected of committing a major crime, and formulated the following work plan:

(1) Arresting Li Hui.

(2) Examination and appraisal of the extracted trace evidence.

(3) Retrieving the surrounding surveillance video at the time of the incident.

Five, the process of solving the case

Criminal suspect: Li Hui, male, 29 years old, born on December 14, 1988, ID number: , household registration: Sanshe, Shijiba Village, Shijiba Township, Wen County, Gansu Province, China, temporary residence: East Beijing The underground garage in the east area of Guorui City.

After questioning, I learned of the work unit of the suspect Li Hui. After work, at about 11:00 on June 1, 2012, the suspect Li Hui was arrested in the car wash room of the underground garage of Building 2, Guoruicheng East District, Dongcheng District, Beijing. After interrogation, the criminal suspect Li Hui confessed to the crime of stabbing An Lele to death with a knife at around 2 o’clock on June 1, 2012, in front of the Shenlanhaohan Internet Cafe in Dongtieying, Fengtai District, Beijing due to a drunken dispute. . So far, the case has been successfully cracked.

So far, the case has been solved.

First Squadron, Fourth Brigade, Criminal Investigation Detachment, Fengtai Branch

                     June 1, 2012