


下面请看详细内容。在全国119消防日到来之际,国务委员公安部部长孟建柱来到龙潭湖消防中队市场首都公安消防工作,并利用了消防官兵日前,公安部部长孟建柱来到龙潭湖消防中队视察并慰问了首都功能消防部队。市委副书记政法委书记王安顺,多运动副院长刘金国,市委常委市公安局局长傅政华,市公安局副局长朱世伟及光谷设施政府相关领导陪同市场。 孟建柱部长一行在龙潭湖中队观看了首都消防部队打造现代化消防铁军成果展,参观了消防部队现代化的车辆装备展示,观摩了现代化铁军训练汇报表演。 安排会上,视察中,孟建柱部长详细了解了官兵训练文化生活情况,对消防部队利用4个平台加强社会火灾防控,利用消防微博和数字化模拟训练等科技手段,提高消防工作水平,加大投入提高车辆装备性能和保障能力,开展现代化消防铁军攻坚救援训练的成果给予充分肯定,并希望广大消防官兵按照总书记对消防部队提出的。 忠诚可靠服务人民竭诚奉献的三句话总要求,进一步加强科技信息化建设,坚持预防在先行先并重的工作理念,最大限度地减少火灾事故发生,最大限度的保护人民生命财产安全,也最大限度的保证消防官兵的生命安全。

Minister Meng Jianzhu of the Ministry of Public Security of China visited the capital firefighting force related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Jinlu, Longtan Lake Fire Squadron, Wang Anshun, Liu Jinguo, Fu Zhenghua, Ding Shiwei See below for details. On the occasion of the National 119 Fire Fighting Day, State Councilor Meng Jianzhu, Minister of Public Security, came to the Longtan Lake Fire Squadron to market the capital’s public security firefighting work, and took advantage of the firefighting officers and soldiers. fire brigade. Wang Anshun, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Liu Jinguo, vice president of Multi-Sports, Fu Zhenghua, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Zhu Shiwei, deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and relevant leaders of the Optics Valley facility government accompanied the market. Minister Meng Jianzhu and his entourage watched the achievement exhibition of the capital firefighting force in building a modern firefighting iron army in the Longtan Lake Squadron, visited the display of the modernized vehicles and equipment of the firefighting force, and watched the training report performance of the modernized iron army. At the arranging meeting and during the inspection, Minister Meng Jianzhu had a detailed understanding of the training and cultural life of officers and soldiers. He told the firefighting force to use 4 platforms to strengthen social fire prevention and control, and to use scientific and technological means such as firefighting Weibo and digital simulation training to improve the level of firefighting work and increase Invest in improving the performance and support capabilities of vehicle equipment, and fully affirm the results of the modernized firefighting iron army’s offensive and rescue training, and hope that the firefighting officers and soldiers will follow the general secretary’s proposal to the firefighting force. Loyal and reliable service to the people’s three-sentence general requirements of dedication, further strengthening the construction of scientific and technological information, adhering to the working philosophy of putting equal emphasis on prevention first, minimizing the occurrence of fire accidents, maximizing the protection of people’s lives and property, and maximizing Ensure the life safety of firefighters.