




众议院金融服务委员会星期二上午通过的三项涉台议案分别是《2023年台湾冲突阻遏法》(H.R. 554 Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act of 2023)(400)、《2023年不歧视台湾法》(H.R. 540 Taiwan Non-Discrimination Act of 2023)(380)以及《保护台湾法》(H.R. 803 PROTECT Taiwan Act)(370)

众院外交事务委员会下午以包裹方式无异议口头表决通过的是《台湾保证落实法》(H.R. 1159 Taiwan Assurance Implementation Act)


提出《台湾冲突阻遏法》的阿肯色州共和党联邦众议员法兰西·希尔(French Hill)说,他的法案旨在让中国共产党知道,让台湾频临危险不仅会使他们的财务被公诸于中国公众之前、影响他们对中国的掌控,还会让中国领导层和他们的家人面临严厉的金融制裁。










20222月,美国国会共和党联邦众议员薇姬·哈茨勒(Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R-MO)提出新法案,禁止中国共产党官员及其家人进入美国高等教育系统深造。哈特兹勒还披露,习明泽在哈佛大学完成本科学业后,仍继续就读美国研究所。哈特兹勒指出,20202021学年期间有大约317千名来自中国的留学生在美国就读,其中也包括习近平女儿习明泽。“中共总书记习近平女儿习明泽2014年在哈佛大学完成本科学位,于2019年重新报名研究所学习,”哈茨勒的声明写道。






The United States will announce the assets of senior Chinese officials, Americans finally learn how to play with the CCP




The Financial Services Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives voted on Tuesday (February 28) to pass a total of four legislative bills supporting Taiwan.

The three Taiwan-related bills passed by the Financial Services Committee of the House of Representatives on Tuesday morning are “Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act of 2023” (H.R. 540 Taiwan Non-Discrimination Act of 2023) (38 to 0) and H.R. 803 PROTECT Taiwan Act (37 to 0).

In the afternoon, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives passed the “Taiwan Assurance Implementation Act” (H.R. 1159 Taiwan Assurance Implementation Act) in a package without objection.

These four bills will then be sent to the House of Representatives for consideration and voting.

Rep. French Hill, an Arkansas Republican who sponsored the Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act, said his bill was designed to let the Chinese Communist Party know that putting Taiwan at risk would not only expose their finances to China It will affect the public, affect their control of China, and expose the Chinese leadership and their families to severe financial sanctions.

The “Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act of 2023” stipulates that after the President of the United States notifies Congress of China’s actions that threaten the interests of the United States in accordance with Article III of the “Taiwan Relations Act”, Congress will direct the Secretary of the Treasury to submit a report identifying the Chinese government. Financial institutions that provide services to senior officials, the report will be translated into Chinese and made public; the Secretary of the Treasury will be authorized to prohibit these financial institutions from providing services to Chinese officials and their families listed in the report.

The “Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act of 2023” is translated into one sentence:

If China invades Taiwan, the United States will announce the assets of senior CCP officials.

It can be said that the United States has finally learned how to play with the CCP.

In fact, the strategy of the United States, especially the strategy of the Democratic Party, is not to punish the CCP to death.

The Republican Party has already launched a murderous plan to punish the CCP to death.

Of course, the premise is still very selfish. The premise is that China invades Taiwan, and the United States will punish the CCP to death.

The subtext here is that the United States has mastered the property of senior Chinese officials in the United States, but it has not announced it yet.

Xi Mingze and Peng Liyuan have huge assets in the United States.

In February 2022, Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R-MO, a Republican in the U.S. Congress, proposed a new bill to prohibit Chinese Communist Party officials and their families from entering the U.S. higher education system. Hartzler also disclosed that after Xi Mingze completed his undergraduate studies at Harvard University, he continued to study at the Institute of American Studies. Hartzler pointed out that during the 2020-2021 school year, there are about 317,000 international students from China studying in the United States, including Xi Jinping’s daughter Xi Mingze. “Xi Mingze, the daughter of Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping, completed her undergraduate degree at Harvard University in 2014 and re-enrolled in graduate school in 2019,” Hartzler’s statement read.

In fact, Xi Mingze came to the United States to give birth in the name of graduate school.

come to America to have a baby

So whether Xi Mingze came to the United States to study in graduate school or to have children, where did the money come from?

Both Xi Mingze and Peng Liyuan have huge assets in the United States.