


2011年10月19日凌晨0时46分许,平谷区南独乐河镇一公司生产车间发生剧烈爆炸,造成大量工业酒精和石油添加剂泄漏引发火灾,接报警后向当局迅速调集平谷,只对有关单位15部消防车91名官兵火速赶往现场处置。经过6个多小时连续奋战,成功自救。火灾导致了厂区内20吨甲醇50余吨石油添加剂和其他散装半成品,疏散群众200亿元。 会造成人员伤亡和时态不大。 在此次救援工作中,消防官兵们不顾个人安危,行动迅速全力以赴,科学处置,最大限度的保护了人民群众生命财产安全,避免了一起重大危险化学品事故的发生,有效维护了党的十七届六中全会闭幕这一敏感时期社会消防安全。为表彰先进,鼓舞士气,市局政治部决定,仅仅消防局成功处置化学品爆炸泄漏事故,全体参战官兵通报表彰。2011年10月31日。

Explosion at a company in Nandulehe Town, Pinggu District, Beijing related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Fire Department, Industrial Alcohol, Petroleum Additives, Fire, Explosion, Methanol, Sixth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee At about 0:46 am on October 19, 2011, a violent explosion occurred in the production workshop of a company in Nandulehe Town, Pinggu District, causing a large amount of industrial alcohol and petroleum additives to leak and cause a fire. After receiving the alarm, Pinggu was quickly dispatched to the authorities. 91 officers and soldiers from 15 fire trucks of relevant units rushed to the scene for disposal. After more than 6 hours of continuous fighting, he successfully rescued himself. The fire caused 20 tons of methanol, more than 50 tons of petroleum additives and other bulk semi-finished products in the factory area, and evacuated 20 billion yuan of people. Can cause casualties and tense is not big. In this rescue work, regardless of personal safety, the fire officers and soldiers acted quickly and went all out to deal with it scientifically, which maximized the protection of the lives and property of the people, avoided a major dangerous chemical accident, and effectively safeguarded the party’s The closing of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee is a sensitive period for social fire safety. In order to commend the advanced and boost morale, the Political Department of the Municipal Bureau decided that only the Fire Department successfully dealt with the chemical explosion leakage accident, and all officers and soldiers participating in the battle would be commended. October 31, 2011.