



下面請看詳細內容。 1月10日,由台灣刑事偵防協會理事長辜仲立率領的參訪團進行20人到我局參觀訪問。市局局長傅政華,副局長張衛華,政治部主任李建華出席了接待活動。傅政華局長首先代表市局向來訪的台灣刑事偵防協會參訪團表示熱烈歡迎。傅政華說,2011年,北京市公安局積極履行警察職能,熱情服務公眾,大力推進國際警務合作。確保了首都經濟發展和社會安定祥和。 2012年,北京市公安局將圍繞北京建設中國特色世界城市的發展定位和平安北京的戰略要求,全面推進創新型警務建設。回顧北京和諧穩定,傅政華局長希望進一步深化與台灣偵防協會的友好交往,拓展交流領域,提升合作水平,切實保護兩地人民生命財產安全。

Fu Zhenghua met with representatives of the delegation from the Taiwan Criminal Investigation and Prevention Association
Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Gu Zhongli, Liu Ruibin, Zhang Weihua, Fu Zhenghua, Li Jianhua, Wan Qian
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See below for details. On January 10, a delegation of 20 people led by Ku Zhongli, chairman of the Taiwan Criminal Investigation and Prevention Association, visited our bureau. Fu Zhenghua, Director of the Municipal Bureau, Zhang Weihua, Deputy Director, and Li Jianhua, Director of the Political Department attended the reception. On behalf of the Municipal Bureau, Director Fu Zhenghua first extended a warm welcome to the visiting delegation from the Taiwan Criminal Investigation and Prevention Association. Fu Zhenghua said that in 2011, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau actively performed police functions, served the public enthusiastically, and vigorously promoted international police cooperation. It has ensured the capital’s economic development and social stability and peace. In 2012, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau will focus on the development orientation of Beijing to build a world city with Chinese characteristics and the strategic requirements of a safe Beijing, and comprehensively promote the construction of innovative policing. Looking back on the harmony and stability of Beijing, Director Fu Zhenghua hopes to further deepen the friendly exchanges with the Taiwan Detective and Defense Association, expand the areas of exchanges, improve the level of cooperation, and effectively protect the lives and property of the people in the two places.