





















贵州省公安厅指挥中心编               16


















61543分,40余名贵阳市府灯饰广场经营户因对商场搬迁不满,打着 构建和谐社会,维护正当权益,请政府为经营户主持公道的横幅在商场外聚集。经工作,18时许,聚集人员离去。






410时许,黔西县城关镇金钟村王萍(女, 33岁)在黔西县城关镇康华医院进行卵巢囊肿手术。5日上午,其在被送往贵阳就医途中死亡。随后,死者家属40余人到黔西县殡仪馆聚集,要求有关补偿。经相关部门协调,619时许,由康华医院一次性补偿死者家属40万元(新台币170万元)后,死者家属将尸体运回老家择日安葬。



61930分, 200余名省建工集团下属的七建、九建公司民工因讨薪在渔安新城工地办公室内聚集。经工作, 7日凌晨150分,聚集民工离开现场。目前,公安机关正密切关注事态。








311时,贵阳市黄某某在南明区大理石路路口乘坐一辆黑的时,被该黑的上的3名男子持刀劫持至遵义市香港路。逼迫说出他的银行卡密码后,他卡内4万余元(新台币17万元)被取走。22时许,该3名男子将黄某某丢弃在城郊贵遵路边一山坡上后逃逸。4日凌晨1时许,遵义、贵阳市公安机关接报后,立即组织警力开展案侦工作。经工作, 517时许,嫌疑人王永祥(男,30岁,白云区人)被抓获。省厅接报后,省委常委、政法委书记、公安厅长崔亚东立即作出批示,对案侦等工作提出明确要求。常务副厅长王泽洪,副厅长赵翔就落实亚东同志批示作出安排部署。目前,相关工作正在进行中。





















1.都匀市901县道发生一起交通事故 1人死亡1人受伤



2.惠水县长田乡发生一起交通事故 1人死亡














1.强化措施 狠抓落实坚决预防和遏制重特大交通事故发生











编辑:刘朝友   审核:邓昌荣   签发:熊文灿




 Guizhou Public Security Excerpt [2012] No. 6

Security Report [2012] No. 6



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  Guizhou Public Security Excerpt [2012] No. 6





Security Report [2012] No. 6



Law and order summary

[2012] Issue 6

Edited by the Command Center of Guizhou Provincial Public Security Department January 6


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mass incident


1. In-service teachers from some colleges and universities in Zunyi City went to the Zunyi Municipal Party Committee to petition

At 11 o’clock on the 6th, more than 30 in-service teachers from Zunyi Teachers College and Zunyi Sports School appealed to the Zunyi Municipal Party Committee because they reported that the supplementary salary from January 2010 was insufficient. After work, at about 13:00, the petitioners left.


2. More than 50 decoration workers from Qiantong Automobile Company gathered in Mengguan Auto Parts City, Huaxi District

At 13:12 on the 6th, more than 50 decoration workers from Qiantong Automobile Company gathered in Mengguan Auto Parts City, Huaxi District, because the decoration task was not completed, and they requested to settle the remaining project payment. After work, at about 18 o’clock, the migrant workers gathered and left.


3. More than 20 migrant workers gathered at the gate of the construction site of Zhongtian Century New City

At about 13:00 on the 6th, more than 20 migrant workers gathered at the gate of the construction site of Zhongtian Century New City in Guiyang to ask for wages. After work, at about 14 o’clock, the migrant workers gathered and left.


4. More than 40 business operators of Guiyang Municipal Lighting Plaza gathered in the mall

At 15:43 on the 6th, more than 40 business owners of Guiyang Municipal Lighting Plaza were dissatisfied with the relocation of the mall, and gathered outside the mall under the banner of “Build a harmonious society, safeguard legitimate rights and interests, and ask the government to uphold justice for the business owners.” After work, at about 18:00, the gathered personnel left.


5. More than 30 migrant workers blocked the Linglong Bay section of Shuidong Road in Guiyang City

At 14:50 on the 6th, more than 30 migrant workers blocked the Linglong Bay section of Shuidong Road due to the arrears of wages by the landscape engineering company affiliated to Zhongtian Urban Investment Group. At 16:15, the migrant workers were persuaded to the side of the road, and the traffic returned to normal.


6. A doctor-patient dispute occurred in Qianxi County

At 10 o’clock on the 4th, Wang Ping (female, 33 years old) from Jinzhong Village, Chengguan Town, Qianxi County underwent ovarian cyst surgery at Kanghua Hospital, Chengguan Town, Qianxi County. On the morning of the 5th, he died on the way to Guiyang for medical treatment. Subsequently, more than 40 family members of the deceased gathered at the funeral home in Qianxi County to demand compensation. After coordination with relevant departments, at around 19:00 on the 6th, after Kanghua Hospital compensated the family members of the deceased 400,000 yuan (NT$1.7 million) in one lump sum, the family members of the deceased transported the body back to their hometown for burial.


7. More than 200 migrant workers gathered at the construction site of Yu’an New Town to ask for wages

At 19:30 on the 6th, more than 200 migrant workers from the Seventh and Ninth Construction Companies affiliated to the Provincial Construction Engineering Group gathered in the construction site office of Yu’an New City to ask for wages. After work, at 1:50 am on the 7th, the migrant workers gathered and left the scene. At present, the public security organs are closely monitoring the situation.


8. A man climbed onto the tower crane at the construction site of the Hunan Chamber of Commerce in Baihua Avenue, Yunyan District to avoid debts

At 16:30 on the 6th, the Guiyang Municipal Public Security Bureau received a report from the masses that someone climbed a 30-meter-high tower crane at the construction site next to the Hunan Chamber of Commerce on Baihua Avenue, Yunyan District. After receiving the report, the bureau immediately dispatched personnel to the scene for disposal. It was learned that Lan Xueqi (male, 47 years old, from Neijiang City, Sichuan Province, temporarily residing at No. 1 South Jinyang Road), the person in charge of the construction site of the Hunan Chamber of Commerce, was chased by the construction personnel for defaulting on the project payment of the construction party, so he climbed up to the door of the Hunan Chamber of Commerce The side tower hangs to avoid debt. At about 20 o’clock, more than 30 construction personnel who were asking for project funds gathered at the entrance of the Hunan Chamber of Commerce, causing the one-way road from Baihua Avenue to Jinyang to be blocked. After work, at about 21 o’clock, the gathered people were persuaded to the side of the road, and the traffic returned to normal. At 21:10, Lan Xueqi was successfully persuaded. Lan Xueqi is currently in administrative detention for 8 days.


Criminal case


1. A hijacking and robbery case occurred in Nanming District

At 11 o’clock on the 3rd, when Huang Moumou of Guiyang City was riding a “black car” at the intersection of Marble Road, Nanming District, he was hijacked by three men on the “black car” with knives to Hong Kong Road, Zunyi City. After being forced to reveal his bank card password, more than 40,000 yuan (NT$170,000) in his card was taken away. At about 22 o’clock, the three men fled after dumping Huang Moumou on a hillside beside Guizun Road in the outskirts of the city. At about 1 o’clock in the morning on the 4th, after receiving the report, the public security organs of Zunyi and Guiyang immediately organized police forces to carry out case investigation. After work, at around 17:00 on the 5th, the suspect Wang Yongxiang (male, 30 years old, from Baiyun District) was arrested. After the provincial department received the report, Cui Yadong, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and director of the Public Security Department, immediately issued instructions, putting forward clear requirements for case investigation and other work. Executive deputy director Wang Zehong and deputy director Zhao Xiang made arrangements for the implementation of Comrade Yadong’s instructions. Currently, related work is in progress.


2. “2011.12.25” murder case in Yushe Township, Shuicheng County solved

On December 25, 2011, the Public Security Bureau of Shuicheng County received a report that Ma Haili (female, 35 years old) and her daughter Zhang Hao (2 years old), a resident of Yushe Township Street in the county, were killed at home. After work, on January 4, the project team captured suspects Huang Xiaotai (male, 20 years old, a drug addict) and Huang Xiaocha (male, 40 years old, a drug addict) from Shuicheng County in Huangni Village, Duge Township, and Shangcun, Yushe Township, respectively. Huang Xiaotai’s cousin) captured. Currently, Huang Xiaotai and Huang Xiaocha have been detained.

(See Information Express No. 9 for details)


3. A murder case occurred in Dafang County

At around 21:00 on the 4th, Yang Shouhui (female, 32 years old), a villager in the Potou group of Jichang Village, Jichang Township, Dafang County, went to look after the house of her father, Yang Sixue. At about 13:00 on the 5th, she was found dead in her father’s house. Preliminary judgment, the Department of homicide. Currently, case investigation is in progress.


4. A murder case occurred in Jinsha County

At around 3 a.m. on the 6th, Tang Yunjiang (male, 24 years old) and his wife Tan Chunju from Pingzizhai Village, Anluo Township, Jinsha County were beaten at home due to family conflicts. Tan Chunju stabbed Tang Yunjiang to death with a sharp weapon. At present, Tan Chunju has been controlled by the public security organs, and the investigation is in progress.


4. A hit-and-run case occurred in Rongjiang County

At around 19:00 on the 5th, Shi Guangqing (male, 78 years old) from Chejiang No. 2 Village, Guzhou Town, Rongjiang County was crushed to death by a vehicle on Lirong Road, Chejiang No. 2 Village, Guzhou Town. The perpetrator fled by car. Currently, case investigation is in progress.


5. A cable theft case occurred in Huichuan District

On the evening of the 5th, the YJV22-3*300 type cables piled up on the side of the road next to the Huichuan District Court after receiving them from the Zunyi City Suburban Power Supply Company by Zunyi City Guangming Power Company were stolen, worth more than 510,000 yuan (NT$2.2 million) Yuan). Currently, case investigation is in progress.

(See Information Express No. 8 for details)


security incident


1. A traffic accident occurred on County Road 901 in Duyun City, resulting in 1 death and 1 injury

At 14:00 on the 6th, Wu Zhaoxian (male, 35 years old) from Yanghe Township, Duyun City drove a JAD755 two-wheeled motorcycle and carried Wu Chaolin (male, 48 years old, from Yanghe Shuizu Township, Duyun City) from the base field to Drive in the direction of Yanghe. When traveling to 32 kilometers plus 100 meters of County Road 901, it collided with a Gui 09-00745 tractor driven by Meng Bangzhu (male, 23 years old, from Yangheshuizu Township, Duyun City) driving in the opposite direction. Wu Chaolin was killed and Wu Zhaoxian was slightly injured. At present, the investigation of the cause of the accident and the aftermath are in progress.


2. One person died in a traffic accident in Changtian Township, Huishui County

At around 17:00 on the 6th, Li Huahua (male, 15 years old), a native of Changtian Township, Huishui County, drove an unlicensed two-wheeled motorcycle, and carried fellow villagers Li Xiu (female, 17 years old) and Shao Zhenyun (female, 13 years old) from Guiyang to Huizhou. Driving in the direction of water, at the entrance of Changtian Township (small place name) in Huishui County, the No. B26636 cement tanker driven by Hu Kaiwen (male, 30 years old, from Luotian County, Hubei Province) accidentally overturned and fell down. As a result, Shao Zhenyun was crushed to death by an approaching tanker, and Li Xiu was injured. At present, the investigation of the cause of the accident and the aftermath are in progress.


3. A carbon monoxide poisoning incident in Danzhai County caused 3 deaths

On the evening of the 5th, villagers Li Ana (female, 55 years old) and grandsons Wang Jiayun (7 years old) and grandsons Wang Jiahai (2 years old) from the second group of Xinzhai Village, Xingren Town, Danzhai County burned charcoal in their bedroom while they were sleeping. keep warm. At 8 o’clock on the 6th, three people were found dead at home.

(See Information Express No. 7 for details)


intelligence information


The project staff of Guizhou Zhongwei Navigator Co., Ltd. plans to appeal to the provincial government on the 7th

At 14:30 on the 6th, more than 100 project contractors involved in Guizhou Zhongwei Navigator Co., Ltd. in Anshun City held a meeting in the conference room on the second floor of the Weicheng Hotel, Metallurgical Hall, Baoshan South Road, Guiyang City (the office of Guizhou Zhongwei Navigator Co., Ltd.). Listen to the previous work of relevant representatives. At about 16:00, the meeting ended and the participants left. It is reported that this part of the personnel plans to appeal to the provincial government at 9 o’clock on the 7th. After the provincial department received the report, Zeng Haiyan, deputy director of the department, immediately issued instructions and put forward requirements for related work. At present, the public security organs are paying close attention to its development.




1. Strengthen measures to implement and resolutely prevent and contain major traffic accidents

In order to thoroughly implement the instructions and instructions of Secretary Li Zhanshu, Governor Zhao Kezhi, Vice Governor Huang Kangsheng, Deputy Minister of Public Security Huang Ming and other leading comrades on the “1.4” traffic accident in Guiding County, we will do our best to do a good job in low temperature rain On the morning of January 5, Cui Yadong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Director of the Public Security Department presided over an emergency video conference on strengthening road traffic safety management across the province. The conference will report the recent major traffic accidents in the province, and carry out emergency mobilization and deployment to strengthen the management of road traffic safety in the province.

(For details, please refer to No. 5 of “Essentials Special Report”)


2. Road traffic situation in the whole province (8:00 on January 6)

As of 8 o’clock on the 6th, the highways in the province are running normally. Most of the other national and provincial roads are normal.

(See No. 6 of Information Express for details)



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Editor: Liu Chaoyou Reviewer: Deng Changrong Issued by: Xiong Wencan