


11月26日,北京公民警校在警察训练总队正式成立。来自市民劝导对大型企业和在校大学生等600名学员成为公民警校的首批学员。尊华局长为首批学员讲授了平安北京第一课。 西部拓展警察公共关系建设畅通警民制定渠道,增进广大群众对公安工作的理解支持。10月26日,视频在警察训练总队隆重举行。北京东营总校成语是市级局长傅政华宣布公民警校开学。 北京。 弹琴? 即成立北京中影像,只要针对在北京工作生活学习的公民进行公益性非学历教育培训。北京公园警校成立后,16个分县局和14个职能部门将分别成立分校和教学基地。 您是结束后傅政华局长为600余名首期培训班学员主讲了题为携手共创平安北京的平安北京讲堂第一课。傅政华在讲课中指出,成立北京公民警校,开启平原北京讲堂,也就启动了党的十八大安保志愿者培训工作,这是警民共创平安北京的一个新平台,是密切警民关系的一个有效载体。字是新时期群众工作的重要组成部分。 有人民警察专业力量守护,有2000多万市民的理解支持和参与,一定能够携手共创平安,为党的十八大胜利召开创造和谐稳定的社会环境。 和好培训班学员观摩了特种驾驶表演,与公安民警进行了交流互动。 关注宣传局副局长杨瑾摄政法委副书记圆满成首都精致办主任滕盛萍吉尔局相关领导并对七董小冰李建华出席了仪式。

Beijing Civil Police Academy officially unveiled related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Wu Xueqian, Fu Zhenghua, Safe Beijing, 18th National Congress, Mass Work, Yu Sheng, Yang Jin, Yan Mancheng, Teng Shengping, Duan Guiqing, Dong Xiaobing, Li Jianhua On November 26, the Beijing Civil Police Academy was formally established in the Police Training Corps. 600 trainees from large enterprises and college students were persuaded by citizens to become the first batch of trainees of the Citizen Police Academy. Director Zunhua taught the first lesson of Safe Beijing for the first batch of trainees. In the west, we will expand the construction of police public relations, smooth the channels for the police and the public, and enhance the understanding and support of the general public for public security work. On October 26, the video conference was held in the Police Training Corps. The idiom of Beijing Dongying General School is that Fu Zhenghua, the city-level director, announced the opening of the Citizen Police Academy. Beijing. play the piano? Immediately after the establishment of Beijing China Image, it only needs to provide non-academic non-academic education and training for citizens who work, live and study in Beijing. After the establishment of Beijing Park Police Academy, 16 sub-county bureaus and 14 functional departments will set up branch schools and teaching bases respectively. After you are over, Director Fu Zhenghua gave a lecture to more than 600 trainees of the first training class, the first lesson of the Safe Beijing Lecture, which is entitled “Working Together to Create a Safe Beijing”. Fu Zhenghua pointed out in his lecture that the establishment of the Beijing Civil Police Academy and the opening of the Pingyuan Beijing Lecture also started the training of security volunteers at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. an effective carrier. Writing is an important part of mass work in the new era. With the professional force of the people’s police and the understanding, support and participation of more than 20 million citizens, we will surely be able to work together to create peace and create a harmonious and stable social environment for the successful holding of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The trainees of the Hehao training class watched the special driving performance and interacted with the public security police. Concerned about the Deputy Director of the Propaganda Bureau, Yang Jin, Deputy Secretary of the Regency and Legal Committee, and the Director of the Capital Refining Office, Teng Shengping, and relevant leaders of the Jill Bureau attended the ceremony.