


按照市局总体部署,海淀分局将清网行动作为全分局重要任务和中心工作之一,各部门各警种层层发动,严格落实一把手责任,建立支队长队长警探长民警4级追逃责任制。枝条工作中,海淀分局各单位根据网上在逃人员的不同特征,因情施策多策并举,最大限度的延伸工作触角,提高追逃效率。按照抓训并举先训后抓的思路,充分运用规劝手段。 督促上网,在逃人员主动投案。同时,分局抽调派出所20,名警力和第二批领导干部竞争选拔入围的部分民警充实到追逃专项队伍中解决追逃杨大争吵警力有限的问题。此外,针对在逃人员较多的河北河南黑龙江等省份分局加强与在逃人员原籍公安机关的沟通联系发挥团结互助精神,请求邪通斜谷及时抓获在逃人员。 决定当前海淀分局共计抓获网上在逃人员229人希望率达到40.9%。

Haidian Sub-bureau’s network clearing operation has achieved phased results related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Dong Rui, Pao Bureau, Beijing West Railway Station, Haidian, at large According to the overall deployment of the Municipal Bureau, the Haidian Sub-bureau regards the net-clearing operation as one of the important tasks and central tasks of the whole sub-bureau. All departments and police departments are mobilized at various levels to strictly implement the responsibilities of the top leaders. system. In branch work, each unit of the Haidian Sub-bureau, according to the different characteristics of the fugitives online, implemented multiple strategies simultaneously to maximize the extension of work tentacles and improve the efficiency of chasing fugitives. In accordance with the idea of grasping and training simultaneously, training first and then grasping, make full use of persuasion methods. Supervise the Internet, and the fugitives voluntarily surrendered. At the same time, the sub-bureau dispatched 20 police officers from the police station and some of the police who were shortlisted for the second batch of leading cadres to be added to the special team for chasing and fleeing to solve the problem of limited police force in chasing and fleeing Yang Da’s quarrel. In addition, for Hebei, Henan, Heilongjiang and other provinces where there are many fugitives, the bureaus strengthened communication with the public security organs where the fugitives came from to play a spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance, and asked Xietong Xiegu to capture the fugitives in time. It is decided that the current Haidian branch has captured a total of 229 fugitives online, and the hope rate has reached 40.9%.