


交通安全关系到广大人民群众的生命安全,以至影响群众安全感和满意度,深受社会各界关注的问题。近日,大兴交通支队为进一步预防和减少交通事故的发生,营造良好的交通出行环境,严查十大严重交通违法行为,对交通违法零容忍,8月以来共查处各类交通违法行为2.9万里的企业,营造了文明和谐有序的道路交通环境。 未来,大兴公安分局交通支队为营造良好的交通出行环境整治与服务相结合,强化执法为民,针对群众反映强烈的严重交通违法行为,全面开展了交通秩序综合整治工作。为提高打击效果,支队专门从各中队抽调精干警力,成立了执法突击队,重点打击酒后开车闯红灯涉牌涉证黑摩的等十大严重交通违法行为。另外,针对近期大客车伤亡事故频发这一突出情况。 交通支队按照公安部市局指示精神,下大力度开展对跨省长途客运车辆旅游包车的检查力度,对存在超速行驶客车超员疲劳驾驶违法停车揽客等违法车辆逐一检查逐车登记严格落实六必查工作措施。8月份以来,支队共查处各类交通违法行为29000余起,罚款300余万元,其中,查处酒后驾车交通违法行为52起,闯红灯交通违法行为722起。 涉牌交通违法行为454起交通拘留32人醉酒驾车刑事拘留4人。

Beijing Daxing Traffic Detachment Strictly Investigates Ten Serious Traffic Violations

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Traffic safety is related to the life safety of the broad masses of the people, and even affects the public’s sense of security and satisfaction, which is deeply concerned by all walks of life. Recently, in order to further prevent and reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents and create a good traffic travel environment, the Daxing Traffic Detachment strictly investigated ten serious traffic violations and zero tolerance for traffic violations. Since August, a total of 29,000 miles of various traffic violations have been investigated Enterprises have created a civilized, harmonious and orderly road traffic environment. In the future, the traffic detachment of the Daxing Public Security Bureau will create a good traffic travel environment, combine regulation with services, strengthen law enforcement for the people, and comprehensively carry out comprehensive traffic order regulation for serious traffic violations that have been strongly reported by the public. In order to improve the combat effect, the detachment specially mobilized elite police forces from each squadron and set up a law enforcement commando, focusing on cracking down on ten serious traffic violations such as drunken driving, running red lights, license plates and dark motorcycles. In addition, in view of the recent frequent casualties of bus accidents this outstanding situation. In accordance with the instructions of the Municipal Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, the traffic detachment has made great efforts to carry out inspections of cross-provincial long-distance passenger vehicles for tourist chartering, and strictly implements the six musts for one-by-one inspections of illegal vehicles such as excessive speeding passenger vehicles, overcrowding, fatigue driving, illegal parking and soliciting passengers. Check work measures. Since August, the detachment has investigated and dealt with more than 29,000 traffic violations and fined more than 3 million yuan, including 52 drunk driving traffic violations and 722 red light traffic violations. 454 cases of license-related traffic violations, 32 people were detained in traffic, and 4 people were criminally detained for drunk driving.