


当前,请你两会安保工作正紧张而有序地进行着,全局民警恪尽职守,批一流的标准和最佳的状态,全力守卫着两会的平安。首都外围检查站被誉为进京的第一代光头。在这里,两会安保护城河工程正如火如荼的进行着。请看报道。按照公安部的全国两会安保护城河行动和试题整体部署要求,2月28日0时,全市启动环境。 护城河工程卖给一个真相局,巡逻部门检查站住。战队以创新社会面巡逻防控体系建设的依托,严密组织第一道防线社招控制工作构筑了严密的外围查看防线,全力确保全国两会安保工作万无一失。顺义分局按照工作部署,从2月28日0时至3月17日24时适时启动护城河工程,坚持人工查核设备茶普遍检查和重点检查。 以及维护安全和便民利民分结合的工作原则,逢车必查逢疑必查,全力开展第一道防线设卡工作。工作中,领导坚持24小时一线带班,值勤民警认真做严格把关,逐一检查登记进京车辆和人员,防止各类非法物品进入北京。大兴分局进一步完善护城河工程各项机制,加π警力不间断的对进京的车辆。 演员物品进行检查在一二代防线设置巧为17个,按照粉绿茶原则,盐山细察加强对进京可疑人员车辆和物品的盘查核录,加大开包检查力度,严查严控管制刀具危道化学等危险物品,坚决把各种危险因素控制在津南屏障之外呢?发生分离工业相关,呃。他们俩的适时地启动了一道防线。呃,加快警力。 还有小时不间断的,呃,对进京的车辆人员5年经检查防止复发物品都有。北京延庆县局结合辖区地理特点,依托区域警务合作和环境护城河工程,全面启动外围第一道防线,将使控制机制在康庄西坑张山营白河堡三队一站战时查控机制的基础上,同步启动下营康西路口古崖居路口等五处临时控制卡点。此外。 在社会面控制上,启动驻巡初巡犬寻等巡逻模式,进行全天候密集型管控措施,最大限度的震慑各类违法犯罪行为的发生,把老水兵西北部的进京大门两会期间巡检系统全面加强外围查堵力度,截至3月5日,外围防线共盘查检查可疑车辆9点9万辆次,人员14点7万人次,查获违法犯罪嫌疑人161名。 劝返车辆435辆。每全国两会的胜利召开,提供了有力保障。

The two sessions secure the protection of the city and the river to build the first pass into Beijing related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Two Sessions Security, Moat, Zhang Chaogang, Luo Yupeng, Zhang Shouwen, Li Bing, Beijing MT2280, Hyundai, Yufa, Beijing NLQK86, Daxing, Shunyi, Verification and Entry, Beijing NM1415, Honda, Daxing Branch Patrol Detachment, Instructor of Anding Checkpoint, Yang Yuling, Yanqing, Hebei HL5613, Kangzhuang, Zhangshanying, Beijing PD7A36 At present, the security work of the two sessions is being carried out in an intense and orderly manner. The overall police are dedicated to their duties, approved first-class standards and in the best condition, and are fully guarding the safety of the two sessions. The checkpoints outside the capital are known as the first generation of bald men who entered Beijing. Here, the NPC and CPPCC protection city river project is in full swing. Please see the report. In accordance with the Ministry of Public Security’s National Two Sessions Safeguarding City River Action and the overall deployment requirements of test questions, at 00:00 on February 28, the city’s environment was activated. The moat project was sold to a truth bureau, and the patrol department checked the station. Relying on the construction of an innovative social patrol prevention and control system, the team strictly organized the first line of defense social recruitment control work and built a strict peripheral inspection defense line to ensure that the security work of the National Two Sessions is foolproof. According to the work deployment, the Shunyi Branch started the moat project from 0:00 on February 28 to 24:00 on March 17, and insisted on manual inspection of equipment and general inspections and key inspections. As well as the working principle of combining safety maintenance and convenience for the people, every vehicle must be checked and every doubt must be checked, and the work of setting up cards for the first line of defense will be fully carried out. During the work, the leaders insisted on leading shifts on the front line 24 hours a day, and the police on duty strictly checked and checked the registered vehicles and personnel entering Beijing one by one to prevent all kinds of illegal items from entering Beijing. The Daxing branch further improved the various mechanisms of the moat project, and increased the police force to continuously check the vehicles entering Beijing. There are 17 checkpoints in the first and second generation defense lines for the inspection of actors’ belongings. According to the principle of pink green tea, Yanshan scrutiny strengthens the inspection and verification of vehicles and objects of suspicious personnel entering Beijing, increases the intensity of unpacking and inspection, and strictly investigates and controls Knives, dangerous chemicals and other dangerous goods, and resolutely control all kinds of dangerous factors outside the Jinnan barrier? Separation industry related, uh. The two of them duly activated a line of defense. Uh, speed up the police. There are also hours of uninterrupted, uh, there are items to prevent recurrence of vehicles and personnel entering Beijing after 5 years of inspection. The Beijing Yanqing County Bureau combined the geographical characteristics of the area under its jurisdiction, and relied on regional police cooperation and the environmental moat project to fully activate the first line of defense on the periphery. On the basis of this, five temporary control points including the intersection of Xiaying Kangxi intersection and Guyaju intersection were activated simultaneously. also. In terms of social control, patrol modes such as garrison patrols, initial patrol dogs, etc. have been launched, and all-weather intensive control measures have been implemented to deter the occurrence of various illegal and criminal acts to the greatest extent. Comprehensive efforts have been made to check and block the perimeter. As of March 5, a total of 99,000 suspicious vehicles and 147,000 personnel have been inspected in the perimeter defense line, and 161 criminal suspects have been seized. 435 vehicles were persuaded to return. The successful convening of each National Two Sessions provides a strong guarantee.