


随着年关尖子看出分子年底前捞一把的心态更加猖獗。近日,来在我是东城西城朝阳丰台等地连续发生多起袭警案件,严重影响人民群众的安全感案件发生后,社区党委高度重视傅政华局长要求以农民者的态度感情局开展打击两抢犯罪专项行动多责任动重拳出击,坚决遏制街头两抢犯罪确保人民群众生命财产安全。 按照傅政华局长要求是极迅速成立了打击两抢专案组由刑侦总队牵头会同时二总队朝阳分局等相关单位对近期发生在我市的两抢案件开展侦破工作专案组通过对案发现场进行大量调查回访调取案发现场和周边沿线的监控录像精确锁定了发育时间犯罪嫌疑人体貌特征驾驶车辆及逃跑方向经串并进一步确定发生在我市的多起,其抢案件因为同一团伙所为。 通过缜密侦查和艰苦工作专案组迅速锁定了嫌疑人12月2日凌晨专案组兵分3路采取抓捕行动在我是长安区将犯罪嫌疑人伪钞杨洋王博文音乐人庆4人抓获。经过突审委州等4名犯罪嫌疑人对结果实施抢夺时四起的犯罪事实充分不会并且此案正在进一步审理当中案件成功告破,充分体现了首都公安机关瑶瑶坚持以民意为导向。 把人民群众满意作为最高标准,在专案组破案报告上非常黄局长新人提示,向专案组全体同志表示祝贺,感谢大家的努力。政治部通报表彰并研究走意见。

Putting the safety of the masses first Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau successfully cracked a series of robbery cases related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Yang Huan, Criminal Investigation Corps, Mounting Gun Case, Twelfth Corps, Chaoyang Branch, Chaoyang Hospital As the year ends, the top picks see that the mentality of making money before the end of the year is even more rampant. Recently, there have been several police assault cases in Chaoyang, Fengtai and other places in Dongcheng, Xicheng, etc., which have seriously affected the people’s sense of security. The special action has multiple responsibilities and strikes hard, resolutely curbing the crime of double robbery on the street to ensure the safety of people’s lives and property. According to Director Fu Zhenghua’s request, a task force to crack down on the double robbery was established very quickly, led by the Criminal Investigation Corps, and at the same time, the Chaoyang Branch of the Second Corps and other relevant units carried out investigations on the two robberies that recently occurred in our city. The task force conducted a large number of investigations on the scene of the crime. The return visit retrieved the surveillance video at the scene of the crime and the surrounding area, accurately pinpointed the physical features of the suspect at the time of development, driving the vehicle and the direction of escape, and further determined that many robberies occurred in our city. The robbery cases were committed by the same gang. Through careful investigation and hard work, the task force quickly locked down the suspect. In the early morning of December 2, the task force was divided into three groups to take arrest operations and arrested four criminal suspects, Yang Yang, Wang Bowen, and Musician Qing in Chang’an District. After four criminal suspects, including the Sudden Trial Committee, presided over the robbery, the facts of the four crimes were fully understood and the case was under further trial. Taking the satisfaction of the people as the highest standard, Director Huang reminded the newcomer in the case-solving report of the task force, congratulated all comrades in the task force, and thanked everyone for their efforts. The Political Department notifies the award and discusses the opinions.