

由我局举办的全北京食品泰国大赛正在进行中。大赛合作媒体北京电视台科教频道专门制作宣传片,从8月12日起在该频道每日五次滚动播出,请看详细内容。 首届平安北京视频拍客大赛开始了。北京警方诚邀您拿起的屏手机记录为平安北京做贡献的普通人平凡事儿,让大家分享您的感动,共同参与平安北京建设,让所有人感受和谐的北京。2011年8月1日至10月31日为作品征集展播阶段,希望您将视频上传至互联网,通过审核即可参加评选,北京警方期待您的参与。

Beijing TV Science and Education Channel launched the promotional materials of the Paige Contest

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The All Beijing Food Thailand Competition organized by our bureau is underway. The science and education channel of Beijing TV Station, the cooperative media of the competition, specially produced a promotional video, which will be broadcast on this channel five times a day from August 12th. Please see the details. The first Ping An Beijing Video Shooting Contest started. The Beijing police sincerely invites you to record the ordinary things of ordinary people who have contributed to a safe Beijing with your screen mobile phone, so that everyone can share your touch, participate in the construction of a safe Beijing, and let everyone feel a harmonious Beijing. From August 1st to October 31st, 2011 is the stage of soliciting and broadcasting works. We hope that you upload the video to the Internet, and you can participate in the selection after passing the review. The Beijing police look forward to your participation.