


针对辖区内城乡结合部外的小扒手流窜犯罪,突出餐馆大排档酒后寻衅滋事等案件频发,以及发廊足疗场所存在涉黄问题,白纸坊派出所多措并举部署便衣警力在商场周边蹲守,设立安全巡视员和信息员队伍,加大餐饮点周边的巡控力度,还组建了以政府牵头派出所曾志东商城管等部门共同参与的清理整治执法队,专门查处涉黄发廊。 主要场所期间抓获并刑事拘留扒窃犯罪嫌疑人3名,抓获酒后寻衅滋事人员3名,清理足疗场所37家,关停无照发廊5家,抓获并拘留卖淫嫖娼人员两名。

Xicheng Baizhifang Police Station conducts comprehensive rectification of independent police affairs

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Aiming at the frequent crimes of petty pickpockets outside the urban-rural fringe area of the jurisdiction, highlighting the frequent occurrence of drunken disturbances in restaurants and food stalls, and the pornographic problems in hair salons and pedicures, the Baizhifang Police Station took various measures to deploy plainclothes police officers to guard around the shopping mall. A team of security inspectors and information officers was set up to increase patrols around the dining spots. A clean-up and rectification law enforcement team led by the government and participated by the police station Zeng Zhidong Mall Management and other departments was also formed to investigate and deal with pornography-related hair salons. During the period of the main venue, 3 pickpocketing suspects were arrested and criminally detained, 3 people who provoked trouble after drinking were arrested, 37 pedicure places were cleaned up, 5 unlicensed hair salons were shut down, and 2 prostitutes and prostitutes were arrested and detained.