


分手后。 成功。 一份温暖。 生死间的一份平安。 

已完成语音识别 我最喜爱的手工人民警察评选活动。 昌平分局马池口派出所社区民警张秀民,他26年如1日,对社区工作兢兢业业,为了辖区稳定,他有警必接,有难必帮。为了辖区安宁,他以心换心,体察百姓敬业,与其说是他的工作方法和艺术,倒不如说是她人生态度的自然流露。 对对对。 马池口社区提到,民警张秀明,很多人都认识,每天张秀明都会下社区穿梭在社区的大街小巷,同事们这样形容他比较怪,算是比较怪的一个人吧,没有其他爱好,把这个精力全都放在工作上。在同事的眼里,张秀明是个坏人,他不着家爱唠叨,生活极其简单。张啸林工作法。 就是这个生活简单工作认真的跳井,独创的社区网格化服务管理模式,也叫做130工作法。他把自己管辖的北角营村划分成19个票区,每票心只会出租房,由一名协管员和信息员负责管理我们的管理,我们就是1加1负责制,因为一个就是间隔的语言,一个就是信息员管理这一片区域。如果发现案件的及时上报,村主任上了派出所。 我的工作的内容就是下户登记那个做到那个什么网搁这儿管理做到五见面对于游泳门口来的人口。 捡身份证件,房屋间房五间见物见那个什么的,或者格化服务管理模式形成了。凡士林负责,凡事有据可查,凡事有人把关的服务管理体系解决了流动人口和出租房屋管理服务中出现的2个问题,管理不到位和推卸责任的问题。通过这一模式,马池口地区的治安有了明显好转下,社区和居民们聊天。 是张庆民最喜欢做的事情。 9点接我去了,我都没通过什么改变,了解了很多人,现在跟我愿意做什么一样,人家农村同学出来。 聊天也是调解群众纠纷最有效的方法。张秀明平均每天工作16个小时,很多时间都花在了调解纠纷上,谁和谁闹了矛盾发生,我们的擦都愿意找他去说。张秀敏也喜欢听这样的和事佬,时间一长,他成了一个爱唠叨的人,就是这个同时有些婆婆妈妈的人,遇到突发事件的时候却很果断。2005年的一天。 张秀明正在值班,突然电话响起,有一个精神病人拿着一个一直说啥呢,就提出了在街上那个。当时那个时候正好是上下班放学的时间,就接接那个中英街,人家特别多。 张献民和同事火速赶到现场,看到有精神障碍的女子王某情绪激动,挥舞的尖刀随时可能伤到无辜的群众暴打不说,张献民校的玩偶扑了过去,完美的刀深深地扎进了张秀林。 打了一刀。 当时没感觉上都致命。以后因为我心脏不好,都在想着做,我感觉这个也是失误了。我说这玩意儿玩吧,我制服了,群众的危险解除了,而张秀民却受了伤,刀子比腿部动脉只有2毫米,非常危险。 但妻子女儿看到病床上的张秀明已经是案发2天以后,张秀明是怕妻子担心,才没有告诉他们天气。家人张秀敏说,当民警20多年,他最亏欠的就是妻子。 我已经换一个方向一点回家就能证明。 上位,让妻子石磊包揽了家里的一切事务,甚至生孩子做手术都是自己签的字。20年转眼而过,女儿今年就要上高三了,张啸林却一次家长会都没有参加过觉了。张秀林这么快人,石磊从来没有后悔。 和丈夫说,你儿子后续更是社区大妈们的物品。是的,孩子们呢?叔叔是左邻右舍的亲戚。 告诉你,你是我的骄傲,我永远爱你。二您的主题很大,报名的事情很小,与老百姓距离近了,才有民情积累,与老百姓感情深了,才有感情积累。26年间张秀明用真心和真情,把自己和生活在这片土地上的人们紧紧地连在了一起。本期的节目就到这里,感谢您收看,再见。 

The love for the people of Zhang Xiuming, a good policeman who has been rooted in the community for 26 years

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Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Changping Branch, Machikou, Zhang Xiuming, Lu Xiaodong, Lin Zhen, Wang Zhen, household registration police, 056448, 050182, Wang Jinwang, grid, Li Hongmin, Yang Shijuan, Beixiaoying Village, 050163 , Shi Lei, Beijing Geely University

After breaking up. success. A warmth. A peace between life and death.

Speech recognition has been completed My favorite handmade people’s police selection activity. Zhang Xiumin, a community policeman from the Machikou Police Station of the Changping Sub-bureau, has been dedicated to community work for 26 years. For the peace of the jurisdiction, he exchanged his heart for another heart, and observed the dedication of the people. It is not so much his working methods and art, but rather a natural expression of her attitude towards life. exactly. The Machikou community mentioned that Zhang Xiuming, a policeman, is known to many people. Every day, Zhang Xiuming goes to the community to shuttle through the streets and alleys of the community. His colleagues describe him as a strange person. He has no other hobbies. All this energy is put on work. In the eyes of his colleagues, Zhang Xiuming is a bad person. He doesn’t care about family and loves to chatter, and his life is extremely simple. Zhang Xiaolin’s working method. It is this simple life and serious work that jumps into the well, the original community grid service management model, also known as the 130 work method. He divided the Beijiaoying village under his jurisdiction into 19 ticket areas, and each ticket center only rents out houses, and a coordinator and information officer are responsible for our management. We are a 1 plus 1 responsibility system, because one is the interval language, one is the information staff to manage this area. If the case is found and reported in time, the village director will go to the police station. The content of my job is to register the household, do that, manage the net store here, and manage the people who come to the entrance of the swimming pool at five meetings. Pick up ID cards, see things from room to room, see what, or the formation of a personalized service management model. Vaseline is in charge, everything is well documented, and the service management system with someone to check everything solves two problems in the management services of floating population and rental housing, the problems of inadequate management and shirk responsibility. Through this model, the law and order in the Machikou area has improved significantly, and the community chatted with residents. It is Zhang Qingmin’s favorite thing to do. I was picked up at 9 o’clock. I didn’t make any changes, and I got to know a lot of people. Now it’s the same as what I want to do, and my classmates come out from the countryside. Chatting is also the most effective way to mediate mass disputes. Zhang Xiuming works an average of 16 hours a day, and a lot of time is spent mediating disputes. Whoever has a conflict with whom, our friends are willing to talk to him. Zhang Xiumin also likes to listen to such a peacemaker. After a long time, he has become a nagging person. It is this person who also has mother-in-law and mother-in-law, but he is very decisive when encountering emergencies. One day in 2005. Zhang Xiuming was on duty when the phone rang suddenly. There was a mental patient holding one and kept talking about it, so he proposed the one on the street. At that time, it happened to be the time for commuting and school, so I picked up Zhongying Street, where there were so many people. Zhang Xianmin and his colleagues rushed to the scene and saw that Wang, a woman with a mental disorder, was so emotional that she was waving a sharp knife that could hurt innocent people at any time. Zhang Xiulin. Hit a knife. It didn’t feel fatal at all. In the future, because I have a bad heart, I will always think about doing it, and I feel that this is also a mistake. I said let’s play with this thing. I subdued it, and the danger of the crowd was relieved, but Zhang Xiumin was injured. The knife was only 2mm wider than the artery in the leg, which was very dangerous. But his wife and daughter saw Zhang Xiuming on the hospital bed two days after the incident. Zhang Xiuming didn’t tell them the weather because he was afraid that his wife would be worried. Family member Zhang Xiumin said that when he was a policeman for more than 20 years, what he owes most is his wife. I’ve gone the other way a little home to attest. The superior, let his wife Shi Lei take care of all the affairs of the family, even giving birth to a child and performing surgery is all signed by himself. 20 years passed in a blink of an eye, and my daughter was going to be in her third year of high school this year, but Zhang Xiaolin didn’t even attend a parent meeting. Zhang Xiulin is so fast, Shi Lei has never regretted it. Tell your husband that your son’s follow-up is the property of the aunts in the community. yes, what about the kids? Uncles are relatives of neighbors. Tell you, you are my pride, I love you forever. Second, your theme is very big, and the matter of registration is very small. Only when you are close to the people can you accumulate people’s feelings, and only when you have deep feelings with the people can you accumulate feelings. In the past 26 years, Zhang Xiuming has closely connected himself with the people living on this land with his sincerity and true feelings. This is the end of this program, thank you for watching, goodbye.