


为进一步落实消防安全责任减少消防安全隐患最好诠释。火灾防控工作11月3日至9日北京消防总队在全市开展了消防宣传周活动。今年11月9日是北京市第21,个119,消防日为全力推进全民清剿火患战役,全面展示打造消防铁军工作成果着力提升社会消防安全责任意识北京市公安消防总队于11月3日至11月9日在全市组织开展。 以全民消防生命至上为主题的119消防宣传周活动活动期间,全市组织社会单位学校和居民群众进行防火灭火和逃生自救演练开展家庭消防安全自查倾角身边火灾隐患活动在城镇街道公园广场等场所设置消防安全宣传服务站点扩大消防宣传的覆盖面和影响力11月9日全市119消防日主会场活动。 在清华大学举行在清华大学研究生宿舍楼举办消防应急疏散演练阻滞2000,名学生参加规模疏散演练并在现场设立英语逃生体验消防铁军技能表演家庭火灾扑救体验等互动体验项目积极营造由于关心安全全民参与消防的浓厚氛围。

Various forms of 119 Fire Protection Week activities were carried out in Beijing, and Tsinghua students practiced escape related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Beijing Fire Brigade, Li Zhuo, 119, Tsinghua University In order to further implement the responsibility for fire safety and reduce fire safety hazards, it is the best interpretation. Fire prevention and control work From November 3rd to 9th, the Beijing Fire Corps launched a fire prevention awareness week in the city. November 9th this year is the 21st and 119th day in Beijing. Firefighting Day is to fully promote the campaign of fighting fires for the whole people, comprehensively display the achievements of building a firefighting iron army, and strive to improve the social awareness of fire safety responsibility. On November 9, it will be organized and carried out in the whole city. During the 119 Fire Publicity Week with the theme of putting people’s lives first, the city organizes social units, schools, and residents to conduct fire prevention and firefighting and escape self-rescue drills, and conduct self-inspection of fire safety at home Fire hidden dangers activities are set up in towns, streets, parks, squares and other places The fire safety publicity service site expands the coverage and influence of fire protection publicity. On November 9th, the city’s 119 fire protection day will be held at the main venue. Held in Tsinghua University A fire emergency evacuation drill was held in the postgraduate dormitory building of Tsinghua University. 2,000 students participated in the large-scale evacuation drill and set up an English escape experience on the spot. Participate in the strong atmosphere of firefighting.