


市局召开第54次党委会,专题研究七项内容,一是听取了全国公安厅局长会议筹备工作进展情况介绍,二是审议聊功能,加强首都功能化建设的实施意见,三是听取了警务航空总队飞行安全整顿工作情况的汇报,四史专题研究2011年落实党风廉政建设责任制专项检查方案,比如是专题研究关于举办北京公民警校相关工作的意见,60专题研究关于进一步加强共青团工作的意见。 行驶证衔接进一步加强。市局党委第一党支部组织党员体系建设的意见等内容。

The 54th Party Committee of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Special Research on Seven Contents related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, National Conference of Directors of Public Security Departments, Public Security Culture, Police Aviation Corps, Flight Safety, Party Style and Clean Government Construction, Citizen Police Academy, Communist Youth League, First Party Branch The Municipal Bureau convened the 54th party committee meeting to conduct special research on seven items. One was to listen to the introduction of the progress of the preparations for the meeting of directors of the National Public Security Bureau; The report on the flight safety rectification work of the Aviation Corps, the four-history special research on the implementation of the special inspection plan for the responsibility system for party conduct and clean government construction in 2011, such as the special research on the opinions on the work related to the establishment of the Beijing Citizen Police Academy, and the 60 special research on further strengthening the Communist Youth League work advice. Driving license connection is further strengthened. Opinions on the construction of the party member system organized by the first party branch of the Municipal Bureau Party Committee.