

属地 不稳定      因素主体    诱因及主要诉求 诱因    类型 涉及人数 过激的言行          或主要活动 责任落实情况

开发区所 民间借贷材料供货商 2010年美多丽公司修建时,因经营不善及民间借贷,共拖欠材料款及民间借贷款8000余万。2012年7月成都中院拍卖4000余万。经了解,成都中院计划在今年年底执行。 6 民间借贷涉及尼玛、兰格头、嘎基、三扎西、王富成、贡布多吉、多吉、孙希贵等十余名藏族人,于2011年3月向武侯区法院起诉,但尼玛曾称:如果不合理解决借款,我们要召集我们村里的人来“集体上访”。        成都市中院在今年7月将美多丽公司以4000余万拍卖,政府出面调解


属地 不稳定      因素主体    诱因及主要诉求 诱因    类型 涉及人数 过激的言行          或主要活动 责任落实情况

永安派出所 西航港建设第九工程总队二环路EPC3标段永安制梁场退场工人 制梁场与退场工人之间劳务工资问题未妥善解决,导致退场工人情绪高涨,阻止新进工人入场施工。主要诉求是结算工资 劳务工资 130余人 制梁场新进工人与退场工人矛盾激化,双方手持钢筋、铁棒等物品欲群殴,被公安机关及时制止 我所立即上报情况,并极力劝解双方人员,组织有关人员进行调解

Statistical table of the large-scale investigation of unstable factors in the city during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in the development zone (group)

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“Sichuan Chengdu Shuangliu Document 2: 18 Unstable Factors”

Territory Instability Factor subject Inducement and main demands Inducement Type Number of people involved Excessive words and deeds or main activities Responsibility implementation

Development Zone Office Private loan material supplier In 2010, when Meidoli Company was building, due to poor management and private loans, a total of more than 80 million yuan in arrears for materials and private loans. In July 2012, the Chengdu Intermediate People’s Court auctioned more than 40 million yuan. It is understood that the Chengdu Intermediate People’s Court plans to implement it by the end of this year. 6 Private lending involved more than a dozen Tibetans including Nima, Langetou, Gaji, Sanzhaxi, Wang Fucheng, Gongbu Dorji, Dorji, and Sun Xigui. They filed a lawsuit with the Wuhou District Court in March 2011, but Nima Zeng said: If the loan is not resolved reasonably, we will call people in our village to “collective petition.” In July this year, Chengdu Intermediate People’s Court auctioned Midori Company for more than 40 million yuan, and the government came forward to mediate

Statistical table of the large-scale investigation of unstable factors in the city during the 18th National Congress of the Yongan Institute (group)

Territory Instability Factor subject Inducement and main demands Inducement Type Number of people involved Excessive words and deeds or main activities Responsibility implementation

Yong’an Police Station, West Air Port Construction Ninth Engineering Corps, Second Ring Road EPC3 bid section, Yong’an Beam Manufacturing Workers leaving the site. The labor wage issue between the beam making site and the workers leaving the site was not properly resolved, which led to high emotions among the workers leaving the site and prevented new workers from entering the site for construction. . The main appeal is to settle wages and labor wages. There are more than 130 people. The conflict between the new workers in the beam making field and the exiting workers intensified. Organize relevant personnel to mediate