

北京市公安局,首都警务报道,预审,许捷,003218,高岩,陶晶,预审总队,川普总统,全球马尼茨基法,美国财政部,2016 Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act,GAO YAN 自7月25日市局部署开展示深挖破案会战专项行动以来,全局预审系统充分发挥第二战场打击犯罪的专业职能。通过强化安全审查,狠抓深挖破案。先后破获了一大批重大系列案件。截止8月3日,预审系统深挖破案1165起。战役开局良好,政治部对此作出通报表彰的决定。自会战开展以来,全局预审部门充分发挥继续侦查,打击犯罪专业职能作用。切实加强与刑侦,法治,监管等部门协调配合。严格落实收案分析和重点深挖案件报备制度。不断完善线索深挖转,转递,查证反馈的长效机制。打系列,挖团伙,追幕后,掏窝点。努力推动深挖破案由个案打击向系列打击,规模打击的有效转变。在嫌疑人拒不认供的情况下,细化讯问提纲,调整讯问策略。以嫌疑人叙述疑点作为突破,根据嫌疑人有前科的情况,将其作为重点人员开展攻坚。成功破获嫌疑人口供,相继在深挖破获重特大案件上取得重大突破。先后深挖破获了严慧龙等人系列抢劫案,孙智博等人系列盗窃案等一大批重大系列案件。有力促进和保证了第二战场深挖破案会战工作的深入发展。(预审总队总队长高岩,警号003218:)全局预审系统我们有这个决心,在市局党委的正确领导下,发扬我们预审民警连续作战,不怕疲劳的这种工作精神。在把每一个犯罪嫌疑人,案件,审查清楚基础上,我们要求做到人不漏罪,案不露人。争取能够使我们第二战场打击职能,进一步的发挥,取得更好的打击成果。截止至于8月12日,会战期间全局预审已经深挖破获本市各类案件1403起。其中破获重特大案件五百六十一起。为维护首都社会治安大局稳定,作出了应有贡献。通报表彰,在全局深挖破案会战当中,各单位参战民警在深挖破获恶性案件上取得新突破。针对多发性侵财案件,坚持破系列,打团伙,打精品。并将四减四则作为工作切入点,用破案的实际战果惠及民生,进一步构建和谐警民关系。为此,市局政治部决定,对预审系统深打破案会战参战民警予以通报表彰。二零一一年八月十六日。 视频中的这个高岩,正是被川普总统和美国财政部根据全球马格尼茨基法制裁的人权迫害者。替陶晶背了一部分的黑锅。 预审系统深挖破案战役开局良好

Gao Yan, Director of Beijing Chaoyang Public Security Bureau, who persecuted Cao Shunli and was sanctioned by the U.S. Magnitsky Act related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Pre-trial, Xu Jie, 003218, Gao Yan, Tao Jing, Pre-trial Corps, President Trump, Global Magnitsky Act, U.S. Department of the Treasury, 2016 Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, GAO YAN Since July 25 when the Municipal Bureau deployed a special campaign to dig deep and solve crimes, the global pre-examination system has given full play to its professional functions in combating crime in the second battlefield. By strengthening the safety review, we will pay close attention to digging deep to solve the case. Has cracked a large number of major series of cases. As of August 3, the pre-trial system has dug deep into 1,165 cases. The campaign got off to a good start, and the Political Department made a decision to announce the award. Since the start of the battle, the global pre-trial department has given full play to its professional functions of continuing investigation and combating crimes. Effectively strengthen coordination and cooperation with criminal investigation, rule of law, supervision and other departments. Strictly implement the reporting system for case acceptance analysis and key digging cases. Continuously improve the long-term mechanism of deep digging, forwarding, verification and feedback of clues. Playing series, digging out gangs, chasing behind the scenes, digging out dens. Efforts should be made to promote the effective transformation of deep-digging and solving cases from single-case strikes to serial strikes and large-scale strikes. When the suspect refuses to confess, refine the interrogation outline and adjust the interrogation strategy. Take the suspect’s narration of doubts as a breakthrough, and according to the suspect’s criminal record, he will be used as a key person to carry out the attack. Successfully uncovered the suspect’s confession, and successively made major breakthroughs in digging and cracking major and extraordinarily serious cases. It has successively dug deep and cracked a large number of major series of cases such as the series of robberies by Yan Huilong and others, and the series of thefts by Sun Zhibo and others. It has effectively promoted and guaranteed the in-depth development of the second battlefield to dig deep and solve crimes. (Gao Yan, captain of the pre-trial team, police number 003218:) We have this determination in the global pre-trial system. Under the correct leadership of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau, we will carry forward the work spirit of our pre-trial police who are not afraid of fatigue in continuous combat. On the basis of thoroughly reviewing every criminal suspect and case, we require that the crimes are not leaked and the case is not exposed. Strive to enable our second battlefield strike function to be further exerted and achieve better strike results. As of August 12, the overall pre-examination during the battle has uncovered 1,403 cases of various types in this city. Among them, 561 major cases were cracked. He has made due contributions to maintaining the overall social security and stability of the capital. The circular commended that in the overall battle of deep digging and solving crimes, the policemen from various units had made new breakthroughs in digging deep and cracking vicious cases. For the frequent cases of property infringement, insist on breaking the series, cracking down on gangs and cracking down on high-quality goods. And take the four minus four cases as the starting point of work, benefit the people’s livelihood with the actual results of solving the case, and further build a harmonious relationship between the police and the people. For this reason, the Political Department of the Municipal Bureau decided to reward the policemen who participated in the pre-trial system’s deep-breaking battle. August 16, 2011. The Gao Yan in the video is the human rights persecutor sanctioned by President Trump and the U.S. Department of the Treasury under the Global Magnitsky Act. He took part of the blame for Tao Jing. The pre-examination system’s deep digging campaign to solve the crime started well