


按照公安部统一部署,全国公积金七九行动将于12月15日提前结束,没有权利,最好。清冷行动收攻击等工作质量实现。市局党委提出的新奴隶60%的工作目标。10月15日,我局召开了亲友行动决战30天动员部署,这是电话费事情金融行动领导小组副组长市局副局长将能够出席了会议。会上通报了全区各单位净网行动的整体情况,关注了北京市公安局网上追逃专项督察清网行动。 决战阶段奖惩办法要求,各级领导在决战阶段要身先士卒靠前指挥,马市局党委精神和工作要求传达到每一位民警,严格落实各项责任,精心组织民警,全力以赴开展决战阶段工作,实现视觉长尾提出的新网例60%的工作目标,确保清网行动决战阶段取得胜利。最后,希望行动各参战单位立即行动,全力投入到青岛行动大决战当中。 我们长安分局的选举民调决心有信心。在市局党委的领导下,全身心投入到清网行动的决战一个工作中去,以实际行动完成市级党委交给的任务。虽然我们取得了阶段性的成员,大约距离我们记得里边还有一定差距,现在青岛娱乐已经进入了攻坚阶段,下一步,我们家进一步强化组织领导,强化服务保障,全力做好阴间阶段的各项工作。 保证排名60%的青年任务期望如果开通以来,怀峰党委高度重视,从领导一线作战,组织专案组摇规劝逃犯罪落实保障措施等4个方面,初始刀下,本例目前跑昏迷亲王率达到65%,下一步我们将继续努力抓实工作细节,加大追逃力度,力争连以前实现亲王率。 达到70%的规定目标。作为9个督察部门文件,按照市局党委的要求,充分发挥我们题目的作用,并得完成我们60%的刚性目标。目前,全区各单位已积极行动起来,以决战决胜态势,全力投入到清网行动最后30天冲刺当中。工作中,各参战单位顽强拼搏求实创新,将传统招牌方法和信息手段相结合。 加大对命案逃犯涉枪涉爆涉黑涉业等重点逃犯的抓捕力度。在前一阶段取得阶段性成果的基础上,为达到工作目标的单位全警投入全力以赴,以达到工作目标的单位,乘势而上快马加鞭,全局上下形成了亲王行动攻坚阶段的强大攻势,力争以良好的成绩圆满完成工作目标。

The whole police chased and fled and struggled to attack the overall network clearing operation entered the decisive stage related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Jinlu, Jiang Liangdong, Haidian Police Station, Lin Gang, Chaoyang Public Security Bureau, Deputy Director, Police Number 035810, Dongcheng Public Security Bureau, Ai Changgeng, Police Number 027986, Huairou Public Security Bureau, Criminal Investigation Detachment, Detachment Chief, Police Number 059505, Inspector General, Chief, Jia Chunming According to the unified deployment of the Ministry of Public Security, the National Provident Fund July 9th Action will end early on December 15th. It is best to have no rights. The quality of work such as cooling operations and attacks is realized. 60% of the new slaves’ work target proposed by the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau. On October 15th, our bureau held a 30-day mobilization deployment for relatives and friends. This is the deputy head of the Financial Action Leading Group for telephone bills, and the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau will be able to attend the meeting. At the meeting, the overall situation of the network cleaning operations of all units in the region was reported, and attention was paid to the Internet cleaning operations of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau’s special inspection on online pursuit of fugitives. The reward and punishment method for the decisive battle stage requires that leaders at all levels should take the lead in commanding in the decisive battle stage, and the spirit and work requirements of the Party Committee of the Horse City Bureau should be conveyed to every policeman, strictly implement various responsibilities, carefully organize the police, and go all out to carry out the work of the decisive battle stage , to achieve the 60% work target of the new network cases proposed by the visual long tail, and to ensure victory in the decisive stage of the network clearing operation. Finally, I hope that all participating units of the operation will act immediately and fully devote themselves to the decisive battle of the Qingdao operation. The election polls of our Chang’an branch are confident. Under the leadership of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the decisive battle of the net cleanup operation, and completed the tasks assigned by the Municipal Party Committee with practical actions. Although we have obtained staged members, there is still a certain distance from what we remember. Now Qingdao Entertainment has entered the critical stage. In the next step, our family will further strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen service guarantees, and do our best to do well in the underworld stage. Work. Guaranteed to rank 60% of the youth task expectations. Since it was opened, the Huaifeng Party Committee has attached great importance to it. From leading the frontline operations, organizing a special case team to persuade fleeing crimes and implementing safeguard measures, the initial knife attack, the current rate of comatose princes in this case has reached In the next step, we will continue to work hard to grasp the details of the work, increase the intensity of chasing and fleeing, and strive to achieve the prince rate even before. Achieved 70% of the stated target. As a document of 9 inspection departments, according to the requirements of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau, we will give full play to the role of our topic and complete 60% of our rigid goals. At present, all units in the region have taken active actions, and with a decisive battle to win the battle, they are fully committed to the last 30 days of the net clearing operation. In the work, each participating unit fought hard, was realistic and innovative, and combined traditional signboard methods with information means. Intensify the arrest of key fugitives involved in homicide cases involving guns, explosives, crimes, and other key fugitives. On the basis of the phased results achieved in the previous stage, the entire police force of the unit to achieve the work goal will go all out to achieve the work goal. Satisfactory completion of work objectives with good grades.